How to set svn ignore property in Eclipse - eclipse

I want to add the SVN ignore property to my project to ignore target folder and .classpath.
So I went through team → set property, but I didn't know how the configuration for the name and values would be. How can I do it?

You can set svn:ignore using Team → Add to svn:ignore on the right click of file. However, if the file is already committed to SVN this option will not be enabled.
You would need to remove it from SVN, clean up the local repository and then add svn:ignore.


Are gitignore files being automatically created in my project?

I have been trying to manage the local copy of the project I am working on using EGit.
I make a pull once there is a push from the other guys. However, there are files that show that I have uncommitted changes in my local repository, but I haven't made any change. I try to resolve these by manually identifying these changes and discover that they are from gitignore files, which I didn't create myself (the files also show errors occasionally).
Is it possible that the gitignore files are being auto-created? How can I maintain a synced local repo state? I am using Eclipse Kepler.
It is possible that the settings "Automatically ignore derived resources" triggers the generation/modification of .gitignore.
This is a consequence of bug 297674, adding that feature in EGit 2.3 (Q2 2013).
See the EGit tutorial:
You can also configure Eclipse to automatically ignore derived resources, e.g. class files via the Window → Preferences → Team → Git → Projects → Automatically ignore derived resources .. setting.

where is the place in Eclipse to add something to ignore list of SVN

I want to tell SVN in Eclipse to ignore these when I check in the code.
where is the place to go to set this ignore list:
Select project > Team > Synchronize with Repository.
Then right-click on file, select "Add to svn:ignore"
Or go to Window > Preferences > Team > Ignored Resources and add the patterns there.
Make sure you ignore the file type BEFORE commiting to repository since SVN doesn't allow you to ignore a committed file or type.
You can add them as svn properties using a command line client or the TeamSynchronizing menu via the "Add to svn:ignore" sub menu.
With a svn client :
svn propset svn:ignore .classpath .
svn propset svn:ignore .project .
svn propset svn:ignore .settings* .
svn propset svn:ignore target .
Right-click the file or directory you want to exclude from version control, then choose Team > Add to svn:ignore to display the Add to svn:ignore dialog.
If you've already committed the .project and / or the .classpath files, all is not lost!
Delete the .project and / or .classpath files manually: you can use the command line, for example, or go to your project in a navigator window (not Eclipse) where you will need to show hidden files.
Refresh your project in Eclipse, and it'll give you plenty of errors.
Commit (by right-clicking your project) the fact that the files are deleted.
Then you can rebuild your project to get rid of the errors.
To check list of ignored items:
Right click on the project -> Team -> Show properties -> 'svn:ignore' item in the table

Subversive: how to add to svn ignore

I am using Subversive and I have the same question as Subclipse svn:ignore, but the solution did not work for me. Anyone knows how to add to svn:ignore files already added to a project with Sobversive?
If I delete it and create it again, there is a red exaclamation ('!') icon and I am not able to add it to svn:ignore
You must delete the file and commit the deletion. Then you can re-add the file, and put it under svn:ignore.

svn:ignore for a file already committed in subclipse

I am trying to ignore some files that I have already committed to the repository in subclipse
I followed this from Subclipse svn:ignore
You can't svn:ignore a file that is
already commited to repository.
So you must:
Delete it from the repository
Recreate it in Eclipse
Set svn:ignore on it via Team->Add to svn:ignore
I am still getting a greyed out menu when I select Team->Add to svn:ignore
I deleted the folder I don't want from the repository
I reverted the project Team->Revert (this is the bit I may have done wrong)
selected Team->Add to svn:ignore but it is greyed out.
what do I need to do?
You probably need to Update from svn, rather than reverting, to pull in the changes that you made in the repository.
Revert in Subversion just re-syncs your working copy with the server, at the version you had previously checked out. If you made the change elsewhere, you need to update your working copy to point to the newer version on the server: that's the update operation.

How to remove a file from SVN synchronization?

Working with Eclipse and SVN, how do I definitely remove a file from list to never synchronize it?
right click upon file to ignore * Team -> Add to svn:ignore
Edit : Are you serious? Then you are not using sublicpse