TSQL Concatenation - tsql

I often need to concatenate fields in TSQL...
Two issues TSQL forces you to deal with when using the '+' operator are Data Type Precedence and NULL values.
With Data Type Precedence, the problem is conversion errors.
1) SELECT 1 + 'B' = Conversion ERROR
2) SELECT 1 + '1' = 2
3) SELECT '1' + '1' = '11'
In 2), the varchar '1' is implicitly converted to an int, and the math works. However, in 1), the int 1 is NOT implicitly converted to a varchar. This is where DTP is (IMO) getting in the way. Essentially, it favors Math functions over String functions. I Wish :-) that DTP wasn't even a consideration in this case -- why wouldn't the '+' operator be configured so that the operation could favor success over specific data-types? I wouldn't mind if it still favored MATH over String functions when possible -- but why doesn't it favor String functions over Errors? (The only way to be successful in 1) is to treat it as a string function -- so it's not like there's any ambiguity there.) Somebody at Microsoft thought that throwing an error in 1) would be more valuable to the programmer than treating the '+' as a string function. Why? And why didn't they provide a way to override it? (Or did they...that's really the heart of my question.) SET STRING_PREFERENCE ON would have been nice! :-P
In order to deal with this, you have to do more work -- you have to explicitly convert the 1 to a varchar, using any number of different string functions -- typically CAST/CONVERT, but also many others (like LTRIM()) will work.
Conversions become work-intensive when you deal with table fields when you don't know the data-type. This might work:
SELECT 'Fall ' + ' (' + [Term] + ')' -- Output: Fall (2011)
But then again, it might not. It just depends on what data-type of [Term] is. And to complicate that, the dba might change the dataype at some point without telling anyone (because it came as part of a big upgrade package once the vendor finally realized that there are only ever numbers stored in the [Term] field, or whatever reason).
So if you want to be a boyscount, you do this:
SELECT 'Fall ' + ' (' + LTRIM([Term]) + ')'
So now I'm running this LTRIM function every time, even though it might not be necessary, because I don't know the data-type of [Term] (OK -- I can look that up, but that's almost like work, and I don't like interruptions while I'm coding :-P *grump), and also, I don't know that the data-type will never change.
The second issue you have to confront with TSQL concatenation is how to deal with NULL values. For example, this would fail:
So you need to do this:
SELECT 'Fall ' + ' (' + LTRIM(ISNULL([Term],'')) + ')'
What a pain -- I wish I could just do this:
SELECT 'Fall ' + ' (' + [Term] + ')'
So I'm wondering if there are any (TSQL) ways to avoid having to do explicit data-type conversions and null checks on every field where I have to ensure the '+' operator behaves itself as I need it to.
#a1ex07 came up with a great answer for working around the NULL issue (SET CONCAT_NULL_YEILDS_NULL OFF), but as I looked into it, it appears to be problematic as far as forcing stored procedures to re-compile every time they're executed.

SQL Server 2012 does have the CONCAT function which addresses all the issues you raise.
A good summary of the functionality is provided here by SQL Menace
CONCAT takes a variable number of string arguments and concatenates
them into a single string. It requires a minimum of two input values;
otherwise, an error is raised. All arguments are implicitly converted
to string types and then concatenated. Null values are implicitly
converted to an empty string. If all the arguments are null, then an
empty string of type varchar(1) is returned. The implicit conversion
to strings follows the existing rules for data type conversions

You can use CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL to specify whether NULL + 'txt' results NULL.
Microsft says that CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL will not work in further versions of SQL Server, but there is still an option to set it through sp_dboption procedure . But probably it's better to use ISNULL as you mentioned in the question.

Try this:
/* 1 */ SELECT cast(1 as varchar) + 'B'; /* = 1B */
/* or */ SELECT convert(varchar, 1) + 'B'; /* = 1B */
/* 2 */ SELECT cast(1 as varchar) + '1'; /* = 11 */
/* 3 */ SELECT '1' + '1'; /* = 11 */
--NULL value:
SELECT ISNULL(#A, '') + 1; /* = 1 */

There is no answer to this for 2005 or 2008. Concatenation without explicit conversions and null checks simply isn't possible.
It looks like the next version of SQL-Server will have a CONCAT function (thanks #Martin) which sounds like exactly what I'm looking for. The downside though is that it will probably be at least a handful of years before my institution decides to upgrade to that version, since they're pretty shy about being early adopters, especially when it comes to Microsoft.
There is a shortcut for the NULL checks right now (CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL -- thanks #a1ex07), however, using that has a pretty big penalty (re-compiles the procedure every time it is executed), not to mention Microsoft isn't planning to support it in future versions of SQL-Server.


