Restrict google assistant action from being used on iphone - actions-on-google

I've deployed a Google Assistant action using Node.js and DialogFlow, which tells the user his current location using Google maps API but it doesn't seem to work on iPhone as iPhone doesn't provide GPS location to the action. Can I make it work on iPhone or restrict it from being used on iPhone.Here is the link to the action directory page-Find my Location

There's no specific way to restrict access to a specific type of phone. Although you can check the surface capabilities, you cannot disambiguate between Android and iPhones.
Does the Google Assistant app on the iPhone have any location access? If you ask 'Where am I?' will it give the answer?
What are you getting after you make the location permission request? Do you get a permission denied response, or an undefined location?


Asking AppTrackingTransparency permission for using google analytics , is mandatory?

I am using Google Analytics SDK in my application.
It uses the demographic area, age and other user informations.
So, Am I need to ask permission for AppTracking manually or it was handled in google analytics SDK?
Without AppTracking Permission,Will my future updates get approved by iTunes connect?
YES, I need to ask permission for App Tracking Transparency manually. It will not handled by Google Analytics SDK.
Since I am using Google Analytics for campaning tracking, GASDK gets the device IDFA, So the app must need Tracking Permission.
Note: If you or your third party framework uses IDFA, It is mandatory to implement app tracking transparency framework. Otherwise Apple will simply reject us.!

Voice Biometric in google assistance

For one of project, to protect user PHI information we want to implement voice biometric solution in Google assistance app. Need your guidance in below:
Can we add voice biometric for the invocation phrase. I know, that google does voice match, but we want to implement voice biometric authentication, so that only authorized user can access specific skills. How we can do it, or access audio stream during invocation and control.
How we can get audio stream once the assistant app has been invoked. We want to add passive voice biometric in our Google Assistant app.
Please let me know if any details available. Thank you.
Note: Above information required for channel Google Home or Google Assistant device.
For privacy and security reasons, at no point can you get access to the the voice stream or a recording of the users voice when using Actions on Google or through Google Home device.
If you were building your own device and using the Assistant SDK, you have access to the stream (since you have access to the hardware directly).
I'm not sure what you mean by "voice biometric" vs "voice match", but voice matching provides access to account linking so you can enforce access from only specific users.

How to check whether the user has google maps installed in IOS6?

I tried searching hard, but to no avail.
In my app, that runs on an IOS6 device also, i have a MAP module that needs a Google map.
Now in IOS6 there can be devices which have iOS6 maps and not Google Maps.
So my Program has to check whether the device has google maps, application .
If not, it will link the user to the appStore to download the GoogleMaps app.
Please guide.. someone.. :(
"You can use the comgooglemaps URL scheme to launch the Google Maps app for iPhone and perform searches, direction requests, and display map views. When you launch Google Maps your bundle identifier is automatically sent as part of the request."
"Before you present one of these URLs to a user in your app you should first verify that the application is installed. Your app can check that the URL scheme is available with the following code:
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] canOpenURL:
[NSURL URLWithString:#"comgooglemaps://"]];

License to use Google Maps app that comes with iOS

In my application I have "get directions" from the user's current location. When a user taps the location he wants to go to. I do
[[UIApplcation sharedApplication]openURL:googleMapsURL];
Do I need some sort of signing identity, license from Google to send the user to the native Google Maps app when the user wants directions if I want to send the App in to the Appstore?
No need of any Licence from Google or any Signing identity to get approved from AppStore. You can show direction in Native Google Maps app. by opening the following URL string:

can a webpage on a mobile browser ask/get users location from the phone?

Is there any way that a webpage can make a request for the users location from the android / iphone device ?
Since all I need is the users location, I am trying to figure out if there is anyway I can bypass developing a native app and use some nifty html5 call to just get the users location so all a user would need to do is visit my webpage and provide permission to access his/her location?
Yes. Webkit browsers on Android and Iphone support geolocation. The Google maps api has some great info on it.
Have a look at the Google Maps API (, particularly the sensor parameter...may give you want you need.