Upgrade Current Target to IPhone Not IPad - iphone

I currently have an ipad app and would now like to turn it into a universal app for both iPad and iPhone. The problem is I cant seem to find the feature to upgrade my iPad app to universal. There is an option to go from iPhone to iPad but not the other way around.
Any ideas?

You can just add a new target and chose what kind of devices you want to deploy on:
iPhone, iPad or Universal
See the screenshot below:


How do I get an iPhone app that works really well as is on the iPad listed for iPad on the iTunes store?

From the Apple iOS App Store Review Guidelines (https://developer.apple.com/app-store/review/guidelines/):
2.10 iPhone Apps must also run on iPad without modification, at iPhone resolution, and at 2X iPhone 3GS resolution
My app works perfectly when set up for iPhone on both iPhone and iPad. If I set the app to universal or iPad as is, it has problems. Is there a way to get it listed as an iPad app as is? Or do I have to make up a separate iPad version?
If you want to use the app for ipad, you need to make your app Universal. As you said if you set it for only iphone it works properly in both ipad and iphone but you will be seeing your iphone app in your ipad, its not an ipad app. The only issue you will be facing is, when you launch your app with only iphone version it will be only available in iphone appstore. If you try to search in ipad appstore you will not be able to see your app,unless you change the option to iphone only(after searching in appstore you will be seeing ipad only or iphone only options on top left corner of appstore).
So if you want your app to be listed in ipad appstore then you need
to make it Universal there is no other option and you need make your
app compatible with ipad.
Let me know if you have any doubts.

Is developing an ipad app mandatory?

I was reading appstore review guideline and I am little confused on this lines:
iPhone Apps must also run on iPad without modification, at iPhone resolution, and at 2X iPhone 3GS resolution
What does that mean? I have to develop for both iphone and ipad? I want to develop apps just for iphone for now...
It means that your apps should also run on iPad, but you don't have to develop iPad apps.
Just test it on iPad simulator, if it works it should be fine
The key phrase is "at iPhone resolution". In other words, the iPhone app must run successfully in iPhone emulation mode on the iPad. Just about every iPhone app will do that automatically, but they are just making sure that you've made sure.
Looks like new iOS apps might need to run on both.
Although just being able run instead of optimized for iPad is probably good enough.
Duplicate of:
Does all new apps have also to work on iPad to pass the appstore approval process?

Deploy in an iPad as iPhone

I am developing one application for iPad and iPhone. The problem is that I only have one iPad. I need to develop in a physical device cause I have some libraries inside the project that only works in device.
Are there any way to deploy in my iPad as an iPhone to check if the application code is working fine?
I have a jailbroken device.
In Xcode select your target and then the Summary tab. Change the Devices value from Universal to iPhone. Now build and run your app on your iPad. It will run in iPhone compatibility mode on the iPad.
Don't forget to put that option back to Universal before shipping the app to Apple.
One limitation is you can't test to see if your app works on the 4" devices. The iPhone compatibility mode only works in 3.5" mode.

xcode multiple targets

We have an iPad game on the appstore and decided to make an iPhone version of it.
After adding a new target, modifying the necessary views and classes the game runs perfectly on both iPhone and iPad (devices and simulators).
My question is, do I have to upload the new iPhone version as a completely different app to itunesconnect or is there a way to use the same name/app id for both?
Will users who already purchased the iPad app have to pay again for the iPhone app?
Anyone who can shed some light on multiple targets and universal apps would be great.
Thanks in advance.
Yes , You would have to upload the new iPhone app separately and the users who purchased your iPad app would have to pay for the iPhone version again. This is only when you have not developed a universal app in the beginning for both iPhone and IPad. If it was for both then there would not have been an issue. Also the app you would now put up as the iphone one cannot be the same name as of the iPad one as the name has been reserved for the iPad one only.

upgrade completed IOS 4.3 iphone app for Ipad

I have a fully functional Iphone app optimized for IOS 4.x (no storyboards). I need to upgrade it to work on both the iphone and ipad. My main question is whether to one, change the devices value in the app summary to universal. Or two, duplicate the target, leave the iphone app as is, and make the necessary changes to the ipad version.
From what I have been reading, after changing the app summary to universal, new files will be added for the ipad version. This is not happening. Can anyone suggest the best approach for upgrading an older app?
Turns out I just needed to reset my iOS Device. Did this by opening the iOS simulator and going to iOS Simulator-> Reset Content and Settings..