extend jquery draggable/droppable to support on iPad and iPhone - iphone

I've been using JQuery draggable/droppables in my application from last 1 year. Now, the application needs to be supported over iPad and iPhones.
Known, above JQuery won't support drag/drop over iPads...
I'm looking for a some JQuery plugin or so which I can connect to my existing JQuery codes for drag/drop over iPad.
After googling, I found some alternate ways like, JQTouch, jquerymobile etc.. But, it looks I would then need to do massive changes (or, write a complete drag/drop things from scratch) in my application :(
My application is very heavy and hence looking for some quick/easy way to connect my existing JQuery solution into iPad touch events etc....
Please help
Thanks in advance

This project will allow you to use jQuery UI on the iPad:

this will work with draggable.. dont even need to change your code when using draggable!


I have one html file, I will set the html file in iphone based application by using mgwt .. How i am set?

I have one html file, I will set the html file in iphone based application by using mgwt .. Please help me to set the html files in phone ...
Thanks in advance..
Based on what I was able to grasp from you question you have an HTML file and you want that file to act as an iPhone hybrid app using mGWT. If that's the case, then there is an huge abyss to cover before getting to that point. This is the list of general steps you would need to cover to get all the way there.
Get a grasp of GWT Basics
Configure a simple mGWT application with PhoneGap support.
Understanding the way GWT MVP works will also be very helpful but not required
Once you have that working its time to wrap the web app into a iOS cordova webview with PhoneGap
Please note that you will require an Apple Mac to acomplish the last step. You will also reequire to be registered as an Apple developer if you intent to get your resulting app into a real device. Also you will require a good understanding of Java application development and a good grasp on how Web applications work (HTML, JS and CSS at least).
You have a long way ahead of you.

Is jQuery needed for PhoneGap?

I am new to Phonegap to develop native Applications. I cant see any jQuery files under WWW folder. Why should i download it?
Is it possible to bring UITabBar, UITableView everything through Phonegap and javascript without jQuery? What is senchaTouch, what is the purpose of it? Anybody can give clear direction?
jQuery is not required to make apps with PhoneGap. However, if you would like to, you can use jQuery in your apps if you wish (jQuery just uses Javascript itself).
UITabBar and UITableView are native iOS controls. PhoneGap does not provide a way for you to use those at the moment. But if you take a look at the PhoneGap roadmap, you will see a bullet point marked "Native Controls" - so don't give up hope!

Styling textfield: iOS style

I wanted to make my own WebApp for testing so I will know what to do when I've got some serious stuff to do. I found some info about using HTML, CSS and Javascript to make the web app look like real iOS but one thing that bugs my mind is hot to make the textfield look like the one iOS uses or at least similar to that and how to make it across the whole screen (width) but with some margins on the left and right... well so it looks nice and naturally.
I appreciate every single answer.
One option you could try is checking out Appcelerator Titanium which let's you develop iPhone/iPad/Android (and even Mac/PC) applications using just HTML/CSS/JavaScript. It allows you to utilize the native UI elements, including forms, lists, buttons, etc...
If you're thinking of developing mobile apps, this is a pretty cool tool to use (especially if you're not a Object-C wizz).
One example of a tool that uses Titanium is WunderList to-do application.
I'd use jquerymobile or sencha touch... depending on whether you're familiar with ExtJS or not. That way you can focus on adding in your content, not messing around with CSS forever to try and simulate something you'll replace with iOS eventually anyway.
You can do so using the -webkit-border-image CSS property. Even if you're using some kind of framework that does all that stuff for you, it's always nice to know how it's achieved under the hood, as it's always re-applicable somewhere else.
Ref: http://css-infos.net/property/-webkit-border-image

JavaScript based iPhone UI framework

We have a push based web-application. Recently, we planned to make an iPhone app for it. Much like Facebook has it's iPhone application as well as web presence. We are looking for a UI framework that can get us going quickly. I've leafed through PhoneGap and couple other JS based UI frameworks mentioned here. I am bit unsure what can suit us the best. So, I am looking for your suggestions.
Our constraints are as follows:
The framework should be JS based. We all are web-devs and want to avoid learning Objective C.
Framework should support iPhone's capabiilities as smoothly as a native app does. If not, we will prefer a JS framework which is the smoothest of all JS frameworks. So, this is the most important constraint.
It should support smooth swipe through screens, support rotation. Nice, if it can capture shake as well. But shake does not take preference over a better framework without shake support.
Nice to have -- with little or no modification in code, if the framework is supported on other touchscreen phones as well. Android and Symbian would be suffice. But again, we are focused on iPhone for now.
I am a bit curious to know what can be the best choice to start development with. I will be thankful if you share your experience with pros-and-cons of the framework that you have used.
I have been playing with following frameworks.
Sencha Touch
jQuery Mobile
These are for serving Web based mobile sites, they can then in turn be made into Apps for Android or iOS using PhoneGap
Of the 3, Sencha is the more mature project and has the most things out of the box. Jo looks very promising and would probably directly compete with Sencha. jQuery mobile is very interesting but just far to early to do any production code with it, too rough around the edges. jQuery mobile takes a different approach to the others as it is html based and it interperates the attributes on tags to turn things into tableviews or menus.
jQuery mobile is quicker to hack together and get your head around, where the other two take a little bit more thinking. But once you figure them out its easy enough.
If you don't want to serve the site via a url at all and want to just build an app then Appcelerator is the way to go. You write code in JS and it makes native Android or iOS apps for you. You will get access to pretty much the full Android/iOS api.
I have coded with appcelerator, however I am no longer going to use it and use one of the above frameworks, probably Sencha for just now. I can get access to the device native apis via PhoneGap and for simpler apps give a great experience cross device via a url.
In about 6 months, or sooner, I think jQuery mobile will be the daddy...

Will all javascript libraries work with Iphone? Aptana question

I am trying to use Aptana to build an IPhone web application. I've never use Aptana. I downloaded the iphone support and started a new project. It is now asking me if I want to import a javascript library and lists the "big ones." Will IPhone's Safari be able to use these, specifically jquery? I saw that jquery had a special iphone library so my guess is no.
Should I tell it to use jquery (or other library) or should I download the special iphone javascript subset manually and try an integrate it in my project?
As far as I know JQuery should work fine on the iPhone. The specific libraries you are talking about must be additions to take advantage of iPhone only features like being able to handle the display orientation event or maybe use the webkit css animation extensions.
Although you will need to be careful with events since most mouse related events on the iPhone behave a little different from what you might expect. This presentation by PPK offers some clues about it:
Yep, iphone should run jquery just fine. The javascript support is surprisingly capable. Although you may want to look at some of the iPhone specific libraries out there. I forget their names. iUI I think?