Link from Wall to Application Tab that do not open a new window - facebook

I know this is meant for programming questions, but I just can't seem to find any information on this anywhere, so here goes nothing:
I have a Facebook page to which I added a custom Application tab. Now I'd like to be able to post a link to that Application tab that doesn't open in a new window/browser tab.
Using an url shortener I was able to post the link, but when clicking the link the url is opened in a new window, which in my opinion is not necessary. I'd like to know if there is a way to not open a new window.
Thanks a lot in advance!

You cannot change the default behavior of the facebook wall. If is there where you want to post the link, you have nohing to do with it. Sorry.


Link posting on Facebook wall without permission

So if I click this link you see the "google captha" its basically fake and set so that if you press 3 it will share the link automatically to FB. How the can they share it without asking me first if I want to share it. Normally it would open a Status Update box.
I am just curios if you know how the trick works.
Thanks in advance!

equivalent to link attribute in new share dialog

According to fb, the feed dialog is now deprecated, so I'm trying to use the new share dialog with open graph metas, all work however, the old feed dialog had a link attribute to point to any URL I want, my question is, is there anything similar in the new share dialog, the reason I need this is because my app is going to be loaded inside an iframe in different domains and I need to change the URL dynamically, thanks for any help

Facebook like button doesn't open in a new window

I have a trouble with the facebook "i like" button. I put in my web site but I really need to open the Iframe in a new windows!
Is it possible?
If anyone has a tips please let me know; I going crazy with this, I couldn't find any hint online!
If anybody are still interest on this issue i discover in the facebook developer forum that you cannot open in a new window! Because the facebook team doesn't allow you.
My solution was to hide the comments iframe and just show the count.
It's working good as well. Just the user can't give a title to the page that would like to share.

How to add my facebook app to my fan page?

I'm new to facebook app development and i cant seem to figure this out. I have a simple app i made (an iframe website) that i want to add to a tab on my facebook page. When i try to click on the + tab to add it to my page i only have a few options of youtube, events, fbml... When i do a search absolutely nothing comes up unless i search for those items i just mentioned before (youtube, events, fbml).
Type this into your browser's url bar with the appropiate ids. (I already assume you have configured the app settings for page tab urls,etc).
See for a full explanation.

Link to Application Tab from Profile box (Facebook app)

I would like to place a link from my application's narrow profile box to it's application tab on the same profile.
I have combed through the FBML documentation to no avail. I have posted this question on the Facebook dev forums. I have experimented with pasting the URL of the tab into the profile box link without success (ajax may be getting in the way?).
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
You asked this a very long time ago, but it ranks well in Google for some search terms so here goes:
To link to a specific profile tab you can use the following href in your anchor
obviously you need to replace the profile id and app id with correct values.
With the new short urls you may use this href
Both will load up the users profile with your apps tab already selected.
It is possible, but not with the profile.php... It always redirects to page wall, no matter of v parameter.
The only way I know is to give a direct link, ie.
The problem is that you have to know this name in the link (MichaelJordan).
To go to your application's tab, you need parameter v=app_APPID