Get GPS from iPhone to wifi iPad via bluetooth? - iphone

Is it possible to transmit GPS data from a GPS-enabled iPhone to a wifi-only iPad? Does anyone have sample code to share that would do this?
How about getting GPS data from an Android via bluetooth, over to a wifi iPad?

Yes, but you would need to create an application for both devices that would communicate with each other. You cannot get the location over wifi without a custom application sending the data.

Have a look at the WiTap sample app. This app allows two devices to find each other and send data to each other using WiFi. You can adapt this code so one device sends location data it obtains to the other device instead of info about which rectangle was tapped.
I have no info for doing this with Android.


Screen Joining between iPhone and iPhone

I mean two iPhone devices should be connected with Bluetooth or WiFi and the UI of the one device should be extended to another iPhone device(not sharing the screen). Do we have the way to do this in iOS?
Bump API is the best example and will be useful to you to connect two devices(IOS/Android) and transfer data between them.

How to get data via bluetooth from another device to iphone?

In my application i want to get the data from a measuring device using bluetooth and update the iphone GUI accordingly.How could i do this communication using bluetooth.Is it supports all bluetooth profile.
Pls help me as i'm new iphone programmin.

Is iphone simulator geolocation features working with the Ethernet/Wired network connection only?

I'm trying to develop an iPhone application which uses the geolocation libraries. Is this feasible for the iphone simulator to simulate the GPS functionality without the use of my PC's Wi-Fi infrastructure? Does anyone know if the iphone simulator can spot your location using your IP-address only (so only the Ethernet cable connection is required)?
Thanks in advance.
You should test that functionality on an actual device. I believe the simulator will always show Cupertino, CA as the location.
No it won't work using ethernet. Core location appears to only work with WIFI even though at the end is the same router.
CoreLocation doesn't work in the simulator, but there are options
Simulator doesn't have this functionality, but iSimulate has (it's not mine :-( ). It connects the device and simulator per WiFi and sends location events to the application within simulator: real GPS events and a few predefined locations around the world. Pretty cool!

video streaming between two iphones?

is it possible to show what is showing in camera in one IPhone to another iphone through
bluetooth(GKSession)..Remote Live is available in Appstore.any idea pls?
I have never developed for iPhone before, but the idea sounds like it should be possible. I would take the approach of remote desktop basically. On the host phone, start up the camera and capture the image/video stream, then on the receiving phone have the client app that pairs to the host via bluetooth (wouldnt a wireless connection be better?) and send the data to the client phone to be rendered?

iPhone:Find Wifi and Bluetooth nearby devices programmatically?

I am trying to find nearby WiFi devices programmatically from my application.
I have the following two questions.
1. Is there any API's to do this? Is there any sample provided to go through?
2. Is it possible to implement it from 3.0 SDK or 4.0 SDK?
The same thing i want to find nearby Bluetooth devices as well and want to send file using this from one device to another?
Have a look at Game Kit
As far as I know you can do what you want with Bluetooth but not WiFi (unless the devices are on the same wireless network). For WiFi I recommend you build your own server app that the iPhone clients advertise their location to and get "nearby" device info. Much like how Bump works. This way you don't need your clients to be on the same network.