Quickest route to get up to speed with iPhone development [closed] - iphone

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Closed 9 years ago.
Am currently reading Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X by Hillegass just to get up to speed on Objective-C and the Development tools. What would be the next best step ?
Instructor led course ?
Online training?
Specific books ?

I can't ever learn a new development platform without a programming project.
I would pick a simple project that will touch on a bunch of different design and interface elements - and go to it...

My recommended approach, especially with iPhone development, is 'learning by doing'.
I'd say you should get your hands dirty with a simple app, like "Hello World".
Next step would be to improve on it, making a simple flashlight app (display a image). You'd then improve on it by adding some dynamic text, etc.
Recommended resources:
http://appsamuck.com/ - really simple apps you can code in less than an hour, explained in detail
iPhone Development books: "iPhone Developer's Cookbook" and "Beginning iPhone 3 Development" (get them on Amazon)

CS193P is an excellent resource with all the lectures and homeworks.

Beginning iPhone 3 Development: Exploring the iPhone SDK is a nice book.

I would pay a cheap freelancer.com to help me out via a remote desktop method. There are out there people who are experienced and for some money they will teach you.


OSX Cocoa Book recommendation for an iOS Developer? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I'm an experienced iOS developer, and I understand the basic differences between iOS and OSX development in theory, but have not written a single app for OSX. Next week, I plan to begin my first OSX app. This weekend, I have a long road trip... so I'm hoping someone can recommend a good book for learning OSX/Cocoa development, considering my existing knowledge (eg, I'd really rather not putz around with "Here's a NSString!" or other such Hello-world-esque approaches for newbies to Objective C).
I would be inclined to pick up Beginning Lion OSX Apps Development (a book from Apress because I had a good experience with them for iOS). The reviews on Amazon aren't the greatest but the worst reviews have complaints about the book's poor index. Someone who had iOS development experience but wanted to switch over to mac (someone like you) gave it a 4-star rating.
In all honesty though, I would opt for guides and Apple documentation. If you are going to have access to an iPad on your road trip, I would recommend you download some of Apple's programming guides to iBooks and read them during your trip. If you want examples step-by-step however, and need help overcoming a learning curve, I find Apress books to be solid.
Hope that helps!

How can I start developing a simple APP on iphone? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
How can I start developing a simple APP on iphone??
Start with these previous answers on SO:
Getting started with iphone dev
How to articles for iphone dev
Best book/article to learn iphone dev
Buy a Mac, install XCode, then go to IPhone tutorial blogs to learn. That should be it.
In my experience you are better off reading a book than browsing blogs when starting to learn a new technology from scratch.
Therefore my recommendation would be to buy a Mac, install XCode, then buy a decent book on IPhone programming.
Consider making an web-app instead. It's 80 percent of the functionality of an real app with 20 percent the effort for anyone new to iOS.
If you want to learn iOS then buy a Mac, install xCode and go with the flow. Watch Stanfords CS193P course on iTunes and do the assignments as a start.

How to learn about iPhone jailbroken programming? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I'm interested in learning about what additional features and APIs an app has access to when an iPhone is jailbroken. Can someone provide me with some basic resources to learn about this? I would be most interested in:
documentation on the private APIs
filesystem layout
app configuration, e.g. how did WinterBoard replace SpringBoard? Apps that replace the lockscreen?
tools needed
Suggestions appreciated.
Very good question. I've personally spend quite a bit of time on trying to find documentation on the private APIs, and even though I'm pretty sure I've come across it some time ago, right now I can't really find it anymore. However, I do have some answers to your questions. Let me share what I have so far:
Filesystem layout
An old, but still mostly true guide on filesystem layout.
"Replacing" apps
I think most of the "hijacking" of original iPhone apps is based on catching and re-implementing objective-c messages through posing and comparable techniques. A good guide on this is available here. I'm note entirely sure that this is the mechanism at work though.
A toolchain for iphone dev is available on google code. See this guide for info on how to install it.
See this guide for info on how to use the default apple Xcode environment for development on a jailbroken phone.
This is the best thing I'v found on the subject so far :
Jailbroken Development : Starter Pack

mac and iphone development books 2009 [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
What the best books available right now on Mac and iPhone development ?
These two books were good:
iPhone SDK Application
iPhone In Action
The Apple online docs are actually pretty good too:
I'd stay away from this one, I didn't think it was very good:
Programming in Objective C
You might want to consider some of these: http://cocoaheads.byu.edu/resources/book
In this order:
Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X (The Bible)
Beginning iPhone Development (Long-winded but great for beginners)
iPhone SDK Development (Starts nicely, but gets a little too deep too fast. Still in beta)
Programming in Objective-C (Only down so far because I couldn't get through the first few chapters. Recommended by many, good for total programming beginners)
iPhone Cookbook (Full of mistakes, but good for learning stuff closer to the code)
iPhone in Action (I didn't learn anything from this book. Might be good for programming for Mobile Safari)
Learning Cocoa with Objective-C (Avoid)
This is mainly an iPhone list, but several are more general books.
The iPhone SDK Development looks very nice. I did not read it, but read a lot promising about it on the blog of one of the authors, Chris Adamson. The blog itself is very good reading for everybody interested in iPhone sound programming.

iPhone Development Related Podcasts? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
Anyone have any suggestions for good iPhone development related podcasts?
Only one I've run across is http://www.mobileorchard.com/ and was looking for some others.
Just came across a reference to a new podcast, Build and Analyse.
Late Night Cocoa and other shows on the Mac Developer Network feature iPhone topics every now and then.
CocoaCast also has iPhone episodes, which tend to be a bit more practical.
The Pragmatic Programmer has some video casts, but they are $5 each. There is a two-part series on using Xcode, and five-part series on writing your first iPhone application.
NSBrief is new and is a bit more technical, though not overly so.
I realize this thread might be a little old and has a marked answer. However it was one of the top results when I googled "iphone podcast" which is the reason for my reply.
Stanford has a class on Iphone Development and you can view it by subscribing to it on Itunes. I've been watching these classes and they are good to get started on Iphone Dev
More info about this can be found on podcastingnews.com or at the Stanford on the itunes website