Problem with youtube embed in UIWebView - iphone

I inserted a youtube embed code (the iframe code) in a UIWebView on iPhone and since i upgraded to iOS 4.3.4 it will not play those videos anymore.
It shows fine in the uiwebview but when tapping the play button it goes blank.
Has anyone had a similar problem?
(I could use the old youtube embed code but it really stirs my display when it is returning)
best regards,
Edit (July 30th 2011): It is working again! Really great. Thanks to the guys at YouTube

Check out this link, it looks like its a youtube issue and not us! Engineers are working on it.

I can confirm this issue exists in iOS 4.3.5 as well (tested on an iPhone 4 and iPad 2). We've found that YouTube's embed method no longer works in a UIWebView. The video will usually play but you will only hear the audio.
Falling back to YouTube's old Flash embed code will solve the problem, however it is indeed slower this way. But at least it works.
In the app I'm working on, we retrieve JSON encoded data from a web server. We've simply made it so this data includes the YouTube embed code, which we can change back to the iframe at any time. That way we don't have to keep updating our app every time Apple breaks some functionality, instead we just update our JSON script which only takes a second. Hopefully you can implement some workaround similar to this, or perhaps just go with the old embed code for now until Apple or YouTube addresses the bug.


Can we get page style without using UIpageviewcontoller?

I am creating an app that have to work on iPhone3G which supports ios4..I need a bundle of images that have to be view as page style.But i came to know that ios4 doesn't support UIPageViewController..Is there a way to get that programmatically?..
If u share any tutorial or link regarding this it will be greatful...
You cant do the same animation but you could use something similar check this project it has its own demo
Please note that i had done a project similar to yours, what i did is to present different readers for ios4 and iOS5 in iOS4 i used the link i gave you, in iOS 5 i used UIPageViewController

Iphone storyboard application with game in webview

I made a HTML5 game for web browsers. Some of the players asked me if I could make it available as an App. Now I have a developer key, but just a VERY basic knowledge of Xcode / objective-c and I dont actually own an Apple computer. (But I can run Leopard/Xcode in VMWare).
Is it very bad practice to make a storyboard application that basically consists out of a splashscreen and a webview that loads my html game page with some added js/css to match the resolution?
Will Apple allow a game developed like this? It seems way easier to update etc...
Can I remove the bottom status bar from a webview using the meta tag? Or does that just work in safari, and will localstorage work?
Are there other, better, faster ways to port html5 to an app?
Sorry for the huge amount of questions, but I couldnt find satisfactory answers to all my questions, and I guess more people will have the same...
Let me try to help you:
No, its not a "bad practice", but maybe for your app it's simple to do just a normal Single View Application. It doesn't mean that it's going to be wrong doing a storyboard, it;s just simpler.
Your App is only going to open a WebView with an URL, so, if you dont do anything weird, it's not going to be rejected.
If you are talking to the status bar, yes, it's possible to remove it easily.
I think that's the best way, just open a view with a webview on it. Another way is making your app call Safari with that URL, that's up to you (your app will go to the background and Safari will be called)
And an extra one: Its totally ok doing it with VMWare, I develop like that sometimes with my PC ;)

best-practice to display flash on Iphone / Ipad?

I have a website that uses flash. I would like to convert the website so that iphone / ipad users can see my website. I understand that Iphone / Ipad can't render flash. What would be the best-practice to convert flash website to iphone / ipad compatible?
I am thinking HTML 5.
[tongue in cheek]
It's not that it "can't" render Flash, it's that it's not allowed to.
[/tongue in cheek]
For Flash Video, html5 has <video> tags. Bear in mind, though, that not all browsers support video tags.
For basic animation, javascript has come a long way.
I'm starting to think that html5 is the new buzzword. The old one was "Web 2.0"
There's a brief example of someone porting a piece of Flash code into canvas/html5, here:
I think the lesson is that it's possible, but there's not (yet) an automated method.
If you were starting from scratch, you could look at haxe which I understand can be used to create either Actionscript or Javascript code:
Hope this helps a bit.

Button Application- iPhone Application

I am a meganoob in iPhone Application programming.
All I want to do is make an application with a single button. When you press the button, it plays an audio file.
The button is just two images, one for the normal state and one for the pressed state.
I have no clue how to get from point A to point B, it seems so straightforward in web design, why can't it be like that for this too?
Anyone out there willing to drop some hints?
iPhone development is nothing like web design. Nearly all programming is not like web design, for that matter.
Start with a good introduction to iPhone development.
To answer this specific question, once you have learned the basics of iPhone development, you might look at the Audio Session portion of the SDK. You'll know how to hook up actions to buttons at this point, such as a play action for an audio file.
Then do this as a web app. Seriously. Originally, that was Apple's solution to writing all apps for the iPhone. They gave it an HTML 5 browser and wanted people to design custom web pages. So if you can do this on the web (BTW: I could not but could do this in Objective-C in little time), do it that way.
You can create a link to your web page on the homescreen so it looks like an app.
start from hello world for iPhone dude

How can I find tutorials for building an application that gets updates from an online website?

I want to build an application that gets updates from online websites like Twitter or Facebook. Currently, I haven't even got a clue on how to do this.
Also, in certain applications, like Doodle Jump, I have seen updates that pop up. Some other applications have a news section that gets updated often. How is it done? Any tutorial or working code will be very helpful.
There is a good tutorial I used to do this with ASP.NET.
I'm going to guess that you are interested in building an iPhone app. I don't know if you have any experience working with objective-c or the iPhone SDK, but here is a nice tutorial that touches on some of the concepts you will need.