POSTGRESQL Dollar Quotes in Where Clause

For people who tried or needed a solution to escape every special character (even $) in a WHERE CLAUSE in POSTGRESQL, here is how it should be use
the documentation can be somehow hard to understand, and there is no proper example of it so here is mine
e.g : if you want to make a request looking as
<ColumnName> = 'string with ' character';
it will throw an error cause "character'" is outside the string
So here is how it should be written:
<ColumnName> = $$string with ' character$$;
The WHERE CONDITION will take the string literally; the interface may look broken but the following instruction will still be interpreted as expected.
<ColumnName> = $$string with ' character$$ AND <OtherColumnName> IS NOT NULL;
This could even be another escaped string with $$.
For details about dollar quoting, look at the documentation.

list trigger no system ending with "_BI"

I want to list the trigger no system ending with "_BI" in firebird database,
but no result with this
select * from rdb$triggers
rdb$trigger_source is not null
and (coalesce(rdb$system_flag,0) = 0)
and (rdb$trigger_source not starting with 'CHECK' )
and (rdb$trigger_name like '%BI')
but with this syntaxs it gives me a "_bi" and "_BI0U" and "_BI0U" ending result
and (rdb$trigger_name like '%BI%')
but with this syntaxs it gives me null result
and (rdb$trigger_name like '%#_BI')
thank you beforehand
The problem is that the Firebird system tables use CHAR(31) for object names, this means that they are padded with spaces up to the declared length. As a result, use of like '%BI') will not yield results, unless BI are the 30th and 31st character.
There are several solutions
For example you can trim the name before checking
trim(rdb$trigger_name) like '%BI'
or you can require that the name is followed by at least one space
rdb$trigger_name || ' ' like '%BI %'
On a related note, if you want to check if your trigger name ends in _BI, then you should also include the underscore in your condition. And as an underscore in like is a single character matcher, you need to escape it:
trim(rdb$trigger_name) like '%\_BI' escape '\'
Alternatively you could also try to use a regular expressions, as you won't need to trim or otherwise mangle the lefthand side of the expression:
rdb$trigger_name similar to '%\_BI[[:SPACE:]]*' escape '\'

PostgreSQL Trim excessive trailing zeroes: type numeric but expression is of type text

I'm trying to clean out excessive trailing zeros, I used the following query...
UPDATE _table_ SET _column_=trim(trailing '00' FROM '_column_');
...and I received the following error:
ERROR: column "_column_" is of
expression is of type text.
I've played around with the quotes since that usually is what it barrels down to for text versus numeric though without any luck.
The CREATE TABLE syntax:
CREATE TABLE _table_ (
id bigint NOT NULL,
x bigint,
y bigint,
_column_ numeric
You can cast the arguments from and the result back to numeric:
UPDATE _table_ SET _column_=trim(trailing '00' FROM _column_::text)::numeric;
Also note that you don't quote column names with single quotes as you did.
Postgres version 13 now comes with the trim_scale() function:
UPDATE _table_ SET _column_ = trim_scale(_column_);
trim takes string parameters, so _column_ has to be cast to a string (varchar for example). Then, the result of trim has to be cast back to numeric.
UPDATE _table_ SET _column_=trim(trailing '00' FROM _column_::varchar)::numeric;
Another (arguably more consistent) way to clean out the trailing zeroes from a NUMERIC field would be to use something like the following:
UPDATE _table_ SET _column_ = CAST(to_char(_column_, 'FM999999999990.999999') AS NUMERIC);
Note that you would have to modify the FM pattern to match the maximum expected precision and scale of your _column_ field. For more details on the FM pattern modifier and/or the to_char(..) function see the PostgreSQL docs here and here.
Edit: Also, see the following post on the gnumed-devel mailing list for a longer and more thorough explanation on this approach.
Be careful with all the answers here. Although this looks like a simple problem, it's not.
If you have pg 13 or higher, you should use trim_scale (there is an answer about that already). If not, here is my "Polyfill":
DO $x$
IF count(*)=0 FROM pg_proc where proname='trim_scale' THEN
CREATE FUNCTION trim_scale(numeric) RETURNS numeric AS $$
SELECT CASE WHEN trim($1::text, '0')::numeric = $1 THEN trim($1::text, '0')::numeric ELSE $1 END $$
And here is a query for testing the answers:
WITH test as (SELECT unnest(string_to_array('1|2.0|0030.00|4.123456000|300000','|'))::numeric _column_)
SELECT _column_ original,
trim(trailing '00' FROM _column_::text)::numeric accepted_answer,
CAST(to_char(_column_, 'FM999999999990.999') AS NUMERIC) another_fancy_one,
CASE WHEN trim(_column_::text, '0')::numeric = _column_ THEN trim(_column_::text, '0')::numeric ELSE _column_ END my FROM test;
Well... it looks like, I'm trying to show the flaws of the earlier answers, while just can't come up with other testcases. Maybe you should write more, if you can.
I'm like short syntax instead of fancy sql keywords, so I always go with :: over CAST and function call with comma separated args over constructs like trim(trailing '00' FROM _column_). But it's a personal taste only, you should check your company or team standards (and fight for change them XD)

