I suddenly encountered an error initializing Eclipse Kepler:
An internal error occurred during: "Repository registry initialization".
For input string: "(pilgrim's conflicted copy 2013-10-18).gen"
I found it!!!
Delete the directories inside:
And rebuild the maven project.
Note: this also applies to Eclipse Luna.
I'm using Eclipse Neon from the release date. Yesterday I got some strange errors in Eclipse and after a reboot of the Eclipse instance everything was gone. I installed Eclipse and my plugins again. Everything is working again but when I launch the Java debugger on one of my project I got the error:
An internal error occurred during: "XXXX".
This error occurs on debugging all my projects also in another workspace. Can someone help me with this? The error is not explaining what the exact problem is.
In the logfile of Eclipse I can found the follow error:
at org.eclipse.jdi.Bootstrap.virtualMachineManager(Bootstrap.java:36)
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.launching.StandardVMDebugger.getConnector(StandardVMDebugger.java:560)
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.launching.StandardVMDebugger.run(StandardVMDebugger.java:246)
at org.eclipse.pde.launching.AbstractPDELaunchConfiguration.launch(AbstractPDELaunchConfiguration.java:79)
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.core.LaunchConfiguration.launch(LaunchConfiguration.java:885)
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.core.LaunchConfiguration.launch(LaunchConfiguration.java:739)
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.DebugUIPlugin.buildAndLaunch(DebugUIPlugin.java:1039)
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.DebugUIPlugin$8.run(DebugUIPlugin.java:1256)
at org.eclipse.core.internal.jobs.Worker.run(Worker.java:55)
I fully removed my previous Eclipse environment. Settings included.
Installed Eclipse environment from a clean install and installed all my plugins again. The problem was fixed.
I updated the Eclipse SVN plugins today and after that I can't sync my workspace with SVN repository.
I am using java 1.6. I tried with java 1.7 as well. still I'm getting following error in eclipse.
An internal error occurred during: "Updating Synchronize view for SVN Workspace.".
SVN: '0x00000025: Send Notifications' operation finished with error:
This issue came only after updating the svn plugin. I'm using SVNKit 1.7.13 svn connector.
Any idea how to solve this??
Found a work around for this.
Uninstalled all svn plugins from Eclipse and restarted it.
Installed Subclipse svn plugin from http://subclipse.tigris.org/update_1.10.x
I had the same error when I opened Eclipse. Checking the file: workspase-path/.metadata/.log I found the following exception:
!MESSAGE SVN: 'SVN Decorator' operation finished with error: java/nio/file/Paths
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: java/nio/file/Paths
at org.eclipse.team.svn.core.utility.SVNUtility.getNodeKind(SVNUtility.java:1145)
To solve the problem I installed JRE 1.7, then I changed eclipse.ini to force Eclipse to use it, adding the next at the beginning:
I had the same problem in Luna on Win 7 64 bit with the 2.0.3 subversive team provider and the Polarion SVNKit 1.8.7 version 4.1.2. Clearly somewhere in these java 7 is needed. Servaq's suggestion improved things for me but didn't quite fix everything. But a similar change to eclipse.ini did the trick for me: I added
C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\server\jvm.dll
right before the -vmargs. Obviously, the path to server\jvm.dll is installation-dependent.
Just in case it's helpful to Chandika ("I wants to use java 1.6"),
I'm still using java 6 as the compiler/runtime for the code I'm developing within this eclipse. I'm just using java 7 to start eclipse.
Eclipse with run-jetty-run suddenly starts to fail with the message:
2014-05-09 13:31:08.360:WARN:oejw.WebAppContext:Failed startup of context o.e.j.w.WebAppContext{/,[file:~/api-public/src/main/webapp/]}
java.util.zip.ZipException: invalid code lengths set
at java.util.zip.InflaterInputStream.read(InflaterInputStream.java:164)
at java.util.zip.ZipInputStream.read(ZipInputStream.java:193)
at java.util.jar.JarInputStream.read(JarInputStream.java:207)
at java.util.zip.ZipInputStream.closeEntry(ZipInputStream.java:139)
at java.util.zip.ZipInputStream.getNextEntry(ZipInputStream.java:117)
at java.util.jar.JarInputStream.getNextEntry(JarInputStream.java:142)
at java.util.jar.JarInputStream.getNextJarEntry(JarInputStream.java:179)
at org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.JarScanner.matched(JarScanner.java:156)
at org.eclipse.jetty.util.PatternMatcher.matchPatterns(PatternMatcher.java:82)
at org.eclipse.jetty.util.PatternMatcher.match(PatternMatcher.java:64)
at org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.JarScanner.scan(JarScanner.java:78)
at org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.MetaInfConfiguration.preConfigure(MetaInfConfiguration.java:78)
at runjettyrun.webapp.RJRMetaInfoConfiguration.preConfigure(RJRMetaInfoConfiguration.java:14)
at org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext.preConfigure(WebAppContext.java:417)
at org.eclipse.jetty.webapp.WebAppContext.doStart(WebAppContext.java:453)
at org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.AbstractLifeCycle.start(AbstractLifeCycle.java:59)
at org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.HandlerWrapper.doStart(HandlerWrapper.java:90)
at org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server.doStart(Server.java:263)
at org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.AbstractLifeCycle.start(AbstractLifeCycle.java:59)
at runjettyrun.Bootstrap.main(Bootstrap.java:80)
Things done to try to fix:
Delete de workspace and regenerate
Reinstall eclipse
Reimport the maven project
Eclipse Kepler SR2 + run-jetty-run
Quite weird.
I changed the run-jetty server version from 8 to 7 and the error changed to a maven library dependency.
I deleted this library from my local maven repository (.m2/repositories/...), reinstalled and now is working perfectly.
I have installed FindBugs as an Eclipse plugin. When I try to run the tool on a particular project, the following error is thrown by eclipse -
An internal error occurred during: "Finding bugs in (project_name)...".
Could not initialize class edu.umd.cs.findbugs.DetectorFactoryCollection
Any kind of help will be appreciated.
Eclipse version-3.6.2
JDK version-1.6.29
I have been updating my code in Eclipse using SVN and my workpsace crashed at some moment. I am using SVNKit instead of default SVN in Eclipse.
I got the error:
**Failed to load JavaHL Library.**
, but I have exited the Eclipse. So next time I started eclipse , I couldn't because of that error - which I have seen in .medatada/.log
My next error is:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Widget disposed too early!
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPartReference$1.widgetDisposed(WorkbenchPartReference.java:172)
org.eclipse.swt.SWTError: XPCOM error -2147467262
at org.eclipse.swt.browser.Mozilla.error(Mozilla.java:2414)
Which is showing every time I started eclipse.
And here is the answer for my own question.
For the error:
**Failed to load JavaHL Library.**
The way I fixed it is that I have deleted my .snap file in my workspace :
I have deleted that file and that error "!MESSAGE Failed to load JavaHL Library." was not reporting anymore.
For the next error, which was saying:
XPCOM error -2147467262
I have located eclipse.ini file and I have located "-vmargs" and I have added below:
Then I have run eclipse, and it all WORKED.
I have removed the specified line afterwards, when I successfully entered the worspace
In reference to the second problem , the link for more information is located here: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21409186
I hope this will help someone :)
And I hope it will help someone not to create new worspace and import all data all over again, like I did at first :)