How to launch iPhone app (using Phonegap) on iTunes - iphone

How do I launch an iPhone app (using Phonegap) on iTunes?
What are the requirements to launch an app on iTunes?
We already have a developer certificate.

To get an app onto the iTunes (Apple) App Store, you need to go through iTunesConnect:
I am not sure I know what you mean by Phonegap.


how to make sure the apps can only be downloaded by iphone but ipad?

I have developed some apps by xcode.How to make sure my apps can only be downloaded by iphone user in apple store but ipad user?
You have to change the targeted device to iPhone only.
Select you project in Xcode, Go to Info-->Deployment Info--->Device, set it to iPhone.

Phonegap deploy iphone app without iphone and ios developer account

I have created my first IPhone app using mac and phonegap. The app runs fine on mac IPhone emulator. I don't own an Iphone. Now I want to give this app to my friend to test on iPhone. I don't want to sell this app on app store so don't want to spend $99 per year on developer certificate. Can any one please tell me how can I give the app to friend to test and run. I know when I create android app with phonegap it generates the .apk file which has a debug certificate in it to test on phone and I can copy that .apk file into android phone and run the app. Is phonegap for iphone also generate such a executable like .apk file in android which I can give to my friend. Please help me
In order to generate an ipa for your app, to install the app on a device for testing, distribution, or even upload to the App Store, you must have required provisioning profiles, which must be signed with a matching development certificate.
Unfortunately, you must have a developer account to be able to generate said provisioning profiles. From Apple's site:
When you’re ready to share your app for user testing or for general distribution through the App Store, you need to create an archive of the app using a distribution provisioning profile and send it to app testers or submit it to iTunes Connect.
This is taken from this link:

How can I deploy an iPhone application from Xcode to a iPhone?

How can I deploy an iPhone application from Xcode to real iPhone device without having a US$99 Apple certificate?
UPDATE: I don't khow how to deploy. YES I Have Jailbreaked Iphone.
Your only option is to jailbreak your phone, and even there I'm not sure whether you can deploy directly from Xcode.
The problem is a "normal" iPhone requires a signed binary and the only official way to sign an app is by using a certificate "blessed" by Apple.

how to deploy an app to another ipad without usb connection?

Is it possible to deploy an app on a friend's ipad for testing without the app being on the app store yet. My friend is far away so cannot connect to my mac via usb.
If the UDID of your friends iPad is added to your developer account and you compiled the app with an Ad-Hoc distribution profile, you can just use the Product -> Export Menu Item in Xcode and email him the .ipa File. He can use iTunes to drop the file onto his iPad.
Another good solution to distribute beta versions of your software to testers and get feedback is Testflight App
Here's a link to a similar question: how do you beta test an iPhone app.
Their question references iPhone, but the process should be the same for iPad.
Hope this helps!

Is this possible to run the app with a binary file with no iPhone SDK?

I want to give my app to others, but they don't have the iPhone SDK. if I give the binary file of my app, is it possible that they can run the app on their device?
others can only run your app if your app has a Provisioning Profile with the UDID of their iphone in it. For a pre release you can generate an AdHoc Provisioning Profile in the iPhone Provisioning Portal, which you can only access as a iphone developer