Facebook like button doesn't open in a new window - facebook

I have a trouble with the facebook "i like" button. I put in my web site but I really need to open the Iframe in a new windows!
Is it possible?
If anyone has a tips please let me know; I going crazy with this, I couldn't find any hint online!

If anybody are still interest on this issue i discover in the facebook developer forum that you cannot open in a new window! Because the facebook team doesn't allow you.
My solution was to hide the comments iframe and just show the count.
It's working good as well. Just the user can't give a title to the page that would like to share.


How hide tilte, decriptions, change url when I shared link to facebook like this? Thanks

How hide tilte, decriptions, change url when I shared link to facebook like this?
When I click the image, it leads to new.
How can I do this?
The intruction to help us do that.
Facebook takes the data from the Open Graph tags in the page source. If you want to redirect to another website, you can do so with JavaScript - Facebook does not parse JavaScript.
I would not advise doing this though, people should know where they go before they click on a link - and not be redirected somewhere else.

Addthis popup not always showing

i am developing a custom website, i added the AddThis popup, linked it to Mailchimp and set the audience to "All visitors", but the popup is showning only on the first entry to the website. this is the website link imadeddine.co/Arvin
i appreciate if you could help with this.
I contacted the Support and they told me that it is build like this, the popup will appear again after 30 days or after you clear your browser cache.
i hope this will help someone

Facebook share link: &display=popup not popping up

Hey I'd like to have it so that the Facebook share link pops up rather than opens to a new page. I'm just going from their example:
and I figured that "$display=popup" would imply that it well, displays a popup. I'm new to working with Facebook sharing, and I'm finding a million solutions on how to not have it popup. Is there something I'm missing?
display just control the look. You still need to pop the popup your self

creating a simple static app [facebook app]

I want to create a simple app for facebook, something like axa insurance
They have a folder competition, where you click on that folder which then displays an image which you can share. Any ideas how to do this? I have no idea from where to start. Can anyone provide any assistance or any tutorials on it? it would be highly appreciated.
You first need to create page tab app here: http://developers.facebook.com/
Facebook app are now a simple iframe pointing to whatever you want!
A couple of details:
you should have an ssl certificate for https user (otherwise it'll
give a warning when the user will be on your tab app)
Adding the app to your page is not really intuitive, take a look over here: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/dialogs/add_to_page/ - under Direct URL Example to know how to do it!
Here's a tutorial about it
You can google around "create facebook app for fan page 2012" or something like that!

Link from Wall to Application Tab that do not open a new window

I know this is meant for programming questions, but I just can't seem to find any information on this anywhere, so here goes nothing:
I have a Facebook page to which I added a custom Application tab. Now I'd like to be able to post a link to that Application tab that doesn't open in a new window/browser tab.
Using an url shortener I was able to post the link, but when clicking the link the url is opened in a new window, which in my opinion is not necessary. I'd like to know if there is a way to not open a new window.
Thanks a lot in advance!
You cannot change the default behavior of the facebook wall. If is there where you want to post the link, you have nohing to do with it. Sorry.