svn:ignore for a file already committed in subclipse - eclipse

I am trying to ignore some files that I have already committed to the repository in subclipse
I followed this from Subclipse svn:ignore
You can't svn:ignore a file that is
already commited to repository.
So you must:
Delete it from the repository
Recreate it in Eclipse
Set svn:ignore on it via Team->Add to svn:ignore
I am still getting a greyed out menu when I select Team->Add to svn:ignore
I deleted the folder I don't want from the repository
I reverted the project Team->Revert (this is the bit I may have done wrong)
selected Team->Add to svn:ignore but it is greyed out.
what do I need to do?

You probably need to Update from svn, rather than reverting, to pull in the changes that you made in the repository.
Revert in Subversion just re-syncs your working copy with the server, at the version you had previously checked out. If you made the change elsewhere, you need to update your working copy to point to the newer version on the server: that's the update operation.


Restoring SVN history links after commit

In Eclipse I moved and renamed a few files and committed. I now understand that I should have used svn move and svn rename or done Repair move in TortoiseSVN before the commit. But I didn't do, and commited. Now the history is not linked for those files. Is it possible to recover the history?
I was using Subclipse before, and I didn't face this problem. But now I don't have Subclipse installed. So I am guessing that if Subclipse is installed, it handles this by changing the refactoring behavior of Eclipse. Is this true?
Once you have committed the changes the only way to fix this would be to start over. Delete the items and commit, and then go back and do a proper move and commit. You might also be able to use svn copy to copy the old item from history if needed.
If you were using Subclipse when you refactor the files they would be moved automatically so you would not have had this problem.

Github and Eclipse: not all files are commited

I´m using Github in Eclipse, and commiting my changes to it. I have added some files to my project, and I have clicked on Team->"Add to index" in each of them, for them to be commited when I make a commit of the whole project. However, these files are not added to be commited, and when I click in "Commit", they arent´shown in the list of modified files. How can I force them to be commited?
It sounds like you may be confusing the usage of Git wit SVN. In SVN when you add a file to be tracked, updates to the file will always be committed automatically.
In Git, when you add a file to the index, only the current version of that file is recorded. If you subsequently update the file and commit, the new updates won't be included. The solution is to do an "Add to index" on the root of your project right before you commit: the equivalent of git add . on the commandline. Make sure your .gitignore is set up correctly so you don't commit things you don't intend to.
An equivalent action is to do a git commit -a, which automatically adds all files previously in the index and updates any deleted files as well. I believe the equivalent setting in Eclipse (for eGit) would be to Include selected untracked files as in the commit settings below.

SVN on Eclipse still try to synchronize eclipse .settings directory despite svn:ignore flag

In my python/pydev project home directory, eclipse create 3 files/directory :
As I do not want to share these files, I set a svn:ignore flag on the home project directory with these 3 files/directory specified in it.
It works well for .projet and .pydevproject, but not for .settings :
From time to time, .settings reappears into the "team synchronize perpective" as to be synchronized/committed into the svn repository.
How can I get the eclipse '.settings' definitively ignored during svn commit in eclipse gui ?
Do you have checked in .settings before adding it to ignored? If so, you should remove it from svn (not the working copy of cause).
If the .settings folder was previously under SVN (i.e. commited) then you should remove it from you SVN first.
If you still want to keep it in your working copy, you can do:
svn remove .settings --keep-local
in command line, and do svn ls (if you see this folder listed, you haven't removed it from SVN!!!)
If you already removed it and still have a problem you can try one of 2 things:
1. Deleting the folder manually (assuming no complex\unique settings were made)
and letting Eclipse recreate it
2. Deleting only the inner folder `.svn` (only the one inside .settings),
and then running svn cleanup (Team -> Cleanup)
The first one is preferred, since it is never the best idea to mess around with SVN's files.
You can (and should) exit eclipse, back this folder up, and update your working copy before this process.
if you have installed subversive you should also install the "subversive svn jdt ignore extensions".
you will find it here:
help > install new software ...
select your eclipse download site. in my case its "Helios -"
you'll find it under collaboration > Subversive SVN JDT Ignore Extensions (optional) (Incubation)
That sounds you have sometimes added this folder under version control and checked it it. You need to first removed it (svn rm via command line or via TortoiseSVN on windows) and do a commit. This needs to be done outside from Eclipse. After you changed that you can start Eclipse again.

Mark files before committing to SVN

Each time before committing I have a lot of changed files in my project. But also I have a lot of files that shouldn't be committed to SVN (it need me for local work). I need traverse all changed files and REMEMBER which of them should be committed.
Is that possible to mark(maybe with some Eclipse plugin) files for further selection and committing.
You can use changelists. See this Stackoverflow question on using changelists in Eclipse.
In Subversion 1.5 and higher, you can put your files into changelists. You can then commit, update, and revert only those files in that particular changelist. Put your "don't commit files" into one changelist, or the "I only want to check in these files into another changelist.
The svn:ignore won't work if these files are already checked into Subversion. It's only for adding new files.

Subversive: how to add to svn ignore

I am using Subversive and I have the same question as Subclipse svn:ignore, but the solution did not work for me. Anyone knows how to add to svn:ignore files already added to a project with Sobversive?
If I delete it and create it again, there is a red exaclamation ('!') icon and I am not able to add it to svn:ignore
You must delete the file and commit the deletion. Then you can re-add the file, and put it under svn:ignore.