I'm trying to launch a program in Eclipse, but I keep getting an error message saying:
An internal error occurred during: "Launching WindChillTester".
WindChillTester is the name of my program. What should I do to fix this?
...at the end of eclipse.ini seems to have solved the issue.
I added scala perspective in eclipse. Everything is working fine but when I try to add breakpoint for debugging it will throw error:
An internal error occurred during: "Toggle Line Breakpoint".
But the same is working when i work in java perspective.
I suddenly encountered an error initializing Eclipse Kepler:
An internal error occurred during: "Repository registry initialization".
For input string: "(pilgrim's conflicted copy 2013-10-18).gen"
I found it!!!
Delete the directories inside:
And rebuild the maven project.
Note: this also applies to Eclipse Luna.
I have been updating my code in Eclipse using SVN and my workpsace crashed at some moment. I am using SVNKit instead of default SVN in Eclipse.
I got the error:
**Failed to load JavaHL Library.**
, but I have exited the Eclipse. So next time I started eclipse , I couldn't because of that error - which I have seen in .medatada/.log
My next error is:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Widget disposed too early!
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPartReference$1.widgetDisposed(WorkbenchPartReference.java:172)
org.eclipse.swt.SWTError: XPCOM error -2147467262
at org.eclipse.swt.browser.Mozilla.error(Mozilla.java:2414)
Which is showing every time I started eclipse.
And here is the answer for my own question.
For the error:
**Failed to load JavaHL Library.**
The way I fixed it is that I have deleted my .snap file in my workspace :
I have deleted that file and that error "!MESSAGE Failed to load JavaHL Library." was not reporting anymore.
For the next error, which was saying:
XPCOM error -2147467262
I have located eclipse.ini file and I have located "-vmargs" and I have added below:
Then I have run eclipse, and it all WORKED.
I have removed the specified line afterwards, when I successfully entered the worspace
In reference to the second problem , the link for more information is located here: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21409186
I hope this will help someone :)
And I hope it will help someone not to create new worspace and import all data all over again, like I did at first :)
While running a program in Eclipse I got an Error message,
Exception occurred executing command line.
Cannot run program "C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\javaw.exe"
(in directory "C:\VijeeGuna\MuleWorkspace\JDBCTrial"):
CreateProcess error=87, The parameter is incorrect
I have checked my classpath, it is correct to the best of my knowledge. I am not able to resolve the error. Please provide suggestions,
Thank you in advance
I am using eclipse 3.6 Helios version.I am working on it from last three months.But from last two days I am getting some error.
When eclipse started it is giving an error in this format:An internal error occurred during: "Loading Web Service DOM...".
I am not getting how can suddenly error occurred.
After this if I do Ok and continue with eclipse I am getting error with eclipse import project
for existing work space and svn check out.
Please help me out.Thanks in advance.
After research a lot, I came to know that I my java version is degraded to 1.5.I dont know how it took place.So I updated my java version to 1.7 again.And this error is solved.