Paypal mulicurrency payments - paypal

On our site user can make paypal donations to other users in different currencies, but we want to hold payment statistics in USD, is there any way to get in the paypal IPN payment gross, automaticly converted to US Dollars?

you achieve this by getting the gross in that currency and then multiplying it by the current USD rate. you can not get it in IPN because it sends variable only relating to your transaction. you need to do it manually when variables are received.
curent currency rates can be get by PayPal Api for currency conversion, here is link to documentation:
PayPal Currency Conversion API
Hope this helps.


How to handle PayPal currency conversions causing a higher charge at order checkout?

We have an online platform where we sell our product and we use Paypal to handle payments. Our customers are shown the amount they need to pay in Lek. Since our home currency, Albanian Lek, is not supported in Paypal, we convert the order price in Euro and we pass that to PayPal on checkout.
When checking out, PayPal converts the amount from Euro back to Lek, using their own conversion rates, which charges the customer a higher amount that the one they were shown in the beginning.
We want to be transparent with our customers and we don't want to show them a different amount to be paid when they checkout.
How can we get around this? Our options are:
Get PayPal's conversion rates, do a reverse calculation ourselves and display the right price to the customer.
Have the user pay the exact amount they were told in the beginning and we pay the conversion cost.
Any other ideas than the ones mentioned?
If you have a PayPal account manager, you can ask them about presentment currencies.
Assuming you do not have such a PayPal business contact (most do not), the best solution is to simply display actual EUR prices on your site. An approximate LEK conversion can be shown alongside, if you must, but the EUR price is what will be used for the actual PayPal transaction.
The payer will only see a conversion from some local currency to EUR if they are using a funding source denominated in that local currency.. This conversion happens prior to the EUR payment being made, which again is the actual PayPal transaction between that payer and the receiver account; any conversion from LEK (or other local currency) to EUR is happening before the actual PayPal transaction in EUR

Paypal Express Checkout paymentinfo_0_amt value returned

I am testing using the sandbox at the moment new functionality to use paypal express as a payment method. I have successfully made a payment and am inspecting the returned
values from the DoExpressCheckoutPayment
One of the fields returned is PAYMENTINFO_n_AMT and my vbscript code is
PPFamt = resArray("PAYMENTINFO_0_AMT") ' The final amount charged, including any shipping and taxes from your Merchant Profile.
I would expect this value to match the total amount being requested (from the Set) but
it seems to be rounded.
i.e. if I request a payment of 217.85 - the PPFamt value is 218.00
if I request a payment of 66.90 - the PPFamt is 67.00
I am using GBP currency for both the seller and buyer accounts.
Has anyone else come across this? I can't see that I am doing anything wrong or rounding it in the code, so I am assuming Paypal is doing this.
Any advice appreciated.
User error - paypal was just returning the value I sent in the DoExpressCheckoutPayment stage.

Angelleye Adaptive Payments (PayPal) issue - users can't receive money in different currency

I'm having a few issues here, I'm using Angelleye:
1.) Currently, when a user clicks to ‘Pay’ on my website, a popup appears and they must then enter their PayPal email address. We take a commission on all items sold on our marketplace, so we need to use Adaptive payments.
2.) In addition, the auction listings that a user creates on our marketplace can be in either $ (USD) or £ (GBP), but it seems that if the user creates a listing that isn’t in their main PayPal currency, they can’t receive payment.
Is the PayPal email popup necessary and can we allow users to receive payments in currencies other than their main PayPal currency?
1) There are different options for how to handle the payment flow with adaptive payments. You can use a pop-up window or a lightbox, for example. All of the details for how to setup the flow you want are available here:
2) I'm pretty sure this depends on their payment receiving preferences. When receiving a payment that isn't their primary currency they could end up paying additional fees, so I'm pretty sure they would have to specify that they accept this within their account. Alternatively, merchants can create separate currency balances within a PayPal account, so you could actually maintain a USD balance and a separate GBP balance within the same account. This way you could receive money without getting hit with currency conversion or cross-border fees, and the merchant wouldn't have to specifically accept it.

PayPal multiple Currency ( IPN )?

How to use multiple currency in PayPal:
Setting acceptable currency on the seller account, how to?
How will seller IPN know if the right amount has been payed?
Question 1) Will the buyer see local currency then?
Pay for purchases in your selected currency
Payment is automatically converted to your desired currency
No need to hold a balance in another currency to send a payment
Accept payments directly in your selected currency
Manage multiple currency payments using your current PayPal account
Hold one currency balance and still accept payments in multiple currencies

Paypal Web Payments Buttons

My website allows people to "sign up" for day trips. They must then pay a price based on their selection. Does paypal allow you to send your own payment values (as calculated by the amount of daytrips and the price of each one)?
Is there a way to program this value?
Take a look # the Direct Payment API. I think it supports all your needs
Also, you can test your application in the PayPal Sandbox
How it works
For each payment, Direct Payment API
takes the billing address, transaction
amount, credit card information, and
item information as inputs. Within
seconds, the API returns a
confirmation that the transaction has
been processed.