Iphone storyboard application with game in webview - iphone

I made a HTML5 game for web browsers. Some of the players asked me if I could make it available as an App. Now I have a developer key, but just a VERY basic knowledge of Xcode / objective-c and I dont actually own an Apple computer. (But I can run Leopard/Xcode in VMWare).
Is it very bad practice to make a storyboard application that basically consists out of a splashscreen and a webview that loads my html game page with some added js/css to match the resolution?
Will Apple allow a game developed like this? It seems way easier to update etc...
Can I remove the bottom status bar from a webview using the meta tag? Or does that just work in safari, and will localstorage work?
Are there other, better, faster ways to port html5 to an app?
Sorry for the huge amount of questions, but I couldnt find satisfactory answers to all my questions, and I guess more people will have the same...

Let me try to help you:
No, its not a "bad practice", but maybe for your app it's simple to do just a normal Single View Application. It doesn't mean that it's going to be wrong doing a storyboard, it;s just simpler.
Your App is only going to open a WebView with an URL, so, if you dont do anything weird, it's not going to be rejected.
If you are talking to the status bar, yes, it's possible to remove it easily.
I think that's the best way, just open a view with a webview on it. Another way is making your app call Safari with that URL, that's up to you (your app will go to the background and Safari will be called)
And an extra one: Its totally ok doing it with VMWare, I develop like that sometimes with my PC ;)


How do I develop my website to work with the "reader" icon on iPhone?

This morning I had a look at my blog on my iPhone and noticed that when I view a specific page a Reader icon comes up next to the URL in the address bar:
When I press it, I get an interface like this:
This functionality was completely unintentional (I wasn't even previously aware of it) but I think really nice, so I want to try and implement it intentionally on a few other pages on my website (and other sites that I work on).
How do I work with and enable this feature?
You don't need any work on your site. This is build-in feature on iOS Safari.

How to port existing iPhone application to iPad

I have an iPhone application, now i want to convert that application to a universal application which runs on all the devices iPhone/iPod/iPad.
So, where to start, what things i need to do?
Any help, link, sample app, anything, will be highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance :)
I've done that recently, it's actually much simpler than it would seem. I recommend you read the iPad programming guide from Apple, it's about 100 pages in PDF (and you don't need to read all of it). Basically, you need to:
run a command in Xcode that automatically converts your project to Universal
add support for orientation changes, if you haven't done that earlier (it's required on iPad)
go through the app, see what's broken and fix it (e.g. it's likely that you'll see some places where you need to fix autoresize settings for controls)
That's of course if you don't want to redesign the UI for iPad, which you'll probably want to do in the end (e.g. use split views, popup dialogs and various modals, and do less full screen view transitions). The UI that you'll get by going through this steps won't feel 100% iPad-y, but it will work, and will look much better than an iPhone-only app zoomed in, so it's a good start.

Button Application- iPhone Application

I am a meganoob in iPhone Application programming.
All I want to do is make an application with a single button. When you press the button, it plays an audio file.
The button is just two images, one for the normal state and one for the pressed state.
I have no clue how to get from point A to point B, it seems so straightforward in web design, why can't it be like that for this too?
Anyone out there willing to drop some hints?
iPhone development is nothing like web design. Nearly all programming is not like web design, for that matter.
Start with a good introduction to iPhone development.
To answer this specific question, once you have learned the basics of iPhone development, you might look at the Audio Session portion of the SDK. You'll know how to hook up actions to buttons at this point, such as a play action for an audio file.
Then do this as a web app. Seriously. Originally, that was Apple's solution to writing all apps for the iPhone. They gave it an HTML 5 browser and wanted people to design custom web pages. So if you can do this on the web (BTW: I could not but could do this in Objective-C in little time), do it that way.
You can create a link to your web page on the homescreen so it looks like an app.
start from hello world for iPhone dude

Wrapping a web app up as an iPhone app?

The question says it all-how hard is it? Is it allowed? Any other comments?
It's easy -- just use a UIWebView. I don't know of any rules against it. I have one out there that got approved.
Although apps that are just a webview may get through to the store, you can make your app feel like an iphone app by just doing a very minimal amount of work. I think the best bet is to at least have a tab controller with the webview in one tab and an "About" page in another. Or possibly tab views that point to the various sections of the webpage. I think you and your users will be more pleased with the result if you do just a little UIKit stuff.

Embedding an offline Dashcode application in a UIWebView in an iPhone application

In order words, can anyone tell me the basics of how to create a "hybrid" iPhone application? I want to load the web content (the Dashcode app itself) from the native application's application bundle.
I've gotten this to partially work, but some content won't display and it otherwise seems like Dashcode is assuming a certain Safari environment or something that I don't seem to have in my UIWebView.
Can anyone provide a link to some sample code that embeds a Dashcode project into a cocoa touch Xcode project?
(I did search around Google for a bit trying to find something and I failed to come up with anything worthwhile, except for some books that I might eventually buy if the approach seems worthwhile.)
After a while I answered my own question here. It looks like http://quickconnect.sourceforge.net/browser/index.html will show me want I want to know even if I don't actually use the framework.