Facebook links to non existent featured article in joomla - facebook

I have a site www.line4ever.com, first time I wrote url in facebook it shows a featured demo article of the template. I erased it from the site, and wrote an article with the information. But facebook keeps showing the now non existent featured article.
I thought it was a cache, but three days later I still have the problem. Any ideas? Thanks.

Try taking a look using the facebook debugger tool.
You can see what errors there might be and what the cached version of the page looks like. Although 3 days does seem like a long time for a cache, there's probably more factors Facebook take into account (popularity etc.) before they invalidate a cache


Sharing blogger post on Facebook not working properly anymore

I write a blog but now nothing about programming.
Until some time ago, whenever I shared a new post on FB it chooses the first image of the post and that was fine (although I'd prefer to control which one to share every time). And it also got the title of the post correctly.
Now it always chooses the header picture of the blog and inserts the blog's title and description instead. Also, if I try to share the blog itself it chooses not the header picture but some old one from one given post...
FB debugger gives me this:
"og:image was not defined, could not be downloaded or was not big enough. Please define a chosen image using the og:image meta tag, and use an image that's at least 200x200px and is accessible from Facebook. Image 'http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-vVHBaAssg-E/VdiSUEICydI/AAAAAAAAApw/Tsmhu4ZefTk/s1600/dpca%2Bblog%2Bcover%2Bv3.png' will be used instead. Consult (...) for more troubleshooting tips.
To find the object, these are the redirects we had to follow"
But the pictures in the post (or the blog's header) are in fact larger than 200x200.
I've added code as suggested in FB and bloggers tutorials but still no juice...
What's wrong?
I'm using AddThis as the sharing "platform".
Example post: http://doportocomamor.blogspot.pt/2016/02/brincar-com-o-fogo.html
thanks a lot in advance

Facebook posted link crawl

Here's a problem: I've got some number of links posted to groups "as is". That posts look like a link, nothing more. Is there a way to make that links crawled to previews, as Facebook automatically does when we share a link or post it with a minor delay? Without re-posting them.
I've had that with slow internet connections or weak devices.
Or you can read this: http://www.robblatt.com/technology/facebook-previews-not-working-heres-a-fix/
Anyhow, if it doesn't show the preview at any try, you should - before trying again - refresh the page, as (mentioned in above link) if it doesn't go the first time, it never will, unless you refresh.
otherwise, did you update the page recently (or was it recently updated)?
Edit: try adding this to the end of the link: ?=1

OpenGraph now showing shares count for some pages

I've got a problem on a website I've made.
Facebook opengraph is not showing the shares count for some pages...
For example, I have only the id and the share count here:
But on these 2 pages I have all the other infos, but not the shares count:
The pages have the same template (it's a website in WordPress and all those pages use the same php template file...)
Did I do something wrong?! How can I fix it?
Why a page that has basically the same template is showing different information?
I've checked on https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug
and I don't have any error on my og tags..
Thanks a lot!
Ok, so I had the same issue. What I did was tried running the URL through the graph without the trailing slash. For example:
This would show the count. If you run it with the slash like you had, it wouldn't.
I thought I fixed the issue. It works for my older pages, but the newer ones aren't working.
Here is an example:
Not sure what FB has been doing lately.
I'm having the exact same problem. (Not WP, but PHP template pages). Absolutely no OG errors in the debugger ... I've Googled the issue and re-read the OG docs to no avail. The only pattern I can see is that any page published prior to a certain date works, everything after does not. Possible that I unwittingly changed something vital and FB is caching info from the old versions? However, as I said, the debugger scrape is current and there is no difference in the old and more recently published pages.
No shares showing:
Shares showing:

Comments not showing up in comment moderation view

We recently launched a website (http://olssongerthel.se) that uses FB comments on a number of pages (200-300 atm I believe). To easily moderate the comments (and get an overview) I followed the instructions and added the FB app ID as well as the user ID's of the moderators. It seems to work fine, as insights is working, and changing the settings for the comments box from http://developers.facebook.com/tools/comments works as intended. However, according to insights, there has been 7 comments in total on the website (it doesn't say where) but no comments have showed up on the administration page (http://developers.facebook.com/tools/comments). Have I missed something or is it just plain wrong information I'm getting from insights.
I can of course manually check those 200-300 pages to see if there's a comment, but I'd rather not :/

Facebook share cache

Good morning all!
I'm developing the Facebook Share button feature on a site, but i'm having the following problem:
Imagine that i have an article that i want to share with the id=1
when i shared it, by doing:
<a name="fb_share" type="icon_link" share_url="http://www.something.com/en/news.xhtml?id=1"/>
all went good.
Now, i tried to share a different article (id=2)
this took me to the article with id=1.
Is there any cache problem on the facebook side, or he caches the page http://www.something.com/en/news.xhtml and discards the request parameters?
Thanks in advance
use the following service https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug , pass the url and facebook will flush the current cache.
This issue was mentioned on the following developer thread on FB.
Facebook share does cache pages with the same URL, but in the example you provided the URL is different, you could also try passing trough the date in the URL to make sure the page is unique. It may have been that you tried sharing that page before but the content then may have been different then ...