How to get data via bluetooth from another device to iphone? - iphone

In my application i want to get the data from a measuring device using bluetooth and update the iphone GUI accordingly.How could i do this communication using bluetooth.Is it supports all bluetooth profile.
Pls help me as i'm new iphone programmin.


Is it possible to build this kind of iOS Bluetooth app?

I want to know if it is possible to build this kind of bluetooth application on iOS platform.
There are two devices:
1. bluetooth device with installed camera module
- This device only has a camera module, a memory, and a bluetooth module.
2. iOS device. (sleeping - with screen black, possibly locked)
The bluetooth device can be used to do the following:
1. Press a button to take a picture
2. Send the picture via bluetooth to the Iphone,
3. Iphone wakes up, sends the picture to a server.
The key points that I'm curious about is
1. Is is possible to wake up the device with a bluetooth signal,
2. Is it possible to launch an application/wake up an application with a bluetooth signal so that it can process information/send it?
Also, if this functionality is possible, then can it be done with classic bluetooth module, without registering for the MFI program? or do I have to use BLE?
Techniques to discover the device:
1. Core Bluetooth Framework: only works for Bluetooth low energy i.e BLE.
2. EAaccessory Framework: Apple provides an API called External Accessory Framework, which can be used to interact with paired Bluetooth devices or device connected through wired, for which we have to fix the apple connector at the base of the device.
3. Gamekit Framework: if we are using game kit framework then it is necessary that the application is running in foreground in both of the device i.e if the application is in background then it is not possible to pear the device and second thing if we are using game kit framework then there is a limit of about 90k per 'send' ,so if our file is larger then 90k then we have to break it up.
If you have any queries then you can ask..

Get GPS from iPhone to wifi iPad via bluetooth?

Is it possible to transmit GPS data from a GPS-enabled iPhone to a wifi-only iPad? Does anyone have sample code to share that would do this?
How about getting GPS data from an Android via bluetooth, over to a wifi iPad?
Yes, but you would need to create an application for both devices that would communicate with each other. You cannot get the location over wifi without a custom application sending the data.
Have a look at the WiTap sample app. This app allows two devices to find each other and send data to each other using WiFi. You can adapt this code so one device sends location data it obtains to the other device instead of info about which rectangle was tapped.
I have no info for doing this with Android.

Bluetooth connection to other External USB Bluetooth devises with out accessory?

I have a requirement - I need to connect the my iPhone application with external Bluetooth Devices like (Thermometer, Oximeter) without External Accessory and I need to transfer the data with my application to Bluetooth Device. Is it possible? Can I connect my iPhone to any other devices (not a Apple device)? Is anyone aware of this?
if you are asking for connect bluetooth with any other bluetooth than its possible from now.
in ios apple introduce core bluetooth for connect with external bluetooth devices. The CoreBluetooth framework provides access to Bluetooth 4.0 low energy devices. but its support after ios 5.0 .
you can get more information and demo source code for it from below url.
hope this will help you.
if you are asking for connect bluetooth with any other bluetooth than its possible from now.
you have aslo get more information from given below url.

turn on bluetooth device from iphone

in my application i'm trying to turn on a bluetooth device from the iphone. The bluetooth device is one of those you put in your ear to talk without holding the phone. I wonder if it's possible to turn on the bluetooth wirelessly from my application.
No, because the bluetooth device would have to be ON to receive the signal to turn ON.
The user manages paired bluetooth devices. If you just need input, see: Can the iPhone 3.0 SDK provide full access to Bluetooth devices (headsets)?.

Can iPhone app connect to a bluetooth transmitter ( non iOs Device ) with A2DP Profile?

I want to create an iOS Application which will be listening to a streamed audio from a non iOS bluetooth hardware. This hardware will be transmitting the audio and iPhone App should play it. Is it possible to do this on iPhone ? Does iOs provides any support do do this with A2DP Profile. As far as I read Its not possible to connect iPhone to any non iOs device.
This is not possible
Because the iOS device supports only the A2DP source (i,e it can stream A2DP) and not A2DP Sink (i.e it cannot be listening to the stream)
Well its possible.If You want to connect that device to iPhone you should register your device through apple. they will authenticate your device. Go through apple site for more details.