How do I reference a controller from within the object it created? - iphone

So I have a PanelController which is a NSWindowController, and it instantiates an object called FileUploader. But inside of FileUploader, I want to be able to update some text on the Panel informing the user of the progress that has been made so far. But I don't know how to reference PanelController given that I can't instantiate a new one.
Am I supposed to use ApplicationDelegate as the go-between, and if so how do I reference that? If so, do I need ApplicationDelegate to instantiate both PanelController and FileUploader, but then I still don't understand how to reference the ApplicationDelegate.

Also consider using blocks which is another more modern apple approach to callbacks. Apple is using it more and more in their new APIs.
Here's a specific SO on updating UI and also making it async:
GCD, Threads, Program Flow and UI Updating
Here's another SO article on blocks & delegates as callbacks
How to simplify callback logic with a Block?

Apple recommends using Delegates in such scenarios.
Here are some SO answers on how to make delegates:
How Do I Create Delegates in Obj-C
How Does Delegate Work in Obj-C


How to tell your viewController to update and pass it an object with the update specifics?

I have a general working knowledge of object-oriented programming and I'm currently trying to create an interactive novel program in Objective C using Xcode 4.2 with storyboarding.
I have a storyController class that instantiates the page objects and a viewController class that needs to display the pages. My fundamental question is the best approach for my storyController to tell the viewController to update it's text to display that of the new page object. My instinct tells me that my storyController needs to call a method on the viewController and pass it a page object. However, I'm not sure how to reference the view controller since it seems to be automatically created and linked by the storyboard (I don't see the viewController instantiated in the appDelegate).
I've read this post: and it seems to address the issue. I could make a shared object on my appDelegate and use KVN or NSNotification to tell the view controller to check it.
I've also been reading about delegates and protocols as possible solutions.
So considering these potentially different approaches, which would be best to tell my viewController to update itself and pass it an object that contains the updates?
I would suggest looking at the UIPageViewController class, which probably will do a lot of the heavy lifting work for you, depending on the specifics of your app. This class is essentially a controller class that contains multiple viewControllers. Each managed viewController becomes essentially a "page" in your book.
Here is a tutorial using UIPageViewController.
If this approach won't work for your app, I'd still suggest using a separate viewController instance for each "page" of your book and handle the transition between the pages with segues.

Changing Background Image for Mainview

I am fairly new to Objective-C, but haven't been able to find the answer I am looking for yet.
I am building a practice app which counts down days till specific events (christmas). It all works well, but I wanted to implement a simple way to change the background image (created from storyboards). The current setup of the app is a basic utility app, with the alternate view containing a UISegmentedControl that will set which background image will be displayed behind the countdown label.
I know I can just push separate views, but that seems quite inefficient. I am fairly sure I can use NSNotifications to update the background image, but am still unclear after reading the documentation how to implement it.
One way is to use delegates. A delegate is a callback. That avoids one view passing a reference to another view and having it poke (introduces coupling). Instead, one provides a callback via a formal protocol and delegate to the other.
Here's an SO question that covers it:
What exactly does delegate do in xcode ios project?
Another option is to have a shared model. Using a singleton pattern, multiple views can share a model (data and operations) and you can use NSNotificationCenter to send notifications. When the other view gets the notification that the background changed, it can query the model and update the background.
Related posts:
Giving notification to another class with NSNotificationCenter
How to share an object with the entire project?
As far as the pros and cons go, basically a notification is good when you want to broadcast a change to multiple views. Delegation is good when two items need to communicate directly with some abstraction.
NSNotificationCenter vs delegation( using protocols )?

UITextView with multiple delegates?

