iOS Delete Button - Objective C - iphone

I was wondering where does one get access to iOS delete button. This is the button that Apple uses to close the iAd window, and for deleting iPhone apps from the home screen, and also the Twitter App uses it to delete the photo that you add to a tweet. Do they just download this image somewhere or is there an option for it somewhere like for the info button, and the detail disclosure.
I also found that Growl uses this icon along with Lion's Mission Control...

You can use UIKit Artwork Extractor to extract about any iOS artwork that is not public. Just search for close and you will find several close button png images.

Apple doesn't make that image available, unfortunately.
This iPad template has the icon you want, though, in a PSD:

If it's actually an image and the iOS Simulator displays it, it should be hidden somewhere inside the Simulator frameworks or support files.

What, you mean the circle with an X in it? It's pretty easy to make your own, either in an image editor or just drawing it in code. I can guarantee you that's what the Twitter app did.


PhotoScroller Zooming/Appearance

I have been looking through the code and .xib files which are included in the Photoscroller app provided by Apple. Through all of this and a few internet searches I have not been able to locate where the button which controls whether the image is 1x or 2x zoom is located in the code or any events which are fired as a result of clicking it.
If someone cant point me to where this button is held that would be very helpful. My end goal is to implement the tiling in full screen so any advice on this would also be appreciated.
Thanks for any help you can provide.
The 1x/2x button is not in the application at all. The app is set to iPhone only so when you run it on the iPad it still runs at iPhone size. Any time you run an iPhone only app on an iPad it will display the 1x/2x button allowing you to zoom the app to a bigger size. You can see the difference by going to the Project Build Settings and changing Targeted Device Family to iPhone/iPad and running it again.

How can I make a screenshot of iPhone desktop programmatically?

I need to make a screenshot of the iphone desktop and set it as background for my app, is it possible?
UIGetScreenImage should do what you want - check out this example.
But apparently, Apple (in its great wisdom) has banned its usage in apps for the App Store, and has removed it from iOS 7 arm64 and newer.
If you are looking to take a screenshot then you need to press the menu button and the lock button at the same time, as for setting it as the background of the app, just use the image which will automatically be placed in your camera roll.

, how to open and close screen with effect like Facebook?

I'm using three20 for my dashboard.
Now when I select a icon to open a screen
How do I make the screen open like Facebook? (small to big)
And close to return to the dashboard like Facebook? (big to small)
Do I need to modify the ui screens to use three20 aswell? Or the effect is standard iOS effects?
These are custom animations developed by the team who worked on the App.
If you download the Facebook iOS SDK you should be able to have a glimpse at how it's done by looking through the source code and using it as a reference.
Of particular interest to you is the FBDialog class (which is a UIView subclass).

can we make iOS4 style folders in our app

can we make iOS4 style folders in our iphone app? actually i want that there is a icon on my screen and when clicked on that icon the 4 other icons inside that icon will show like iOS4 style.i.e. the main icon treats like a folder in iOS4. is it possible???
Yes, anything is possible. There is no API for this, so you will have to design the component and its functionality yourself.

How to add images to iphone simulator v4

I've always been able to get images into iphone simulator 3 by the usual methods described on this site (i.e. dragging image into iphone simulator).
However, having upgarded to the new xcode 3.2.3, although I can still save images to the simulator, I can't actually see them there when I go to the library on the simulator.
Thankfully - it works when I build for the iPad simulator.
Has anyone else go this problem or is my install of the new xcode screwy?
I've noticed that you can add them if you change the device in the Hardware menu. Switch to iPhone and do the usual. Then switch back to iPhone4 and you'll be able to see the images in the photo library.
alt text
You should also file a radar with Apple. ;-)
I was had the same problem after v4 upgrade but it seems to work if I drag the images into an album in the actual 'photos' app.
You can save images in the simulator by going to Safari on the iPhone,iPad.
Navigate to some URL eg, hot pictures of Megan Fox on google images. Click and hold on your favourite image of here, hopefully in a very hot pose. Then select save from the menu that appears.
This normally does it for me.
Sorry this does not work on 3.2.2 but has worked in the past.
Seems that you need to run the Photos app on the simulator after dragging in images in order for it to make the images available from your app.
First you simply run simulator then tap on back button after this drag image from your macbook u found small image on simulator screen hold courser on image
after a while bring a pop-up screenView on iPhone simulator screen to ask that you want to save this image or cancel
you just save and go back
open photo gallery you must be see one image in photo gallery