How to remove a file from SVN synchronization? - eclipse

Working with Eclipse and SVN, how do I definitely remove a file from list to never synchronize it?

right click upon file to ignore * Team -> Add to svn:ignore
Edit : Are you serious? Then you are not using sublicpse


Using Subversion in Spring Tool Suite: untrack file committed by accident

Does anyone know how I can untrack a couple of files committed by accident?
I'm looking for the equivalent of the Mercurial hg forget command.
I'd especially appreciate any answers that explain how to untrack files using the Spring Tool Suite IDE, i.e. not from command line.
It seems that it is not as easy as in Mercurial :) especially if the repo is shared with others and they also need to keep this file (after it is removed from tracking and ignored, the first svn update will delete it).
See this answer for detailed instructions: SVN: Ignoring an already committed file
I found a way to achieve this by fiddling around. Neither of these is ideal - can anyone improve on this?
Option 1: Delete in SVN repository, then resolve
Navigate to Window -> Open Perspective -> SVN Repository Exploring
to view the repository.
Right-click on the file and press Delete...
Navigate back to Spring perspective
Right-click on the file and press Team -> Show Tree Conflicts
In SVN Tree Conflicts perspective, right-click and press Resolve... to explicitly accept the repository deletion
In Spring perspective, right-click on the file and press Team -> Add to svn:ignore
Option 2: Delete locally, then resolve
Move file somewhere else on local
Commit to repository
Copy file back into tracked project
Add to svn:ignore
Run svn delete <path> --keep-local in your working and then svn commit the change.
The first command will schedule the delete of the file in repository, however it won't touch it in your working copy making the file unversioned. You can add the file to ignores afterwards.
svn delete

exclude some files from synchronization with SVN , eclipse IDE

Is it possible to exclude/ignore some specific files from synchronization with SVN that are present in svn ??
These files are already present in SVN, and I believe from other posts that the rightClick->Team->SVN:IGnore only works for files that are not there in svn.
I have read other posts but can not find the answer.
Reason : we have some files that have some specific content in SVN while some other content in local workspace, People by mistake are checking in theirversion of these config files to SVN.
Perhaps there is an easier way to do it, but following should work:
Optional: save your file somewhere, in case you can't recreate it
Open 'SVN Repositories' view, navigate to location of file you don't want to be in SVN, right click on it and choose 'Delete'. This would remove file from repository
Synchronize. You would see file removal as incoming change. Accept it. This would remove file from your local file system
Recreate file in your local file system, or copy from step (1). File would show as outgoing change if you synchronize at this point.
Now you should be able to do 'Right click->Team->Add to SVN Ignore' on it. Do this and commit property change on the folder.
TortoiseSVN has a option in the Windows-context-menu by right-clicking on the file to unversioncontrol and add to ignore list. The action should also be recogniced by the plugin, even if the plugin menu has not this option.
If you do not want to use Tortoise for this, a simple workaround would be:
remove the files from the folder(store them temporaly else where)
commit, the removed files.
if you are not on the commiting computer update now
paste back in the removed files and add them to the ignore list.

Eclipse - CVS - Changeset - How to copy all changed files into a local system folder?

I remember in eclipse if the project is linked with subversion , and you have changesets , there was an option on the contex menu to copy all the files in the changeset to a folder in your local system.
This option seems to be missing in helios eclipse when integrated with cvs.
Can someoone point me in the right direction.
I'm using subclipse but looks like you might need to enable it for cvs. See
There is a button to enable change sets in the Synchronize view:
Select the changeset -> menu File -> export -> File System

where is the place in Eclipse to add something to ignore list of SVN

I want to tell SVN in Eclipse to ignore these when I check in the code.
where is the place to go to set this ignore list:
Select project > Team > Synchronize with Repository.
Then right-click on file, select "Add to svn:ignore"
Or go to Window > Preferences > Team > Ignored Resources and add the patterns there.
Make sure you ignore the file type BEFORE commiting to repository since SVN doesn't allow you to ignore a committed file or type.
You can add them as svn properties using a command line client or the TeamSynchronizing menu via the "Add to svn:ignore" sub menu.
With a svn client :
svn propset svn:ignore .classpath .
svn propset svn:ignore .project .
svn propset svn:ignore .settings* .
svn propset svn:ignore target .
Right-click the file or directory you want to exclude from version control, then choose Team > Add to svn:ignore to display the Add to svn:ignore dialog.
If you've already committed the .project and / or the .classpath files, all is not lost!
Delete the .project and / or .classpath files manually: you can use the command line, for example, or go to your project in a navigator window (not Eclipse) where you will need to show hidden files.
Refresh your project in Eclipse, and it'll give you plenty of errors.
Commit (by right-clicking your project) the fact that the files are deleted.
Then you can rebuild your project to get rid of the errors.
To check list of ignored items:
Right click on the project -> Team -> Show properties -> 'svn:ignore' item in the table

Eclipse subsersive - delete a file but keep it locally

my question is in the title. How can I delete a file from the repository but
keeping it locally ? In other words, an eclipse subsersive equivalent to the
"svn --keep-local" command line
When I right-click on my file, the only Delete item I can found is even
not in the TEAM menu but in the general file menu. By deleting it, it will be removed from the repository at the next commit BUT also locally.
any idea ?
thank you very much
Eric Pellegrini
Open the SVN Repository Exploring perspective.
Using either the SVN Repositories or SVN Repository Browser view, navigate to the file you want to delete.
Right-click and select Delete...
This will delete the file in the repository, but will keep the local copy intact.