Paypal Web Payments Buttons - paypal

My website allows people to "sign up" for day trips. They must then pay a price based on their selection. Does paypal allow you to send your own payment values (as calculated by the amount of daytrips and the price of each one)?
Is there a way to program this value?

Take a look # the Direct Payment API. I think it supports all your needs
Also, you can test your application in the PayPal Sandbox
How it works
For each payment, Direct Payment API
takes the billing address, transaction
amount, credit card information, and
item information as inputs. Within
seconds, the API returns a
confirmation that the transaction has
been processed.


Capture Card capabilities in PayPal Payments Pro

Capture Card as I understand it allows a seller to securely accept an online order with credit card name, number and code via a shopping cart. We can subsequently ship the order, add the freight to the invoice and submit the total amount to the credit card for payment. After the payment has been posted the credit card information is wiped from the order.
I was led to believe that I could do this with a PayPal Payments Pro account, so I created one and sent a test invoice through with my own credit card. The amount of the invoice with tax was immediately posted to my PayPal account without the opportunity to add freight.
Can anyone on this forum provide a solution or workaround?
Are you processing this initially as a sale or an authorization. If you are wanting to use the DoDirectPayment API with Website Payments Pro, you could process a 1.00 authorization to validate the card. Then perform all of the calculations that you are needing to, and then process the payment using the DoReferenceTransaction API call where you send across the full amount you want to charge to the buyers card. You only have to reference the transaction id for the last successful 1.00 auth you did, and PayPal will use the same credit card information. Otherwise you could also process the DoDirectPayment API call with the full amount at the time of checkout, and just use the DoReferenceTransactions API call to charge any additional charges to where not initially charged such as tax and shipping.
Another option would be to use Express Checkout, and process the transaction as an order. This will allow you to make more then one authorization/capture against the order. You can also set a max amount in the Express Checkout API calls.

Paypal Express option

I'm mulling over using Paypal express as an option for a new ecommerce site. I've searched for an answer to this question but can't seem to find an answer. My question has to do with exactly how you would checkout using Paypal on Etsy, for example. Let's say the total sale price is $20, when the buyer is being redirected back to Etsy after logging on to Paypal so their information can be collected, at what point would Etsy collect their commission? Would Etsy just collect their commission and the remaining payment goes directly to the seller, without Etsy touching the seller's portion? For my site the $20 (for example), needs to go directly to the seller while at the same time my company collects our commission without any part of the sellers portion of the sale being in my Paypal Express account for any amount of time.
It depends on how they are processing payments. They could be using Express Checkout with Parallel payments. Basically when the DoExpressCheckoutPayment API call is executed the transaction would be split up into the different accounts.

Is it possible to get the last four digits of the user credit card with PayPal Express Checkout?

I'm using the Express Checkout API to handle PayPal payments from a web application. Is it possible to access the last four digits of the user credit card number with this structure? Please note that I can't use another payment flow for now.
No. That's the whole point of PayPal. You're not supposed to have any access whatsoever to the buyer's financials.
In addition, the buyer could be using a bank account / PayPal balance to fund the transaction.

Can I use PayPal to charge a Credit Card automatically?

If I have a Visa card number saved in my database, is there a way I can charge that Visa automatically through the PayPal API without the user having to enter anything? We want to keep this site as easy and hassle-free to use as possible. It would be a variable amount, based on how they use the site.
(Don't worry, proper disclaimers will be in place, and the user will be notified)
What about these "recurring payments"? That way I don't have to store the CC info on my website, but do they allow variable amounts that I could periodically send to PayPal?
Yes, you can.
Look at Direct Payments:
1 On your website, the customer
chooses to pay with a credit card and
enters the credit card number and
other details.
2 The customer reviews the order.
3 When your customer clicks “Pay” to
place the order, you call a PayPal API
to request payment, and the payment
transaction is initiated. Note: The
customer does not see this step.
PayPal does not send your customer a
recipt for the payment.
4 You transfer your customer to your
order confirmation page.
The payment is performed without redirecting the customer to PP site, so it's up to you to request CC data from the customer and submit them to PP API.

Recurring Payments in PayPal

I am trying to use the Recurring payment API offered by PayPal.
I have a scenario which I am not able to address directly. It goes like this.
We have a website where we sell some services. Now the services are charged per user license. A user can buy/cancel user license in between. We want to offer the customer a recurring billing option. We have to notice here that the amount may vary each billing cycle based on the number of user licenses the customer uses during that cycle.
Is there any way I can achieve this using PayPal recurring Payment API's.
I realize this is a very old post, but it still shows up for Google searches, so I thought I'd add:
Paypal does allow you to do this now, using their new adaptive payments api. also has a service that might work called Customer Information Manager.
The recurring payment option is a fixed amount that the customer pre-agrees to pay each month (or period). To do what you're trying to do, a customer would have to pre-agree to pay whatever amount you decide to charge at a later time. This means pre-authorizing an unknown payment amount, which will not be allowed by any payment service.
Your only options are:
Bill the variable amount each month (i.e. no subscription).
Set up a subscription where the monthly amount is the maximum that could potentially be billed, and then refund the difference each month.
Good luck with #2 - I would never agree to such a thing as a customer, personally.
What you're looking for is covered in the UK by the Direct Debit system, however given the potential for abuse it's very tightly controlled and there are a lot of restrictions and regulations governing it.
I'd strongly suggest you just set up a monthly invoicing system that just bills the client each month.
I don't know its meaning full or not as it is a very old post.
Instead of creating recurring profile on PayPal Server, You can store the customer's credit card on the PayPal using REST API: then every month you can fetch it and charge it like recurring Payment Or When client is no longer with the services then just remove its card from PayPal.
I suppose SIM method also does the same.
Hope this make sense.