Facebook Not Scraping URL Properly (Blocked URL) On Fresh URL's - facebook

I have started to experience a really strange problem with Facebook link scraping/caching which seems random in nature.
On brand new posts when I go to check: https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/ with my new URL I get a message saying 'Cannot scrape: URL blocked'
We have literally been sharing URL's to Facebook for YEARS with no problem whatsoever. All open graph tags are present and working fine.
What is really weird is if I just manually press the 'scrape again' button it grabs all the bits properly and says everything is fine. It's always just the first attempt.
I have also tried manually calling the scrap API instead of letting Facebook do it when someone shares the URL for the first time and still sometimes (not always) it returns empty (just 'id' and 'url' returned) indicating the URL was blocked.
What's going on here it's driving me mad? We are nowhere near our API limits if maybe that was the issue...
Why would it say blocked first go on the debug page then literally 2 seconds later you press 'scrape again' and it works fine.
Just to note sometimes when it says blocked it still shows maybe the image in the link preview but no title or description. It's like it's grabbed some tags but then given up. Very strange...
I have checked our access logs and I can see 'Facebot' accessing our site fine.
Hope someone can help, I am really hoping this is some weird Facebook bug as I can't see any change in our code base that would effect this.
Facebook does not return anything helpful when this happens even with the API. I have no way in contacting Facebook direct either. If we are somehow getting blocked I would love to know why and fix that issue. But it's impossible to debug at the moment.
Just to note I have 3 sites all running the same code base (WordPress environment). They are all experiencing this issue. All been running fine for many years.

This was to do with rate limiting that was not visible in the Facebook APP dashboard. Helpful...
Full details here: https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/232343637174087/

Solution for your problem: You can use Facebook image button after adding link on Facebook news feed, like shown in iamge
second thing upload image on othe site and give the image path to your website and then put it on your news feed, you can get definitely positive result using this two methods.
also refer this image
thanks hope this two will work for your problem


Facebook Sharer has suddenly stopped working for me

I have a LAMP website which allows users to share a graph on Facebook. It was woking fine until May 1st but now whenever I try to share, I just get a grey box.
My site was using sharer.php to do the sharing and giving as the url a document which would generate a single graph, and in it's og:image and og:image:url tags I put a url which points to some code which generates an 800 x 400 png of the same graph. If I copy either url into a browser, they render exactly what I would expect, but if I post the same url to the Sharing Debugger tool, it gives me a blank image.
I have noticed that although clicking the Scrape Again button usually calls the url which renders the image as a png, every now and then it does not, but there is no indication as to why and the Scraped URL page shows exactly the page I would expect with the correct og:image tags.
I have tried changing from using sharer.php to the FB.ui 'share' method, but this has not fixed the issue.
I have also tried asking in the Facebook Developer Community but have had no response. I even tried to raise a bug with Facebook, but it won't let me.
This is driving me nuts. I just don't understand why it has suddenly stopped working. Have I missed something or has Facebook changed anything in the Sharer functionality? Is there any other way to debug this ?
Update: After a lot of tinkering I have found out that this only affects my account, and it affects anything I share on Facebook, not just things from my own site. Furthermore, it's only the preview of the shared page which is not working. What actually gets posted to Facebook is the correct image. I have tried multiple PC's and multiple browsers and it always fails even if I switch off all anti-virus/anti-malware/firewalls etc. Bizarrely, if I share from my phone, it works!

