xcode multiple targets - iphone

We have an iPad game on the appstore and decided to make an iPhone version of it.
After adding a new target, modifying the necessary views and classes the game runs perfectly on both iPhone and iPad (devices and simulators).
My question is, do I have to upload the new iPhone version as a completely different app to itunesconnect or is there a way to use the same name/app id for both?
Will users who already purchased the iPad app have to pay again for the iPhone app?
Anyone who can shed some light on multiple targets and universal apps would be great.
Thanks in advance.

Yes , You would have to upload the new iPhone app separately and the users who purchased your iPad app would have to pay for the iPhone version again. This is only when you have not developed a universal app in the beginning for both iPhone and IPad. If it was for both then there would not have been an issue. Also the app you would now put up as the iphone one cannot be the same name as of the iPad one as the name has been reserved for the iPad one only.


how to make sure the apps can only be downloaded by iphone but ipad?

I have developed some apps by xcode.How to make sure my apps can only be downloaded by iphone user in apple store but ipad user?
You have to change the targeted device to iPhone only.
Select you project in Xcode, Go to Info-->Deployment Info--->Device, set it to iPhone.

Releasing iPad app, after iPhone App is in the store

I have developed an iPhone app and preparing to upload it to iTunes store.Later on I want the iPad version of the app as well which I am currently working on.
So I would like to know whether it is possible to release the iPad app later as an update to the existing app in the store?
So long as the iPad version is part of a universal bundle (iPhone and iPad resources in the same app) it would be treated as an update.
I don't believe you can. However, I think that you may be able to update it to a Universal application.
Most people just make the iPad version separate and call it App HD or provide universal versions.
Yes. You can make it Universal with an update, but you can't stop support a device after you published a universal app!
If you want to upload a different iPad-Version (e.g. AppXY HD) you can also create this in the same Xcode project and upload them as different versions.

iPhone to iPad but different price

Hey, I would like to port iPhone app to iPad. In the App Store I registered the iPhone app as com.mycompany.appname. Do I need a new AppID (developer.apple.com/ios/manage/bundles) for the iPad app to push it to the App Store if I want a different price for the iPad app?
Are you making a separate iPad app or are you going to make a universal app? That is, one purchase that has the iPhone and iPad version in the same package.
If you're going to make 2 separate apps, then you need 2 IDs. If a universal, app, then you just make 2 targets, no new ID necessary.
I do recommend going the Universal route, you may get a lot of bad reviews from customers who are pissed off when they are asked for more money for the iPad version.

Can we make separately submit the iPhone and iPad version of an app on iTunes store?

I am having an iPhone app.
I have converted my iPhone app into an iPad app.
Now I want to submit my app both iPhone and iPad version separately on iTunes store. Is it possible to do so?
Of course, no problem ! That in fact the thing to do if you want different prices for your apps or if you want a users having both iPad and iPhone to buy the application twice.
Just submit the two applications with a different name. The "HD" suffix is generally used for iPad version of an iPhone/iPod application

Adding an iPhone app binary to my current ipad app

I gave an app in the app store got ipad. I also made a app for the iPhone now.
What you guys suggest should I create a new app for the iPhone or is there way to add my iPhone binary to my current ipad app?
Thanks for your help.
There is no way to include the iPad and iPhone binary together. If you want to put them together, you'll need to create a universal application. You will have checks at run time that will determine whether or not your app is running on an iPad or iPhone, this will determine which set of ViewControllers your app will display.
There is a lot of information out there on creating universal apps.