upgrade completed IOS 4.3 iphone app for Ipad - iphone

I have a fully functional Iphone app optimized for IOS 4.x (no storyboards). I need to upgrade it to work on both the iphone and ipad. My main question is whether to one, change the devices value in the app summary to universal. Or two, duplicate the target, leave the iphone app as is, and make the necessary changes to the ipad version.
From what I have been reading, after changing the app summary to universal, new files will be added for the ipad version. This is not happening. Can anyone suggest the best approach for upgrading an older app?

Turns out I just needed to reset my iOS Device. Did this by opening the iOS simulator and going to iOS Simulator-> Reset Content and Settings..


Can I still submit iOS 5.1 apps to the app store (Oct 2012 )?

I started building an iOS app with xCode 4.3.2 , using armv6 and armv7 instruction sets. My deployment target is iOS5.1 . Now that iPhone 5 is released, and xCode 4.5 drops support for armv6, and replaces it with armv7s , what is the correct approach to submitting apps to the app store?
I'm afraid that if I submit the app incorrectly, the app store review team would try to launch the app on iPhone 5, running armv7s , and the app would not run.
Should I update to xCode 4.5, and build my apps against iOS6 now, even though I do not have an iPhone 5 to test it on?
Thank you for any clarifications.
Should I update to xCode 4.5, and build my apps against iOS6 now, even though I do not have an iPhone 5 to test it on?
You can submit an app that does not exploit the iPhone specific features (namely, the taller screen). If your app works on iPhone 4, then it will work on iPhone 5, although in a special mode where the visual content of your app is centered on screen, with black bands both above and below it.
On the other hand, you can use the Xcode 4.5 simulator to ensure that your app works on iPhone 5, if you are worried about it. Then you could change your code base to make it run on iPhone 5 and still provide an official build for the App Store made with Xcode 4.3. This is good for all except performance tuning and fixing memory management issues; but you can work on those points on your current iPhone/iPad, whatever.
With Xcode 4.5, Apple decided to make a move towards discontinuing support for older devices: the original iPhone, iPhone 3G, and the first two versions of iPod Touch. So, if you want to support iPhone 5, you will be forced to discontinue support for those devices. I don't think it is a big issue, although I myself have got an old iPod Touch 2nd Gen and I cannot foresee a bright future for it.
If in doubts about supporting iOS5 vs. iOS6, you could also have a look at this other post.
Hope this helps.

How can I deploy app only for iPhone 3Gs,4,4S and skip iPhone5 support?

I want upload app to app store for review but it seems like I need also iPhone 5 screenshots but I don't have app prepared for iPhone 5. Please, how can I deploy app only for iphone 3gs,4,4s?
I find something in Targets/Build Settings/Architectures Standard armv7 and Base SDK is Latest iOS 6.0. Is that what I have to change?
Just for absolute clarity, Apple released an announcement on March 21st 2013 stating that starting May 1st 2013 new apps and app updates MUST be built for iOS devices with Retina display and iPhone apps must also support the 4-inch display on iPhone 5.
You can view the announcement here.
The best solution is to just properly prepare your app for the iPhone 5's display. And no. Changing the base SDK will not help here.
You can't, only apps submitted before iPhone5-release can run in "iPhone 4 mode" on the new iPhone. All updates to apps and newly submitted apps must support the new 4 inch screen.
You cannot exclude the iPhone5 in the target settings and if there were a way to do that, there is no way Apple would approve it. You can remove support for old devices, but never for new ones.
After all, Apple wants as many apps as possible to adapt the new format as soon as possible, and this is what you have to do... don't worry - if you are fairly used to developing to iOS you can do it in just a few hours...
Apple has stated that theY will still (currently) be accepting apps without specific iOS 6 and iPhone 5 support when developed with an Xcode version prior to 4.5, and thus with an SDK 5.1 or earlier. 568h support is specifically not allowed in apps built that way.
Apps built that way will run in letterbox on a 5, or the similar 1X/2X compatibility boxes that the iPad uses for legacy iPhone only apps.
I submitted an app following the release of the iPhone 5 with the latest version of XCode that runs letterboxed on the iPhone 5. Just remove armv7s from your supported architectures.

