How can I have Google App Invites recognize the device and send you to the appropriate store? App Store vs Google Play? - google-app-invites

I plan on implementing Google App Invites on our iOS and Android app. What I have not been able to figure out yet is will an iOS user be able to invite an Android user and vice versa - and is there a way to have the invite recognize which device the recipient is using and send to the correct store?

You can send invites cross platform between Android and iOS, even have a mixture among recipients in a single invite.
For app invites to find the correct cross platform app to install the mapping must be defined in the developers console ( by putting them in the same project.

When sending an invite from an Android app the link that is generated and sent in the invite is a link to the play store. So currently, I'm guessing Android users can only invite Android users.
The link generated from an iOS app is to a webpage, so theoretically it's possible to identify the OS via user agent and send to the correct store. Currently that does not happen though, the page redirects to iTunes when opened on Android as well.
So, it seems that currently you can only send an invite to the store corresponding to your OS, i.e. Android users can only send an invite to the play store and iOS users to the app store.


Facebook Unity SDK AppRequest not showing notification [Android]

I am making game with Unity v5.2.1 + Facebook Unity SDK v7.2.0 for android. My game have feature to invite friends. This feature implemented by calling FB.AppRequest() function.
It works quite well, but the problem is my friend not receiving an android notification. The only way to know that the invitation is sent, is by opening facebook android app and click the world icon (notification page) on facebook.
How can i show an android notification when invitation is sent to friend?
Facebook does not do that for you automatically. You need to implement this system yourself.
Here is how I would do it:
A sends AppRequest to B in you app
In the callback, you know the target ids from the "to" list, report that to your server if you have one (and it is required for this system to work)
Server sends a push notification to the target device that is associated to the target facebook user id

How to link android app in facebook api

So I have an app that is live on the app store and google play. I have no programming skills so the programmer I hired did all the work. Recently we ran into a road block because we don't know how to direct the users to the google play store when they click on the notification link on an android phone.
Here is a screen shot:
When the users are on an iphone device. Tt directs them to the app store. We're just trying to figure out how to do the same for android users.

How to Limit Used devices in Salesforce Connected iPhone App

Can I set up my salesforce connected app so that it will only allow one user to sign into the phone, like the salesforce mobile app. I want to prevent our users from buying one license and sharing that license among ten mobile app users.

Watching user activities in iphone SDK outside sandbox?

1) Is it possible to watch user's all activities of iPhone through iPhone SDK Programming As Symantec has developed norton online family inwhich user's iphone safari activities are savedin hidden way?
2) Is it possible to handle outside of sandbox environment which has been created using the application we install?
If you're asking if it is possible to actively monitor what websites a user is visiting using the safari browser and have that information to use in you're own app, it's not.
You can't access the data of another application.

Non-android, non-ios, non-web apps

We plan to manufacture a device that we want it to communicate with Facebook. If the user presses a button on the device, we want something to appear on users wall as a post. It means that the device will post on behalf of the user on Facebook.
As we see from the Facebook developer page, the types of applications are a Facebook app, a web app or a mobile app. The thing we have just explained does not belong to any of these categories. For instance, it is not a web app because the device does only support http connection but does not have a built-in web browser. It is not an Andorid or iOs app because the operating system in this device is none of these.
What would you suggest for this kind of application?
Thanks in advance.
Definitely look into
Your other decent option would be to run an HTTP server on your device that users could connect to from a computer or phone to authenticate.
Once authorized, a simple HTTP request is all that it will take to share anything.
Edit: Just noticed that Facebook is no longer accepting applications for new partners with the auth device pattern. This is definitely what you want. You could try contacting them anyways.
Possible Answer = make it web app but dont forget the facebook policies about the user privacy issues. Your device can send a signal to your server and server can make the post i think it is possible (hmmm but to acquire access token again your clients have to login your webapp again every 60 days, there must be a better solution)
I am also working on similar problem
I have a prototype device for jogging wrist band and I am trying to post a wall story about number of steps in current day and the tempo on behalf of a user by just clicking on a button on the machine when it is connected to wlan or android phone in a wireless fashion.