Eclipse:An internal error occurred during: "Loading Web Service DOM...". - eclipse

I am using eclipse 3.6 Helios version.I am working on it from last three months.But from last two days I am getting some error.
When eclipse started it is giving an error in this format:An internal error occurred during: "Loading Web Service DOM...".
I am not getting how can suddenly error occurred.
After this if I do Ok and continue with eclipse I am getting error with eclipse import project
for existing work space and svn check out.
Please help me out.Thanks in advance.

After research a lot, I came to know that I my java version is degraded to 1.5.I dont know how it took place.So I updated my java version to 1.7 again.And this error is solved.


WFLYSRV0177: Error getting reflective information for class

I am developing a JEE project using Eclipse JEE (2019-09), Maven, Wildfly 17, JSF, PrimeFaces 7.0 running on Ubuntu 18.04.
My project used to compile, deploy and run on the WildFly 17 server until today. However, because I recieved strange errors when debugging, I installed an earlier Eclipse IDE to try to run my project on it.
After installing the older version of Eclipse (2019-03) in its own dedicated workspace, I got this error message when deploying my application to WildFly:
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: WFLYSRV0177: Error getting reflective information for class
I then switched back to my initial Eclipse JEE (2019-09) Version, but then I kept recieving the same error message upon deploying.
I' ve searched the internet and found these two similar problems:
Error getting reflective information for class
Wildfly: Error getting reflective information for class
but actually not a solution to my problem.
Could somebody please help?
The problem was that the Maven jar- dependencies were not added to the WEB-INF/lib path.
Actually, in the deployed .war file the folder WEB-INF/lib was completely missing.
I fixed the problem by right-mouse click on my project in Eclipse, then "Properties", then "Deployment Assembly".
I added the missing entry "Maven Dependencies" as follows:

How to solve the 'Unable to find Asm for stackmap generation' error on startup of STS?

I am trying to use the Spring Tool Suite 3.8.3 on Ubuntu 16.04. Upon startup I get this error:
An internal error occured during: "Initializing Java Tooling"
with the detailed message:
An internal error occurred during: "Initializing Java Tooling". Unable
to find Asm for stackmap generation (Looking for
''). Stackmap generation for woven
code is required to avoid verify errors on a Java 1.7 or higher
runtime when weaving type
when weaving classes when weaving
I have to admit that I have no idea what I should do here and I failed to find any pointers online. Any advice or hint is welcome.
It was for me due to the scala plug-in which I have installed a few days back. Uninstall the scala plugin and change to JDK 8 or JDK 11 it will work.
If anyone is still having a similar problem with Eclipse and needs to use Java 11 or higher (Eclipse nowadays seems to require Java 11) then have a look into this plugin as it seems to be required for the kotlin plugin.
I think you have installed Java 9 on your system. That's why you are facing compatibility issue and getting the stated errors. I therefore suggest you to degrade your java version to 8 for which it will work well and you wont be facing any error issue in that.
You can install java8 from this link!
I had to downgrade the JRE used to run Eclipse. Downgrading from Java 15 to Java 11 solved the problem.
Use the -vm option in eclipse.ini, eg.
My STS did not even start after installing scala plugin. I had to manually delete scala jars and folders from the STS /plugins. After that it started working.

Eclipse Neon cannot start a java debug session

I'm using Eclipse Neon from the release date. Yesterday I got some strange errors in Eclipse and after a reboot of the Eclipse instance everything was gone. I installed Eclipse and my plugins again. Everything is working again but when I launch the Java debugger on one of my project I got the error:
An internal error occurred during: "XXXX".
This error occurs on debugging all my projects also in another workspace. Can someone help me with this? The error is not explaining what the exact problem is.
In the logfile of Eclipse I can found the follow error:
at org.eclipse.jdi.Bootstrap.virtualMachineManager(
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.launching.StandardVMDebugger.getConnector(
at org.eclipse.pde.launching.AbstractPDELaunchConfiguration.launch(
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.core.LaunchConfiguration.launch(
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.core.LaunchConfiguration.launch(
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.DebugUIPlugin.buildAndLaunch(
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.DebugUIPlugin$
I fully removed my previous Eclipse environment. Settings included.
Installed Eclipse environment from a clean install and installed all my plugins again. The problem was fixed.

Eclipse errors -"Failed to load JavaHL Library" and "Widget disposed too early!" and "XPCOM error"

I have been updating my code in Eclipse using SVN and my workpsace crashed at some moment. I am using SVNKit instead of default SVN in Eclipse.
I got the error:
**Failed to load JavaHL Library.**
, but I have exited the Eclipse. So next time I started eclipse , I couldn't because of that error - which I have seen in .medatada/.log
My next error is:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Widget disposed too early!
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPartReference$1.widgetDisposed(
org.eclipse.swt.SWTError: XPCOM error -2147467262
at org.eclipse.swt.browser.Mozilla.error(
Which is showing every time I started eclipse.
And here is the answer for my own question.
For the error:
**Failed to load JavaHL Library.**
The way I fixed it is that I have deleted my .snap file in my workspace :
I have deleted that file and that error "!MESSAGE Failed to load JavaHL Library." was not reporting anymore.
For the next error, which was saying:
XPCOM error -2147467262
I have located eclipse.ini file and I have located "-vmargs" and I have added below:
Then I have run eclipse, and it all WORKED.
I have removed the specified line afterwards, when I successfully entered the worspace
In reference to the second problem , the link for more information is located here:
I hope this will help someone :)
And I hope it will help someone not to create new worspace and import all data all over again, like I did at first :)

Error updating jars with Eclipse GWT 2.0 plugin

Ever since updating our project to the newest version of the Eclipse GWT plugin and GWT 2.0 we get an error when starting Eclipse.
This is the error message:
An internal error occurred during:
"Updating project/war/WEB-INF/lib with
jars from GWT - 2.0.0".
Here is the exception message:
Attempted to beginRule: R/, does not
match outer scope rule: P/project
Everything works just fine, I just get this error when Eclipse starts up. I've done everything I can think of to fix it, but it still happens.
Any ideas? Is anyone else getting this error?
This was seen when, for instance, using a too old version of subclipse (see this thread, and bug 129045 or bug 128709)
This is linked to a change in the ISchedulingRule modifyRule(IResource resource) of the Resources component.
So are you using a compatible version of eclipse (i.e 3.5x) with GWT2.0?