Bluetooth connection to other External USB Bluetooth devises with out accessory? - iphone

I have a requirement - I need to connect the my iPhone application with external Bluetooth Devices like (Thermometer, Oximeter) without External Accessory and I need to transfer the data with my application to Bluetooth Device. Is it possible? Can I connect my iPhone to any other devices (not a Apple device)? Is anyone aware of this?

if you are asking for connect bluetooth with any other bluetooth than its possible from now.
in ios apple introduce core bluetooth for connect with external bluetooth devices. The CoreBluetooth framework provides access to Bluetooth 4.0 low energy devices. but its support after ios 5.0 .
you can get more information and demo source code for it from below url.
hope this will help you.

if you are asking for connect bluetooth with any other bluetooth than its possible from now.
you have aslo get more information from given below url.


Bluetooth Connection with Handheld and iPhone

I am trying to establish a bluetooth connection between a Windows CE handheld device(A bank card reader) and iPhone. I want to make data transfer betweeen the two. I have read that prior to IOS 6.0 this was not possible. But with IOS 6.0 I can use core bluetooth to establish a connection.
I would like to know whether the handheld devices bluetooth should be of certain spec to make it work with IOS devices? Or are there any restriction fro any bluetooth device to communicate with an IOS device?
I have read here that the device should be Bluetooth LE. How can I detect whether my handheld device is bluetooth LE?
It would be nice if you would provide more information about this Windows CE device.
Just search for the specs of it. If it supports Bluetooth 4.0 LE you have to look if it specifies any of the known profiles. If not the manufacturer may have implemented an own profile to provide certain services and characteristics.
If this is not the case, there is no possibility to establish a connection over CoreBluetooth.
But if its a bank card reader I can't imagine, that it supports BLE.
If the device just supports Bluetooth 2.x you can only connect via the External Accessories Framework. But this only works if the manufacturer bought the MFi (Made for iPod) license and implemented the required specs into the hardware (only then the device is "MFi approved").

Is there a way to read data from a Non-Apple Bluetooth Device with the iPhone?

I really searched on this topic for a while now. Especially when iOS 3 was the latest software version on the iPhone.
I wonder if there is a possibility to connect the iPhone to an external device via Bluetooth using the SDK and retrieve measured data?
Thanks for your help!
If the Bluetooth device can masquerade as a Bluetooth keyboard, then it can send data to an iOS device encoded as keystrokes.
If the Bluetooth device is or can masquerade as a headset, then it might be able to send data encoded by an audio modulation scheme, such as FSK. A matching modem/codec will need to be running in the iOS app.
For the newest iOS devices (4S) you can use the new Bluetooth LE protocol to send data (older Bluetooth data communication protocols are not available to apps unless you are in Apple's NDA MFi program).
You have to look into the MFi Program by apple since you want your devices communicating. It provides support on using an external accessory with your iPhone, though you have to register/pay for it.

iPhone Bluetooth application to connect to a Bluetooth printer

Has anybody succeeded in developing a bluetooth application on the iPhone that prints to a Bluetooth printer?
I have been investigating the feasibility of developing an iPhone application that could print to a Bluetooth-enabled printer. I've gone through the most of the postings in this thread and was confused by the mail exchanges.
As per my analysis:
Gamekit - can be used for bluetooth connectivity between iPhones and IPods ONLY
Bonjour - can be used for wi-fi connectivity between iPhones/IPods and bonjour-enabled printer
We can use an external accessory to connect to a third party Bluetooth-enabled printer provided the 3rd-party printer complies with the necessary regulations from Apple (registering for either “Made for iPod”/ “Works with iPhone”, and also customizing their printer with specific hardware/software, etc.)
Could someone please share their experiences?
You want their external accessory framework. Not GameKit. Happy coding!
The External Accessory framework provides support for communicating with external hardware connected to an iPhone OS–based device through the 30-pin dock connector or wirelessly using Bluetooth.
(This is exactly what you were looking for)
To detect and connect to external devices ExternalAccessoryFramework should be used.Me too developing an application for connecting iphone to other hardware devices via bluetooth .A'm facing the problem with the protocol.The protocol should be the hardware supported ones and the protocol should be given in the info plist file..
Happy coding.
You can want to try this Bluetooth printer, which is Apple MFI approved
I would bet that you would need to use Bonjour and Wi-Fi for this application. The bluetooth hardware is restricted to gameplay from what I've seen.
well i have sucsessfully accomplished bt printing on a customers I-phone both devices have to be in discovery mode to do so and then the combination wireless and bt will allow only photo printing though otherwise you will need an app

iphone blue tooth connection

could i connect iPhone and collect data from other bluetooth device (it may be iphone , ipod, nokia or other blue tooth device, like PC and so on.) from my own application. ?
if it is possible which way is the easiest . like GameKit framework ?
pls help me
With the SDK the GameKit framework is your only choice.
You are not allowed to low-level access to Bluetooth devices, also knowing apple and their policy on connecting external devices to their iPods, it would take some kind of chip and licensing deal for a vendor to be able to connect their device to an iPhone. So I am guessing that not all bluetooth devices will be abble to connect to your iPhone

GKPeerPickerController and GKSession

we can connect by bluetooth only iPodtouch or iPhone using GKSession and GKPeerPickerController right ? , or can we connect other bluetooth device ?
Bluetooth communication using GameKit (GKPeerPickerController and GKSession) is limited to iPhoneOS devices.
You can also use the internet instead of bluetooth, but once again, you are still limited to iPhoneOS devices.
If you are interested in using External Accessories, I suggest you check out Apple's Documentation on the matter. Their documentation states that:
Accessories can be physically connected to the device through the 30-pin dock connector or wirelessly using Bluetooth.
This still will not enable you to play games between devices that aren't iPhoneOS, as you need the iPhoneOS, and it's GameKit framework on both ends. If you are interested in setting such a thing up, you will have to look into managing it manually.
I would strongly advise against using bluetooth, as it's buggy, slow, and has a short range. Peer to peer Wifi or LAN play will be your best bets. I suggest looking into using Bonjour of you're using LAN play. Here are two tutorials (one, two) on using Bonjour. Happy gaming!
the last i heard, bluetooth is 'crippled' on the iphone meaning you can only transfer data via bluetooth to another device with an Apple approved bluetooth chip in it. check out the apple docs for developing 'accessories'.