Zend creating forms based on requests within one controller/action - zend-framework

I don't really know how to word the title well, but here's my issue. I decided instead of having 25 controllers to handle pages, I have one PageController with a viewAction that takes in a :page parameter - for example, http://localhost/website/page/about-us would direct to PageController::viewAction() with a parameter of page = about-us. All of the pages are stored in a templates folder, so the viewrenderer is set to render application\templates\default\about-us.phtml.
I did this so I can consolidate and it seemed like a better approach. My question is the following: lets say when the page request is contact-us, I would need a Zend_Form to be used within the contact page. So, I would need a way within PageController::viewAction() to recognize that the page needs to have a form built, build the form, and also upon submission the need to process it (maybe this should be handled in an abstract process method - not sure).
I have no idea how to implement this. I thought maybe I can store a column with the name of a form and a connecting page identifier. Even better, create a one-to-many page to forms, and then in the submission loop through the forms and check if submitted and if so then process it (maybe there is a isSubmitted() method within zend_form. I really don't know how to handle this, and am looking for any help i can get.

Here is something that came to mind that may work or help point you in a direction that works for you.
This may only work well assuming you were to have no more than one form per page, if you need more than one form on a page, you would have to do something beyond this automatic form handling.
Create a standard location for forms that are attached to pages (e.g. application/forms/page). This is where the automatic forms associated with pages will be kept.
In your viewAction, you could take advantage of the autoloader to see if a form for that page exists. For example:
$page = $this->getParam('page');
$page = ucfirst(preg_replace('/-(\w)/ie', "strtoupper('$1')", $page)); // contact-us -> ContactUs
$class = 'Application_Form_Page_' . $page;
// class_exists will invoke the autoloader to map a class to a file
if (class_exists($class)) {
// a form is defined for this page
$form = new $class();
// check if form was posted
if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) {
if ($form->isValid($this->getRequest()->getPost()) {
// form is valid - determine how to process it
// assign the form to the view
$this->view->pageForm = $form;
All this really leaves out is the action you take to process a specific form. Since the contact form will likely generate an email, and another form may insert data into a database, you will need some sort of callback system or perhaps another class that can be mapped automatically which contains the form processor code.
Anyway something along those lines is what came to mind first, I hope that helps give you some more ideas.


Drupal, overriding add/edit form forms for custom content type

I have created a new content type called protocol. The problem is that when you define a content type that means you also say how in the form the content is to be added and edited, like which form elements there will be.
A protocol is a content type that stores a title, an abstract and instructions. I want to add the title/instructions/abstract through one textarea where you tag the parts of the text like this:
[title]This is a title[/title] [abstract]This is an abstract. [/abstract][instructions]And these are my instructions.[/instructions]
That text is then processed and the content between each tag can be picked out and stored in a variable which should then be stored for the content type just like it had been added through a seperate field/textarea in a add/edit content form.
Is this possible to do? What kind of things should I read up on? Where in the drupal code are the function/functions that describes what happens when you push "Save" for a new content type for the standard add content form?(I just want to read it, not change anything)
Not sure this exactly matches what you're trying to do, but in a basic sense it should get you towards your goal. I wrote a module called endorse for Drupal 6 that provides a custom form feeding the submitted values into a new node:
Here's the form definition:
Some basic validation follows and then the actual node save occurs at the top of the submit function, here up to line 231:
The rest in that function is irrelevant except for the thank you and redirect at the very end of the submit function. If you're doing this in D7, it'll change a bit (see api.drupal.org for function definitions and whatnot), but it should look more or les the same.
Steps to solve your problem.
Create a module. Implement hook_menu with your custom add page.
Create a custom form using FORM API that it's gonna be displayed in your new page.
In your hook_form_submit get your values from the variable form state.
Parse the text and create and save a new node (snippet here).
$newNode = (object) NULL;
$newNode->type = 'protocol';
$newNode->title = $parsed_title;
$newNode->uid = 1;
$newNode->created = strtotime("now");
$newNode->changed = strtotime("now");
$newNode->status = 1;
$newNode->comment = 0;
$newNode->promote = 0;
$newNode->moderate = 0;
$newNode->sticky = 0;
// add CCK field data
$newNode->field_{YOUR_CUSTOM_FIELD_1}[0]['value'] = $parsed_data1;
$newNode->field_{YOUR_CUSTOM_FIELD_2}[0]['value'] = $parsed_data2;
// save node
Those are the basic steps. If you have any more questions please ask.
TIP: Install the Devel module and use the function dpm() when you need to know the contents of some variable. You are probably gonna need it when you are implementing hook_form_validate or hook_form_submit for knowing the contents in the variable $form_state.
So just do:
dpm($form_state); //this will give you the variables inside the array with a krumo view.