Force universal app to run iPhone version on iPad

I've had an iPhone product on iTunes for a while and have superseded it with a universal app which has been met with approval except from one customer who wants to run the iPhone version on his iPad as he preferred the larger inputs and working of the iPhone.
Is there any way to configure the app to run either as native iPad app or iPhone app on iPad at runtime? Seems an odd request but customer is quite insistant.
No way to do that, except making separates versions for iPhone and iPad.
Theoretically, you could have some setting that would load the iPhone storyboard on the iPad, but it would still display full screen, and not in compatibility mode, which is probably the way this particular user wants it
Assuming you are running some sort of source control, you could change the project to be "iPhone Only" and then test on the iPad, then later revert the changes made to make it a Universal app again

apple has rejected my iPhone app saying it must run on iPad as well

I've just submitted my app to review (for the App-Store), and apple has rejected my app, saying the following:
"On iPad, the application displays a
black screen and no content loads.
This review was conducted on iPad
running iOS 3.2.2 as well as iPhone 4
running iOS 4.1. A screenshot has been
attached for your reference. "
am i obligated to create an iPad version of my app? or maybe i've set some property "on" and made apple think i would like the app to work on iPad?
to be more clear,
i want my app to run on iPhone only.
is it possible? and if do, what need to be set (project properties? info.plist?) to mention that the app should run on iPhone only? so that apple will not test it on iPad...
appriciate your help.
Note - this historic QA is 5+ years old.
All issues mentioned in the QA are no longer relevant in iOS development! Enjoy
The problem is almost certainly that you (accidentally) made the app universal.
IF you made it universal, you MUST have both an iPad and iPhone version in there.
If you make the app normal, iPhone only, you do NOT have to (indeed, you can't) have an iPad version in there.
To be clear, Apple are talking about the "ACTUAL" iPad version. Of course, your iPhone app will run using the "blow up mode" on an iPad. Apple are not referring to the "blow up mode."
It is rather silly that in that particular form letter, they do not say something like: ,"You have almost certainly accidentally made your app universal instead of iPhone only" since that is the situation 100% of the time when that happens.
Good luck on waiting another 2 weeks :-/
You do not have to create a specific version of your app for the iPad, however all iPhone apps must also be able to run on the iPad. You might want to try searching google for resources on how to make your app iPad compatible.

How do I use the iPhone Simulator in 3.2 (not iPad Simulator)

I'm fixing my app to be a universal binary. Testing on the simulator seems to default to the iPad. For small corrections like checking orientations and small UI updates, the only way I can find to get the iPhone version is to plug in my iPhone and build and run on device.
Loading the debugger takes valuable time, when running on simulator is so much faster for this kind of work. Can I set the simulator to default to iPhone for this? Setting it to 3.1.3 doesn't work because of the 3.2 code I have in the binary for the iPad.
The Hardware -> Device, and ->Version menu choices in the simulator quits my app. When I relaunch, it goes back to the iPad. The app is not installed in the simulator
If you don't have the latest xcode, get it.
Set the project info to build for 3.2, but in the build drop down pick iPhone Simulator 4.0 and it will open in the iPhone simulator instead of the iPad simulator.
That is the dilemma: if you want to use OS 4 on the iPhone, you have to use iPhone SDK 4, which comes with XCode 3.2.3.
Previously I used iphone_sdk_3.1.3_with_xcode_3.2.1__snow_leopard__10m2003a, where the simulator was fine, but now after I update the iPhone to OS 4 (which is by iTunes), I cannot use the SDK 3.1.3 any more, and the simulator 3.2 which comes with SDK 4 actually does not work for iPhone at all!
Even when you specify the "iPhone OS Deployment Target" to "OS 3.1.3", and an iPhone-frame shows up in the iPad simulator, many functions are not responding at all.
Does Apple have an official answer to this dilemma?
I finally solved this problem myself.
First, install new version of xCode, which is xCode 4.
Then set project scheme to iphone simulator and run app in xCode several times.
And re-install xCode 3 and the problem will be gone away!