Facebook - ids for page likes - facebook

Is it possible to get the identities of users who have liked a page through the Facebook graph api? If so, what access permissions are required?
I have only been able to get the count via the /user edge.

That other thread got one answer that is correct:
Although you can't get a list of all the fans of a Facebook Page, you can find out whether a specific person has liked a Page.
Source: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/common-scenarios


Is there a way to count the number of times each individual Facebook Friend has liked your Facebook posts?

Iam trying get the number of times each individual liked my particular post.
It seems that it is possible to get the overall like count of a page.
But I dont need the overall like count. I want in specific data of a user who liked my posts.
I tried these links
How can I get fan page likes count using graph api?
Getting the Facebook like/share count for a given URL
How to get Facebook likes count for a Facebook page?
I am just writing the answer which is mentioned in the comment. Because that's the answer.
No, that is not really possible. Each of your friends would have to
sign in to your app and grant it permission to read their likes, and
you would need to have valid individual user tokens available for all
of them each time you want to request this data, because “A User or
Page can only query their own likes. Other Users' or Pages' likes are
unavailable due to privacy concerns.”

How to get facebook page's like list [duplicate]

I have a user's manage_pages permission and I can access the user's page info.
Is there a way that I can get the list of users who liked this page ?
When I go to /me/likes with the page's access_token I only see the pages who liked this page.
How can I see the regular users who liked it ?
For privacy reasons, it´s not possible to get a list of all the fans of a Page. You would not be allowed to do anything with the list anyway (send them stuff and whatnot). A user should only be known by an App if that specific user authorized the App.
More information can be found in several other threads about this question:
Querying Users who 'like' my Facebook Page
Facebook FQL get the list of fans of a facebook page
GET /v8.0/{page-id}/?fields=fan_count HTTP/1.1
Host: graph.facebook.com

GET List Likes Using Graph API Explorer

I want to search the user's list of likes, to know if he liked my page or not
I also want to know I did not follow my profile or not
There is no way to check if someone follows your profile. For getting to know if a user likes your page, you would need to authorize that user with the user_likes permission.
To check if the user likes your page without going through the whole list, you can use the following API endpoint: /me/likes/[page-id] ... if it returns something, the user liked the Page.

Facebook Graph API - Getting An array of User objects who like a page [duplicate]

I have a user's manage_pages permission and I can access the user's page info.
Is there a way that I can get the list of users who liked this page ?
When I go to /me/likes with the page's access_token I only see the pages who liked this page.
How can I see the regular users who liked it ?
For privacy reasons, it´s not possible to get a list of all the fans of a Page. You would not be allowed to do anything with the list anyway (send them stuff and whatnot). A user should only be known by an App if that specific user authorized the App.
More information can be found in several other threads about this question:
Querying Users who 'like' my Facebook Page
Facebook FQL get the list of fans of a facebook page
GET /v8.0/{page-id}/?fields=fan_count HTTP/1.1
Host: graph.facebook.com

How can I get the details of all fans of a Facebook page?

Suppose that I am the administrator of a Facebook page, I want to get all of the profile details of a the people who "liked" my page. Is this possible? How?
So far, I have only been able to get aggregated data through the Graph API. For example, "number of like in the past week".
There are posts that claim that I can do this with the FQL API, but the documentation for the FQL seems to have been hidden on FB developer site.
FQL reference is not "hidden", it's here: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/fql But there's no current official way to get the profile details of your Page's liker, because you'd need the permission to query the user data from the users.
There are some "hacks" as denoted at Facebook API: Get fans of / people who like a page for example, but it's strongly advised that you don't use these. Facebook forbids scraping for example, and once Facebook changes its website, those methods are likely to stop working.