How do I avoid repetition when passing variables from the Controller/Action to the Layout

I am currently working on a project developed using Zend Framework, based on the structure of my web page design I have reached a point where I have to pass a small number of variables to my layout from each Controller/Action. These variables are:
<?php Zend_Layout::getMvcInstance()->assign('pageId', 'page1'); ?>
<?php Zend_Layout::getMvcInstance()->assign('headerType', '<header id="index">'); ?>
The reason for passing this information is firstly, I pass the page id as the multi column layout may change depending on the content being displayed, thus the page id within the body tag links the appropriate CSS to how the page should be displayed. Secondly I display a promotional jQuery slider only on the index page, but I need the flexibility to have it displayed on potentially multiple pages in case the wind changes and the client changes their mind.
My actual question: Is there a more appropriate method of passing this information to the Layout that I am overlooking?
I am not really questioning whether the information has to be sent, rather is there some Zend Framework feature that I have, in my haste, overlooked which would reduce the amount of repetitive redundant code which may very well be repeated in multiple Actions within the same controller?
You could turn that logic into an action helper than you can call from your controllers in a more direct way. You could also make a view helper to accomplish the same thing but view helpers usually generate data for the view rather than set properties.
// library/PageId.php
class Lib_PageId extends Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Abstract
public function direct($title, $pageId, $headerType)
$view = $this->getActionController()->view;
$view->pageId = $pageId;
$view->headerType = $headerType;
In your controller actions you can now do this:
$this->_helper->PageId('Homepage', 'page1', 'index');
// now pageId and headerType are available in the view and
// Homepage has been appended to the title
You will also need to register the helper path in your Bootstrap like this:
protected function _initActionHelpers()
Doing it like that can reduce the amount of repetitive code and remove needing to assign the values from the view. You can do it in the controller very quickly. You can also have default values in the case that the helper hasn't been called.
You shoudn't really be passing anything from the view to the layout, for a start the view should be included IN the layout, not the other way around.
So, setting your page title should be done using similar code to what you have, but inside the controller action being called:
And the other two issues - you need to rethink as I stated to begin with. Maybe you're misunderstanding the layout/view principle? If you include the different views per action, then you simply change the div id when needed, and include the header for your banner only in the index.phtml file.

I'm not specifying the form action but it (automatically) gives different values in some cases

I'm creating my form using the Form helper, so the action of the form is specified automatically....
this form is used for editing a post..
so, the URL has the structure: mywebsite.com/posts/edit/id
and the form's action should be automatically generated as posts/edit/id
but the problem is, in some cases, I open the HTML code and I find that the form's action is only posts/edit without the id which causes the update to fail...
I spent a lot of time to figure out what situation brings this wrong action:
i'm generating fields dynamically (using javascript & ajax) depending on the post's category..
when the value of one of the dynamically generated fields is invalid, the generated action becomes posts/edit !!
I really need help, cuz I don't know why this is happening !!!
and I don't wanna waste more time digging into the core of cakephp...
so, if any of cakephp experts has an idea about this, plz help me !!
thank you in advance !
Use the url parameter, which allows you to explicitly define a url for the form:
echo $form->create('Post', array('url' => $html->url(array('action'=>'edit', $id))));
It sounds like $id probably isn't getting set, because it should be getting passed along if it is. You need to make sure it's set to edit the record in question. Make sure your javascript is including the hidden field with the record's id in it.
Normally done like this, with the form helper: echo $this->Form->input('id');
Also, if one of the fields is invalid, the form shouldn't actually be submitting properly, if you are using cake's validation, so this is to be expected.

