Can we get page style without using UIpageviewcontoller? - iphone

I am creating an app that have to work on iPhone3G which supports ios4..I need a bundle of images that have to be view as page style.But i came to know that ios4 doesn't support UIPageViewController..Is there a way to get that programmatically?..
If u share any tutorial or link regarding this it will be greatful...

You cant do the same animation but you could use something similar check this project it has its own demo
Please note that i had done a project similar to yours, what i did is to present different readers for ios4 and iOS5 in iOS4 i used the link i gave you, in iOS 5 i used UIPageViewController


How to integrate Like feature in iPhone SDK 3.1 with Facebook sharing app

I am new to iPhone development. I’ve added Facebook sharing functionality and I also want to add the Like feature from Facebook. I’ve followed one of the examples; it works if Facebook sharing functionality hasn’t been implemented, because some files create contradiction (specifically FBRequest.h). But I want to add both sets of functionality at the same time. Any suggestions?
If you are new then its not a issue. Everybody have same brain. So its not a big issue. Check
this link:
First of all understand it then implement it. I know you will surely implement this in Your
App. Best of luck.

Library for CoverFlow iPhone

I am googling from last two hour. and found many links for CoverFlow. but mostly are not working with iOS 5. and give errors. With many codes I change my compiler settings but it's not work for me.
please provide me tutorial link for Coverflow compatable with iOS 5 or any open source code.
There is a cover flow implementation in tapkulibrary, and another one (with many variants) in iCarousel, which also has many example projects.
Try this project. It will help you to achieve your motive. I implemented it in iOS 5 by not using ARC also by choosing my latest compiler and SDK
Are you using ARC? If so, turn it off and most, if not all of the libraries will compile fine with iOS5.

How do I properly implement Urban Airship in Xcode 4.2 for iOS 5?

I am new to iOS Development and am now venturing into adding different features into my Apps and now would like to be able to implement Push Notifications into iOS5 apps with Xcode 4.2.
I have tried my hardest to understand the iPhone Developer instructions regarding Push Notifications, but found that the easiest method (according to many sources around the internet) would be to use Urban Airship!
I have gone over this for quite a number of days now and tried and tried my hardest to be able to complete the steps required in the Set Up A New Application part of the document.
It states:
The core library requires your application to link against the following Frameworks (sample UIs have additional linking requirements):
etc, etc, etc
The link just above is a YouTube video of what steps I took to follow these instructions and it's really starting to get to me. I would like someone to be able to provide me with some assistance and explain what I am doing wrong, and how to better understand the way you link against the following Frameworks because I have tried my hardest, and never managed to understand it.
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated from anyone.
You are trying to #import a static library in your code. The .a file is a library, not an include file. You just need to add them to your project and then include the .h file in your project.
Search Google for adding static library to xcode, or similar. For example, A quick Google search found this

How do I add a simple test iAd to a new view-based application?

I have searched youtube and google and tried to figure out how to simply put a test iAd in an app. I added the iAd framework, imported it, and added code under the view did load method to try to make an iAd. I have tried different tutorials and followed instructions with still no success. Is there an expert who knows how to accomplish this?
Try this tutorial

Three20 TTLauncherView Tutorial?

I'm attempting to use TTLauncherView from the Facebook Three20 project in my app, but I'm not having much luck (I'm a bit of a newbie at this). Does anyone have any good tutorials at using it that I could read?
FYI basically I need to pull images that a user chooses from the iPhone camera album, and display them as icons that when pressed lead to another view.
you can start studying TTCatalog sample project that comes with three20 library.
Right now I'm working with a improved version of the three20 made by Rodrigo Mazzilli, you can find it here (
rodmaz's version is a fork from the original project and it comes with some improvements, specially in TTLauncherView. It has a new class called TTLauncherViewController which is easier to use, take a look at his demo project TTCatalog.
http:// is a good collaborative site with some tutorials, but it doesn't have much information about TTLauncherView at this moment.
Finally, you should join three20's google group at http:// where you find hundreds of developers using this library.