retrieve the amount of likes in a facebook page status - facebook

I would like to enquire whether or not it is possible to retrieves the numbers likes of a facebook fan page status or links or photos to be like?
if there is, must there be an apps for this or a simple social plugins?
the main thing i would to do is that, when USER A likes my website, the amount of likes will increased right? The link that USER A liked, would appear in USER A's wall. What would happen if their friends likes the post where USER A likes my website, can i add up to that likes too?

When you access the Post object in the Graph API it has the count and details for both the comments and the likes - e.g.


Facebook share through my website and get likes and shares count only?

I want to create a website where it would be crucial to be able to view the likes and shares of a specific post a user shares from the website.. Is this possible anymore? The flow would be similar to this:
User logs in through Facebook and grants user_posts permission
User then clicks a share button for a specific url with quote content and a hashtag
What I need after those steps are:
ID of the post from sharing
Count of likes, reactions and shares on that post
even better would be a webhook notice of likes/reactions/shares count.
Any ideas? I don't need any private data... just counts of likes/reactions/shares but it's not looking possible anymore.
Don't incentivize people to post content on Facebook, or give the
impression that posting to Facebook will be rewarded
Incentivizing users for posting/sharing something on their personal wall is not allowed, you would not get the user_posts permission approved for that, and that makes it impossible.

Is there a way to count the number of times each individual Facebook Friend has liked your Facebook posts?

Iam trying get the number of times each individual liked my particular post.
It seems that it is possible to get the overall like count of a page.
But I dont need the overall like count. I want in specific data of a user who liked my posts.
I tried these links
How can I get fan page likes count using graph api?
Getting the Facebook like/share count for a given URL
How to get Facebook likes count for a Facebook page?
I am just writing the answer which is mentioned in the comment. Because that's the answer.
No, that is not really possible. Each of your friends would have to
sign in to your app and grant it permission to read their likes, and
you would need to have valid individual user tokens available for all
of them each time you want to request this data, because “A User or
Page can only query their own likes. Other Users' or Pages' likes are
unavailable due to privacy concerns.”

Facebook - ids for page likes

Is it possible to get the identities of users who have liked a page through the Facebook graph api? If so, what access permissions are required?
I have only been able to get the count via the /user edge.
That other thread got one answer that is correct:
Although you can't get a list of all the fans of a Facebook Page, you can find out whether a specific person has liked a Page.

Facebook API: How to tag all the people who liked your page?

Say I have a Facebook page and there are n number of people who liked that page. Now I want to upload a photo on this page and tag all the people who liked that page. Is this possible? If so how?
No, for several reasons:
You can't retrieve a list of all fans of a page via the API
You can only tag friends of the current user whose access token you're using in photos
It's against policy to tag people in photos in which they don't actually appear

Facebook App - to make app or fetch pic

I wanted to do something really cool for all my Facebook fanpage fans (10000 in total) but for that I need those 10000 profile pics. But Facebook only allows to see 500 profiles of fans at a time. I tried every method possible, but am not able to see all my 10000 fans in list (if so then I can simple save there pics).
If there is no way to get all those pics, then I intend to make a Facebook app which I can put on my landing page of fan page, which can ask user to click a button, and by clicking that button - the user's profile pic gets fetched. if I get his ID also then it's great, but that's not mandatory, just pic would be enough.
You don't need to create a separate application to get your fans' profile pictures.
Facebook Open Graph objects are paged. As such, you can only retrieve 500 fans at a time, but you can make subsequent requests to obtain the rest of them by issuing a request as follows:[access_token][access_token]
The following pages may be useful:
It is not possible to query the fans of a Facebook page.
Querying Users who 'like' my Facebook Page