How can I use the sfValidatorEmail validator in Symfony to validate a single email field

I have a form with 2 elements that will be submitted and then update part of a user profile.
I don't want to use the entire generated form and have to remove all the fields except for the two I need. I just want to be able to create a quite simple form to do my update.
Is there a way to utilize Symfony's sfValidatorEmail inside the action on the returned value of an email field?
Since the regex is already written in the validator, I would like to reuse it, but I don't know how to use it in the action after the non-symfony form has been submitted.
Two approaches here - you could construct a simple form anyway extending from sfForm/sfFormSymfony (doesn't have to be ORM-based) that just contains the 2 fields you want. That way you can use the existing validation framework, and then use $myForm->getValues() after everything has been validated to get your values for your profile update.
Alternatively, as you've mentioned, you can use the sfValidatorEmail class in your action like so:
$dirtyValue = "broken.email.address"
$v = new sfValidatorEmail();
catch (sfValidatorError $e)
// Validation failed
The latter approach quickly leads to messy code if you have many values that need cleaning, and it's worth putting the logic back into a form to handle this in the usual manner.
If you're submitting a form with 2 elements, it should be a form on the edit and update end, period. Symfony forms are lightweight, there's no performance reason to not use them. Instead, make a custom form for this purpose:
class ProfileUpdateForm extends ProfileForm
public function configure()
$this->useFields(array('email', 'other_field'));

Loading models in Zend_Form using Zend Framework

I'm trying to build a form using the Zend_Form component, but the number of elements varies. The information for each Zend_Form element is stored in a database (name, options, validators, filters, etc.).
The application I'm working on consists of building surveys which contain a varying number of questions. Each question is associated with different arrays of answers. Ultimately my goal is to build arrays of radio/checkbox buttons, dynamically, server-side.
I'm looking for a pretty way to generate my form, but I'm not sure of the best way to load the model within the form. Should the model be loaded in the controller then passed (somehow, via a parameter?) directly to the form, or is it better to load the model within the Form init() method? Where's the best place to put the logic, should it be within the form class, or within the controller, or within the model?
My idea is to fetch form element properties (name, rules, filters, etc.) in the database, then iterate and finally render the form. What do you think of this approach? Ultimately, elements will be dynamically added (client-side), this time, using AJAX and a JavaScript library (such as jQuery).
Here are a couple useful links I found via Google, but I think they all answer a slightly different question than mine:
On building dynamic forms, server side:
On building dynamic forms, client side, with AJAX processing:
I think I found a possible solution, it involves passing an array of Zend Form elements to the Zend Form::__construct() method. The constructor takes an array of options, one of them is called "elements". Have a look at the source code within the Zend Framework library.
I coded a new private method within the controller, called buildSurveyForm(). Note : the object, passed as a parameter, is built from a huge SQL query with half a dozen JOIN statements, fetching data from a few tables (surveys, questions, answers, etc.) within the database. One of the public attributes for this class consists of an array of questions, stored as objects (with public methods/attributes as well, etc.). Same for answers. The code for building these classes is pretty trivial and out of topic here.
Here's the code within the survey controller. I copy/pasted and edited/dropped a few lines to make it a lot clearer :
private function buildSurveyForm(MyApp_Object_Survey $survey)
foreach ($survey->questions as $question)
$element = new Zend_Form_Element_MultiCheckbox($question->order);
$elements[] = $element;
// Here's the trick :
$formOptions = array('elements' => $elements);
$surveyForm = new MyApp_Survey_Form($formOptions);
$urlHelper = $this->_helper->getHelper('url');
'controller' => 'survey',
'action' => 'vote'),
$this->_forms['survey'] = $surveyForm;
return $this->_forms['survey'];
The MyApp Survey Form class only contains a Submit button within the init() method. The dynamically generated elements with the code above are added BEFORE this submit button (which is unexpected, but useful). This class simply extends Zend_Form.
Then, within survey controller / view action :
public function viewAction()
$surveyModel = $this->_model['survey'];
$survey = $surveyModel->getFullSurvey($this->_getParam('id'));
$survey = new MyApp_Object_Survey($survey);
// Calls above private method :
$surveyForm = $this->buildSurveyForm($survey);
'surveyForm' => $surveyForm,
Adding filters, validators and decorators to form elements is now trivial. My proposal is a bit dirty, but I think it gets the job done. I will add a new proposal if I find something more elegant. Feel free to post different answers/solutions.
You could extend Zend_Form.
Zend form is not good place for logic, only form representation.
So, Load all needed elements using model in controller and pass them to the form in contructor as parameters.