How can I mimic the php urldecode function in postgresql?

I have a column url encoded with urlencode in php. I wish to make a select like this
SELECT some_mix_of_functions(...) AS Decoded FROM table
Replace is not a good solution because I will have to add all the decoding by hand. Any other solution to get the desire result ?
Yes you can:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION decode_url_part(p varchar) RETURNS varchar AS $$
SELECT convert_from(CAST(E'\\x' || string_agg(CASE WHEN length(r.m[1]) = 1 THEN encode(convert_to(r.m[1], 'SQL_ASCII'), 'hex') ELSE substring(r.m[1] from 2 for 2) END, '') AS bytea), 'UTF8')
FROM regexp_matches($1, '%[0-9a-f][0-9a-f]|.', 'gi') AS r(m);
This creates a function decode_url_part, then you can use it like that:
SELECT decode_url_part('your%20urlencoded%20string')
Or you can just use the mix of functions and subqueries from the body of the above function.
This doesn't handle '+' characters (representing whitespace), but I guess adding this is quite easy (if you ever need it).
Also, this assumes utf-8 encoding for non-ascii characters, but you can replace 'UTF8' with your own encoding if you want.
It should be noted that the above code relies on undocumented postgresql feature, namely that the results of regexp_matches function are processed in the order they occur in the original string (which is natural, but not specified in docs).
As Pablo Santa Cruz notes, string_agg is a PostgreSQL 9.0 aggregate function. The equivalent code below doesn't use it (I hope it works for 8.x):
SELECT convert_from(CAST(E'\\x' || array_to_string(ARRAY(
SELECT CASE WHEN length(r.m[1]) = 1 THEN encode(convert_to(r.m[1], 'SQL_ASCII'), 'hex') ELSE substring(r.m[1] from 2 for 2) END
FROM regexp_matches($1, '%[0-9a-f][0-9a-f]|.', 'gi') AS r(m)
), '') AS bytea), 'UTF8');
Not out of the box. But you could create a pl/perl function that wraps the perl equivalent. (Or a pl/php function).

T-SQL syntax issue with "LTRIM(RTRIM())" not working correctly

What is wrong with this statement that it is still giving me spaces after the field. This makes me think that the syntax combining the WHEN statements is off. My boss wants them combined in one statement. What am I doing wrong?
Case WHEN LTRIM(RTRIM(cSHortName))= '' Then NULL
WHEN cShortname is NOT NULL THEN
REPLACE (cShortName,SUBSTRING,(cShortName,PATINDEX('%A-Za-z0-9""},1,) ''_
Judging from the code, it seems that you may be trying to strip spaces and non-alphanumeric characters from the beginning and ending of the string.
If so, would this work for you?
I think it provides the substring from the first alphanumeric occurrence to the last.
( LEN(cShortName)
Replace TRIM with LTRIM.
You can also test LEN(cShortName) = 0
Ummm there seems to be some problems in this script, but try this.
WHEN cShortname is NOT NULL THEN REPLACE(cShortName, SUBSTRING(cShortName, PATINDEX('%A-Za-z0-9', 1) , ''), '')
Why do you think it is supposed not to give you spaces after the field?
As far as I understand you are trying to remove any characters from the string that do not match this regular expression range [a-zA-Z0-9] (add any other characters that you want to preserve).
I see no clean way to do that in Microsoft SQL Server (you are using Microsoft SQL Server it seems) using the built-in functions. There are some examples on the web that use a temporary table and a while loop, but this is ugly. I would either return the strings as is and process them on the caller side, or write a function that does that using the CLR and invoke it from the select statement.
I hope this helps.