Likes on home page are no longer showing - facebook

My homepage at no longer shows the likes. Though the other pages I set the ability to like is uneffected and does show their respective likes.
When I click the like button. rather than showing my facebook avatar I get a red "error". Clicking on the "red error", I get the following message
"There was an error liking the page. If you are the page owner, please try running your page through the linter on the Facebook devsite ( and fixing any errors."
I then go the link provided. Type in the url and can see the number of likes for that page. by clicking the link at the bottom of the page. I click on debug. but that appears to do nothing. I am not savey enough to understand or see why the likes are still no longer showing on this page only.
This happen about the time I set up a facebook fan page but I am not sure if the two are linked.
Any directions would be appreciated.

Its most likely a temporary error.
Its worth making sure your Open Graph tags are present and working as per the linter.
You may need to wait an hour before linting again.
If its still borked in a couple of hours then there is a problem.

I've seen today a strange behaviour on my site too. The like button doesn't seem to work any longer. Then I've tried to create again a new like button on And this points in two directions. First I get a new app_id (but I don't know why). And second thing was, that I've had to verify my account by SMS or credit card. After that, all was fine...


Facebook Not Scraping URL Properly (Blocked URL) On Fresh URL's

I have started to experience a really strange problem with Facebook link scraping/caching which seems random in nature.
On brand new posts when I go to check: with my new URL I get a message saying 'Cannot scrape: URL blocked'
We have literally been sharing URL's to Facebook for YEARS with no problem whatsoever. All open graph tags are present and working fine.
What is really weird is if I just manually press the 'scrape again' button it grabs all the bits properly and says everything is fine. It's always just the first attempt.
I have also tried manually calling the scrap API instead of letting Facebook do it when someone shares the URL for the first time and still sometimes (not always) it returns empty (just 'id' and 'url' returned) indicating the URL was blocked.
What's going on here it's driving me mad? We are nowhere near our API limits if maybe that was the issue...
Why would it say blocked first go on the debug page then literally 2 seconds later you press 'scrape again' and it works fine.
Just to note sometimes when it says blocked it still shows maybe the image in the link preview but no title or description. It's like it's grabbed some tags but then given up. Very strange...
I have checked our access logs and I can see 'Facebot' accessing our site fine.
Hope someone can help, I am really hoping this is some weird Facebook bug as I can't see any change in our code base that would effect this.
Facebook does not return anything helpful when this happens even with the API. I have no way in contacting Facebook direct either. If we are somehow getting blocked I would love to know why and fix that issue. But it's impossible to debug at the moment.
Just to note I have 3 sites all running the same code base (WordPress environment). They are all experiencing this issue. All been running fine for many years.
This was to do with rate limiting that was not visible in the Facebook APP dashboard. Helpful...
Full details here:
Solution for your problem: You can use Facebook image button after adding link on Facebook news feed, like shown in iamge
second thing upload image on othe site and give the image path to your website and then put it on your news feed, you can get definitely positive result using this two methods.
also refer this image
thanks hope this two will work for your problem

Facebook like button shows main domain like count on article pages

I ran into a strange problem with the Facebook Like Buttons. After implementing it on the articles pages in SOME cases, but most of them, it shows up the like count for the main page.
Article page example:
This article should have 0 to 5 likes, not 200+. The main URL has 200+ likes. After parsing it with Facebook's Linter tool, it works just fine! Shows 0 likes and the Facebook like button starts working on the article page too. It seems like it clears some kind of cache, or re-parses the URL and corrects its data.
Debugging the parsed Facebook like button, the data-href tag seems to be correct, showing up the current page URL, not the main page.
Where can be the problem and how could I solve it? Any ideas are welcome as I feel like I tried already everything...
I had this problem with some pages, it turned out that the pages had been published, then someone disabled them and reactivated them again later. While the pages were disabled, Facebook checked the page (they say they check pages every 24hrs to make sure the Page Title and other details are up to date) and got redirect to the home page, so used the 'like' count for that page. However, Facebook cached the redirect so never picked up again that the page had been re-enabled.
We resolved the problem by manually re-linting the pages using the Facebook debugger, as you have done already.
Your page does seem to have the correct Like count just now (3), so looks like you may have resolved the problem for now.

Send button returning error codes, like button works fine

I have a like/send button that I've set up on a customer's home page. I have it pointed at their facebook profile page so that when people like them either from facebook or on their homepage, it's always liking the same thing.
Anyway, I've used the fb social plugins page to create the fbxml, and I'm having a problem with the send button. The like button works wonderfully, but the send button doesn't want to cooperate.
First, I had the button set up using "" as the link to like/send. However, with the button(s) configured that way, when you click on Send you get an error message that says "The page at ttp:// could not be reached because the server returned status code 200."
So I did some digging on the 'net, and found some info that seemed to indicate that maybe the send button didn't like the alias / page name. I tried putting in the page id instead, and when I do that I get a different error: "The page at ttp:// could not be reached."
(I removed the h in the front of the links in those messages because the board was complaining about too many links. But the actual error message has the http in full :) )
The link works either way if you c/p into your browser, and also works fine with the like button. It would appear that the send button has some issues? Maybe needs to handle redirects instead of returning a 200 OK message.... ?
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. If you want to see the like/send button in action, this is the website it's set up on:
After checking the buttons on the upper right, I found an issue. It seems like you can not Like/Send URL's of real Facebook Pages using the Like/Send button. Facebooks URL debugger always comes up with the error "Facebook can not crawl itself".
If you just want that people share a link to your Facebook Page, simply create a file on your server, implement the OpenGraph Tags you want to show up on Facebook (title, image, etc.) and output this in case the Facebook crawler is visiting this site, if it's not the Facebook crawler, redirect the user to
Fix up the 8 warnings from and I think that might help solve the problem.

Facebook Like Box doesn't show correct number of faces

I've tried everything basically, and even on facebooks site it doesn't work right -
Type in page "venula" and you'll see it doesn't show the right amount of faces, but other pages like "microsoft" do. What's going on here?
See this similar problem...although it's very unlikely, but maybe your fans never made it public that they liked that page - or they don't exist anymore on facebook.
Try logging in as your page - see the arrow next to Home on and click on use facebook as page. You're able to see all the likes of your page, on your page. Are there more faces - to see click on the friends button on the top left corner on
Maybe the like-box changed now too ?!
Other than that, it really might be a bug! Wait a few more days and send in a bug report if the problem persists!

Facebook Like Button Keeps Resetting

I'm trying to add a facebook "like" button to my page, and it is appearing just fine. My problem is that once it is clicked by a user, it says "Like NUMBER" then resets as if the request was canceled or something.
The weird thing is that if I try to like a page using my facebook account it works, but I tried letting a friend like some content and this behavior appeared.
I created a facebook app, specified the site url with a trailing slash, and site domain. I used the app ID with FB.init, and with the open graph tags. I can't figure what I'm doing wrong here. Any help would be appreciated.
Sample page can be found at:
First, for the count to work correctly, Facebook needs to have access to the page (in other words a public page). Check your URL in the linter tool ( to ensure it can been seen by Facebook.
Secondly, ensure your og: tags are correctly setup. Once again, you can use the linter tool to do that.
Facebook like buttons will show this behavior until they have been scraped by Facebook. That scraping (facebook like docs) will occur every 24 hours, when an admin clicks the like button or the url is put in the url debugger/linter. From what I can tell doing that will solve the problem for that specific link, but not any others you may have on your site.
I don't know of a generic solution for dynamically generated pages unfortunately.