I have a UITextView that points to the File's Owner as its delegate, and I have a number of the delegate functions implemented. However, I would also like to point to a second object (in this case a TextExpander object, also as a delegate. How might this be possible? As far as I know there can only be one delegate in objective-c.
I don't know the specific of TextExpander but he delegate design pattern assumes one and only one delegate. You can't have two delegates for one object.
There are ways around this. You could designate one of the delegates as the primary delegate and implement all the methods in this class. That class could then simple call the secondary delegate for the required methods. This is the simplest approach but does result in the primary delegate becoming tightly coupled with the secondary delegate.
Another approach would be to resolve the messages dynamically and use message forwarding. You would still require the a primary/secondary delegate pattern, but instead of the primary delegate needing to implement all the methods it would simply pass all messages it doesn't respond to onto the secondary delegate. This approach means that the secondary delegate can change by adding/removing additional delegate methods without having to change the primary delegate. The key method is - (id)forwardingTargetForSelector:(SEL)sel. See Objective-C Message Forwarding for a good explanation.
It seems that they solve this in step 5, by setting [textExpander setNextDelegate:self]; before setting the textExpander object as the "primary" delegate of the view.
I don't have the code myself so I haven't tried it, though, and their documentation is... well not.
Just for information: Delegates are not an Objective-C feature, but a design pattern using though Cocoa/Cocoa-touch.
Delegate pattern allow only one object to be notified of the changes of another. The solution to have an intermediate delegate object could be an easy way of doing things.
If you want to keep your code clean and reduce the coupling you might use another pattern known as KVO (Key Value Observing). Apple provides a good guide on how to use it.
In KVO a single object, that needs to be KVC (Key Value Coding) compliant, can notify multiple objects without even knowing about it. It uses an intermediate notifier object (singleton for you application).
Check the Apple doc on KVC + KVO and you shall be able to do what you want.
I have a class with the protocol NSXMLParserDelegate implemented. I call this ParserHelper. I parse a lot of XML which happen to have some tags in all of them and i have about 20 parsers (one for each type of XML), and i didnt want to implement it over and over again.
So, I subclassed my ParserHelper class 20 times, adding in each subclass the required tags/behaviours like CaseAParser, CaseBParser and so on...
I just implement the delegate methods i needed and called it on the superclass once i'm done with the method.
I assume it works on every delegate.
This way, all you need is to make your class a subclass of SMTEDelegateController and implement the methods you need, remembering to call the [super whatEverMethod:andParameters] at the end of your functions and you should be good to go.

Can someone please explain delegates in objective-c?

I have been using Objective-C for a while and pretty much understand most of its features. However, the concept of delegates eludes me. Can someone please give a succinct and easy to comprehend explanation of what delegates are, how they are used in the iPhone SDK, and how I can best make use of them in my own code?
Thank you!
There are a couple main reasons to use delegates in Objective-C, which are subtly different:
Enhancing the base functionality of a framework class. For example, a UITableView is pretty boring on its own, so you can give it a delegate to handle the interesting bits (creating table cells, adding text to section headers, what have you). This way, UITableView never changes, but different table views can look and act very differently.
Communicating to parent objects in your dependency hierarchy. For example, you may have a view with a button that the user may push to do something that affects other views. The view will have to send a message to its parent view, or perhaps the view controller, so that it can create or destroy or modify other views. To do this you'd pass the parent object into your view, most likely through a protocol, as a weak reference (in Objective-C, an assign property). The view could then send any message declared in the protocol to the parent, or delegate, object.
This approach need not involve views. For example NSURLConnection passes event back to its delegate, which may be the object that created it, using this mechanism.
Essentially, all a delegate is, is an object that accepts feedback from another object. Put simply, when stuff happens to an object, it tells its delegate (assuming it has one).
For instance, lets say I have a UIViewController with a UITextView placed in the middle of the view. I set up my UIViewController to be the delegate of the UITextView. Then, when certain actions are performed on the text view (begin editing, text changes, end editing, etc), it tells it's delegate so it can do whatever logic it needs to do, like spell checking every time characters change, or dismissing the keyboard when it receives a return key press.
Delegate methods perform a similar function to callback functions in C.
Hope that makes sense :)
Best and simple concept I got from a Tutorial was: When you set a Delegate it means you have been given work to do. So, if you want to use methods that are written in a protocol method, you must implement them by searching in the Delegate Class Reference and using them. I hope it helped.
By the way, Delegates are excellents. They are your friends. They have been made to make your life as a programmer much easier.

NSNotification vs. Delegate Protocols?

I have an iPhone application which basically is getting information from an API (in XML, but maybe JSON eventually). The result objects are typically displayed in view controllers (tables mainly).
Here is the architecture right now.
I have NSOperation classes which fetch the different objects from the remote server. Each of these NSOperation classes, will take a custom delegate method which will fire back the resulting objects as they are parsed, and then finally a method when no more results are available. So, the protocol for the delegates will be something like:
(void) ObjectTypeResult:(ObjectType *)result;
(void) ObjectTypeNoMoreResults;
I think the solution works well, but I do end up with a bunch of delegate protocols around and then my view controllers have to implement all these delegate methods. I don't think its that bad, but I'm always on the lookout for a better design.
So, I'm thinking about using NSNotifications to remove the use of the delegates. I could include the object in the userInfo part of the notification and just post objects as received, and then a final event when no more are available. Then I could just have one method in each view controller to receive all the data, even when using multiple objects in one controller.†
So, can someone share with me some pros/cons of each approach. Should I consider refactoring my code to use Events rather then the delegates? Is one better then the other in certain situations? In my scenario I'm really not looking to receive notifications in multiple places, so maybe the protocol based delegates are the way to go.
Actually, your design sounds sound. The clear Cocoa approach is using delegates, and is much preferred to throwing objects around. Also, defining your protocols this way makes your code very explicit and easy to understand. All in all: keep up the good work