License to use Google Maps app that comes with iOS - iphone

In my application I have "get directions" from the user's current location. When a user taps the location he wants to go to. I do
[[UIApplcation sharedApplication]openURL:googleMapsURL];
Do I need some sort of signing identity, license from Google to send the user to the native Google Maps app when the user wants directions if I want to send the App in to the Appstore?

No need of any Licence from Google or any Signing identity to get approved from AppStore. You can show direction in Native Google Maps app. by opening the following URL string:


is there a way to check if user is currently "signed in with apple" in flutter app?

I have a flutter app with 2 authentication methods:
Based on device id (associated with account during account creation)
Sign in with apple
I need to know whether user is currently signed in with apple on each app launch.
Why I need that:
When device id is not found in my back end, I send user to registration page, where user has 2 options to register:
regular registration
sign in with apple
The problem is that device id can be changed on ios upgrade, app reinstall etc. Therefore if user signed in with apple first time, but then his device id has changed, I want to remove sign in with apple button. Because for that particular case user is supposed to go through regular sign in method where he needs to enter phone number he entered during the registration and if he confirms SMS code, then account is linked to new device id and access is restored. I don't want them to click sign in with apple again, because during regular sign ins I only get tokens from apple and can't get apple id email anymore.
Hopefully that makes sense.
Thank you

Restrict google assistant action from being used on iphone

I've deployed a Google Assistant action using Node.js and DialogFlow, which tells the user his current location using Google maps API but it doesn't seem to work on iPhone as iPhone doesn't provide GPS location to the action. Can I make it work on iPhone or restrict it from being used on iPhone.Here is the link to the action directory page-Find my Location
There's no specific way to restrict access to a specific type of phone. Although you can check the surface capabilities, you cannot disambiguate between Android and iPhones.
Does the Google Assistant app on the iPhone have any location access? If you ask 'Where am I?' will it give the answer?
What are you getting after you make the location permission request? Do you get a permission denied response, or an undefined location?

How can I have Google App Invites recognize the device and send you to the appropriate store? App Store vs Google Play?

I plan on implementing Google App Invites on our iOS and Android app. What I have not been able to figure out yet is will an iOS user be able to invite an Android user and vice versa - and is there a way to have the invite recognize which device the recipient is using and send to the correct store?
You can send invites cross platform between Android and iOS, even have a mixture among recipients in a single invite.
For app invites to find the correct cross platform app to install the mapping must be defined in the developers console ( by putting them in the same project.
When sending an invite from an Android app the link that is generated and sent in the invite is a link to the play store. So currently, I'm guessing Android users can only invite Android users.
The link generated from an iOS app is to a webpage, so theoretically it's possible to identify the OS via user agent and send to the correct store. Currently that does not happen though, the page redirects to iTunes when opened on Android as well.
So, it seems that currently you can only send an invite to the store corresponding to your OS, i.e. Android users can only send an invite to the play store and iOS users to the app store.

How can we use GEOLOQI for iphone sdk?

The following URL
Name,Description,image,Redirect URI etc.
P12 Certificate,P12 Password ,APNS Mode.
Can anyone explain why should we give Name,Description,image etc?
What p12 certificate,-12 Password,APNS Mode I have to give?
The name, description and image are used internally so we know what apps are using the API. They will also be used to potentially feature apps on a "gallery" page of apps using our API.
The redirect URI is only needed if you are making an app that will be used by users of our Geoloqi app, where the users will need to use OAuth to authorize your application to their account.
The P12 certificate and password are needed if you are making an iPhone app and wish to use Geoloqi to send push notifications through your app.

How to change appstore application icon

Hi can any one suggest me it is possible or not and if possible then how?
The premise is that the user pays for the app via a website and they gets an access code to send to her guests via the website. The user downloads the free app from the iPhone store and enters the code. We're trying to figure out if we can enable each user to customize the app icon so it can appear with a different image or text on the user phone.
You can't. The application's icon (and the application's property list file) is in the application bundle, which cannot be modified.
This would also violate the iOS SDK Terms of Use and the iTunes Store Terms of Service; you cannot have a third-party receive payment to access a free iOS application.
You can customize the iOS icon of a web app clipping, and put the web site to be clipped behind your private paywall. Apple has been reported in the past to accept App store apps that generate URLs to customized clippable web apps. No idea if they currently or will continue to do so.
Icons on App store iOS apps for stock OS devices can only be changed by Apple approving an update.
Evan is right... This goes against so many terms of the iOS SDK.
One thing you could do (but I can't guarantee it will be accepted by Apple) is create a registration system on your website. Then have a login on the App as soon as it loads and check that the user has a valid account which has paid the subscription. You would have to handle all of your payment stuff on the webside though, meaning the app would be useless unless the user has already sorted that out. If you do this, on submission of your app make sure you provide Apple with a demo account username and password!
As for the icon, you can't change it once the App is submitted. It is bundled in with your app binary and there is also a logo included in iTunes connect. You can change them, but only by submitting a new binary.