Facebook image not displayed in share

I'm trying to publish on FB a link of my wife-website.
The Open Graph Debugger says that everything is fine (there is og:image tag and the image is 1200x630).
But the image isnt' displayed in the post, even if I try to scrape again the page!
Please, help me!
This bug was confirmed by FB not so long ago...
see: https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/978421888869140/
I can confirm this issue also occurs on multiple sites I own. It began some time in the past 14 hours. The debugger is returning a valid output (but the post preview at the bottom is lacking the image).
My guess is that it is somehow related to the face that today (30/apr) they've forced all fb apps to migrate to sdk2.0.
I sure hope they're already working on a fix... but go figure :-/

Featured image from post not showing although Fb Debugger is OK

I´m finishing my site in WP and everything seems ok but I can´t get the featured image from my posts to show when sharing the link in FB.
I tryed the debugger, it sees the image ok and returnes a 200 response code.
Debugger test result here
The image size is 300x227 so I understand there is no problem regarding size or proportion.
The Meta included about the image is http://www.momento-marketing.es/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Blog-Analitica-300x227.jpg'/>
Does anyone has a clue about this? Thanks a lot.
I have experienced very wobbly Facebook behavior recently, ie the last few days. Putting page through the Facebook debugger (with og image correctly specified), it says that a particular image is less than 200 x 200 when it is considerably more than this.
Several pages that used to give thumbnails very happily no longer do. Yet one with a really big image (for the sake of Pinterest) with the image reduced in size on the page, is fine.
One thing that DOES upset Facebook - the image has to be hosted on precisely the same domain as the page. I found that when I used a shortened version of my domain name (which forwards to the full one), that prevented thumbnails appearing. Suspect that even a subdomain for one, and not the other, might upset things.
Same problem here...when you try to share it on your browser trough the mobile website, it shows the image.. Try to share a link and replace https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u= to https://m.facebook.com/sharer.php?u= and you see it works, so must be a problem in the desktop Facebook website
Wordpress has changed its requirements for showing images on facebook timeline or on a facebook page. Even I experimented a lot of things and finally found out a solution. Here is how to do it,
Download WPSSO plugin from wordpress.com
Install the plugin
Then navigate into the plugin settings and find the "Images" tab
Set "Open graph Dimensions" as 600 x 315
Now use images above the size of 600 x 315 in your posts
Cick save settings and now try debugging the post with your facebook debugger tool.
I am sure this will solve your problem. If problems persist do post them we will try to reslve it.
Note - This tutorial was taken from this link Facebook image problem resolution

Sharing on Facebook returns no images, even if go:image is present and if linter says ok

here is my headache situation:
I have my weblog's single article page, if I try to share this page with the facebook like button, or with the old sharing bookmarklet, I get no image on Facebook post preview, and of course I don't get any image on my Facebook page too.
I can hear you say, well, check it with linter, sure, that's what I did, and this is what I've found so far:
Linter returns no error and it shows the right thumb image
if "after" the linter passage, I try to share the same page again, well, I get the thumb.
Do you have any idea of what's going on?
here you can see an example: https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/og/object?q=http%3A%2F%2Flegrandj.eu%2Farticle%2Falain_baczynsky
this is the original page: http://legrandj.eu/article/alain_baczynsky
well, I know at this point it's not easy do debug, because I've "linted" almost all pages, but you can trust me, no images.
thank you!
if "after" the linter passage, I try to share the same page again, well, I get the thumb.
This is because you already tried to share them and they're now cached without images. If you want to get all pages fresh with image(s), you have to wait or re-lint every page you want to share in future. That's the only way to lift all caches immediately.

Facebook url randomly unreachable

I'm sure anyone who has worked with Facebook has encountered the url unreachable problem with the comments plugin and alike.
I managed to get around this initially by making urls go to the facebook app page rather the hosted page, figuring facebook would be able to find itself, and ammended the url with a query string which could internally redirect them to right content. For example "app.facebook.com/myApp/?myAppP=videos&myAppId=0001" would first of all load the facebook app page then redirect the iframe to show the videos page and play video 0001.
This worked great at first but seems to have become a little unpredictable. I have a list of different videos, all of which use the same url except that the "myAppId" is different so the correct video is loaded. However whilst the "comments" and "like" plugins work fine for about a 1/3 of them, the other 2/3 show the "url unreachable". I can see no correlation between the urls that work and those that don't. It seems completely random, but it is always the same one that do and don't work.
This has got me completely stumped. Any ideas?
try to disable sandbox on app settings