Comments not showing up in comment moderation view - facebook

We recently launched a website ( that uses FB comments on a number of pages (200-300 atm I believe). To easily moderate the comments (and get an overview) I followed the instructions and added the FB app ID as well as the user ID's of the moderators. It seems to work fine, as insights is working, and changing the settings for the comments box from works as intended. However, according to insights, there has been 7 comments in total on the website (it doesn't say where) but no comments have showed up on the administration page ( Have I missed something or is it just plain wrong information I'm getting from insights.
I can of course manually check those 200-300 pages to see if there's a comment, but I'd rather not :/


Facebook Comments have disappeared from all our pages

All the Facebook comments have disappeared from our site's webpages (see:
I've run the pages through the Debugger, and it appears that they're ok (just warnings about descriptions, etc.).
But when I was trying to see if there was new code for the comment box from FB, I used the FB comment plugin creator—that's when something strange happened. The example site shows up just fine; our site is rendered with a .... Weird! Frustrating!
We've been using FB comments for over a year now, and they work pretty well. But this is really frustrating. Here's some proof:
Have we
It's a facebook comments plugin issue at the moment. Check this
Hopefully it will be fixed soon.

Facebook links to non existent featured article in joomla

I have a site, first time I wrote url in facebook it shows a featured demo article of the template. I erased it from the site, and wrote an article with the information. But facebook keeps showing the now non existent featured article.
I thought it was a cache, but three days later I still have the problem. Any ideas? Thanks.
Try taking a look using the facebook debugger tool.
You can see what errors there might be and what the cached version of the page looks like. Although 3 days does seem like a long time for a cache, there's probably more factors Facebook take into account (popularity etc.) before they invalidate a cache

Facebook comments plugin broken?

How do I solve an issue where the Facebook comments plugin seems to be completely broken? Please see the screen shot.
When I am logged in to Facebook, I see what you see there. Where the plugin HTML is meant to be, it says "skin must be one of the following values: light, dark".
When I am logged out of Facebook, it is completely blank. I am seeing this error on all browsers, on multiple test computers (including various configurations on, on every website that I can find that uses the Facebook social comments plugin - including Facebook itself!
It looks like Facebook have dramatically changed their comments plugin code. All sites using this plugin will probably have to update their code ASAP because the old code doesn't seem to work any longer.
To get Facebook's own page working, I just had to type in "light" in the Color Scheme box.

Facebook no longer picking up *any* meta data from my WP blog

I've been running a blog for years now, and sharing blog posts (with the correct thumbnail, title and description) on Facebook always worked fine. Last week however, when sharing new blog posts, all the meta data was obviously missing - Facebook didn't even pick up the title of the page. When debugging the new blog posts, I get:
Response Code : 503
Missing Required Property: The og:url property is required, but not present.
Missing Required Property: The og:type property is required, but not present.
Missing Required Property: The og:title property is required, but not present.
When debugging old posts (and by old I mean posts published before that day when Facebook suddenly decided to stop reading meta data from my site), everything's there, I can share the link with picture, thumbnail and description.
There are two things troubling me:
1) I have all important meta tags explicitly specified in my header and my functions.php - when viewing the source code for the blog posts (see for yourself here:
) , everything's there. I didn't change anything on my blog for weeks (or maybe months), and yet, from one day to another, I can't share my links on Facebook correctly anymore - even though all the required meta data is there.
2) Facebook is able to pull title, image etc. from even the most simple sites, that don't have any meta data included. I've tried and removed all the meta data from the header and functions.php, and yet facebook couldn't pull any information from my site?!
I've tried disabling all comments, tested some WP plugins that put the correct meta data in your source code, disabled them again, even removed all FB-related plugins such as like/sharing button etc. Any help on this much appreciated, I haven't got a clue how I could possibly fix this!
It seems as though your WP server is returning a 503 server error for all scrapes from Facebook. It may be that this is a security feature you enabled recently, or a plugin that attempts to serve different content to Facebook for the purposes of scraping.

problems with - Facebook Like Button Admin access

I've been having trouble accessing admin privledges for the like buttons on my website (along with other things).
This is the situation:
I have made a facebook page for my website
I have made a facebook app for my website that allows people with facebook accounts to register and login to the site. This works fine.
Like buttons are associated with different php dynamically created pages on my website i.e. These Like buttons work when users click on them. I also have a like button for the main page which works a bit funny as it seems to sum up all the likes from the other pages (even though they all have different URLs associated with them)
Now what I'm having issues with:
I have put 3 facebook UIDs into the metatags for admin purposes for the Like buttons. I have tested some links with the fb Linter ( and it doesn't seem to have any issues, but when I click the like buttons myself, I get no admin features. I have also tried accessing admin priv directly from facebook, but no luck with that either.
I read that you can tie admin rights to a fb page, so then I tried it with the facebook page (page_id) for the site, but no luck with that either.
I then tried to give admin rights from my website to the facebook app, but when i test it with the linter it says that i have associate it with the specific page, which seems to defeat the purpose of what i'm trying to do (tie all the website pages together so i can easily administrate them).
The furthest I've got is to see the insights for the domain (where i wasn't able to before), but I can't seem to see likes for individual pages and I don't seem to have any admin rights about publishing to user's feed or seeing who the 'likers' are! Am I missing something now?
It 'seems' to be that i'm doing all the correct things specified by the documentation, but I have getting nowhere and don't know what else to do. I have searched forums for answers, but they're just all over the place. I hope that stating my exact problem and what I've done will hopefully find someone able to help me!
Thanks in advance.
2 things I have found:
It seems the Admin link will only appear when you are using the default like button settings (ie faces on etc)
For the times that I could not get the Admin link to appear, I ran the linter and it suddenly did.
Perhaps try emptying the cache for your browser too but I have a feeling the first point might solve your problem?
I could be wrong, would love to hear someone else's opinion!
This issue has been driving me crazy ever since I accidentally discovered that these magical pages existed. I've had them show up with and without appIds in the fb js snippet. There doesn't seem to be any logic.
Item 1 from Sam Hammond doesn't seem to matter. Most of my Like buttons have data-show-faces set to false.
<div class="fb-like" data-href="" data-send="false" data-layout="button_count" data-width="100" data-show-faces="false"></div>
From the above example I have seen the following:
Actual Web Page Like Button shows "9k"
My admin page shows "1.7k"
It's great. I can reach 1.7k people who Liked the page. But what about the rest and what about any new pages I create?
For now, when in doubt, drop the Facebook Page Like Box on your web page because at least it works consistently:
I also have to wonder how facebook users react when they start seeing posts in their feed from sites they Liked. It seems a bit intrusive.
I frequently use the Linter/Debugger tool on my web pages, doesn't seem to make anything appear. But this tool is highly recommended for other purposes:
updated link from above is: