How can I make a screenshot of iPhone desktop programmatically? - iphone

I need to make a screenshot of the iphone desktop and set it as background for my app, is it possible?

UIGetScreenImage should do what you want - check out this example.
But apparently, Apple (in its great wisdom) has banned its usage in apps for the App Store, and has removed it from iOS 7 arm64 and newer.

If you are looking to take a screenshot then you need to press the menu button and the lock button at the same time, as for setting it as the background of the app, just use the image which will automatically be placed in your camera roll.


iPhone 5 Optimization Requirement - Launch image really necessary?

When trying to upload a binary to App Store, I get the following response in an email:
"iPhone 5 Optimization Requirement - Your binary is not optimized for iPhone 5. As of May 1, all new iPhone apps and app updates submitted must support the 4-inch display on iPhone 5. All apps must include a launch image of the appropriate size. Learn more about iPhone 5 support by reviewing the iOS Human Interface Guidelines."
Also, the status of the app is "Illegal binary".
I've read that I must include a launch image called "Default-568h#2x.png". Question is: My app was not intending to have a launch image at all. Am I really required to have a launch image now?
Yes you must include one. Not only does the launch image give the hint to the OS about the app's iPhone 5 (4" screen) support, but launch images in general are required:
From Apple's Interface Guidelines
To enhance the user’s experience at app launch, you must provide at least one launch image. A launch image looks very similar to the first screen your app displays. iOS displays this image instantly when the user starts your app and until the app is fully ready to use. As soon as your app is ready for use, your app displays its first screen, replacing the launch placeholder image.
Generally, design a launch image that is identical to the first screen of the app.
So really, making a launch image that is about the same as the first screen of your app (e.g. if the first screen is a UITableViewController with a toolbar and navigation bar, perhaps the screen looks like an empty navigation bar, an empty toolbar, and an empty table view, which then suddenly all become populated as soon as your app really gets going), is the way to go for the best user experience.
If really you don't want or need this, then make the default images just be black.
Yes, as stated, as of May 1, 2013, all new apps and app updates must provide support for the new iPhone 5 4-inch display.
The way to indicate that your app supports (has been tested with) the new iPhone 5 resolution is to simply include the launch image for that device.
You can simply create a black .png image (which is what your other default launch images are anyway) that is 640 x 1136 pixels and use that as the launch image for that device.
Simply including the new splash screen image (Default-568h#2x.png) is not enough
You must re-build your project with the iOS 6.0 SDK (or newer) - which supports iPhone 5
So if you're still using an older SDK, update your XCode in the App Store first
Yes. from 1st May, you can't upload application with out including Default-568h#2x.png in your application.

iOS Delete Button - Objective C

I was wondering where does one get access to iOS delete button. This is the button that Apple uses to close the iAd window, and for deleting iPhone apps from the home screen, and also the Twitter App uses it to delete the photo that you add to a tweet. Do they just download this image somewhere or is there an option for it somewhere like for the info button, and the detail disclosure.
I also found that Growl uses this icon along with Lion's Mission Control...
You can use UIKit Artwork Extractor to extract about any iOS artwork that is not public. Just search for close and you will find several close button png images.
Apple doesn't make that image available, unfortunately.
This iPad template has the icon you want, though, in a PSD:
If it's actually an image and the iOS Simulator displays it, it should be hidden somewhere inside the Simulator frameworks or support files.
What, you mean the circle with an X in it? It's pretty easy to make your own, either in an image editor or just drawing it in code. I can guarantee you that's what the Twitter app did.

Setting Wallpaper (Background image) in iOS Simulator home screen or lockscreen

I was scratching my brains over something when this popped in my mind. Can we set the simulator's home-screen background image to an image of our choice? Case in point is Xcode 3.2.2 simulator 3.1.3.
Certain versions of the simulator appear to support this, not just for the home screen but for the lock screen too (which you get to with Command ⌘+L):
Drag an image from your Mac to the simulator.
Mobile Safari opens. Click and hold the image.
Choose Save Image.
Go to, and into the photo album.
Choose your image, and set it as the home screen background like you do on a device.
You may need to restart the simulator.
Note that since this isn't exactly officially supported, it may or may not work for you depending on your version of Xcode or the simulator.
It is possible (again) with the iOS Simulator version 6 (for iOS6).
First, add some images to your photo library. You can do this by using Mobile Safari (either surf the web or drag a local image to the simulator). Then perform a long press and save to camera roll.
Second, open "Photos", select the image and set as Background.
Third, restart the simulator (this irritated me at first, as it doesn't seem to work immediately)
How to do this for the Simulator in 11.4.
Drag and drop a photo on the phone.
Go to photo app and view app.
On the bottom bar you should see 3 icons. Hit the icon with the Arrow coming out of the box like you would AirDrop it to someone.
On the Options panel you should see Use as Wallpaper right below the AirPlay option.
Hmm. Probably, since you cannot set backgroundimage on your homescreen(exept from the locked view) on on actual iPhone pre iOS4, you cannot do so in the simulator either.
Dragged the image onto the simulator (iOS 9.3) as #boltclock suggests, but nothing happened. However, I then noticed that the images I dragged were showing up in the Photos app on the simulator. From there I just set the wallpapers the same way that you set them on a physical device. Did not need to restart the simulator.
I thought I wasn't able to do this, but then I dragged the bottom row of options to the left and low and behold, there is the "Set as wallpaper" option.
Since this is an old question, I want to confirm this works in Simulator 13.2 for the iPhone 13 Pro Max (I'm running it on on macOS 12.2 Monterey).
In the simulator take Safari to the image you want to set as the background
Right click (or 2-finger press-click on trackpad)
Selected "Add to Photo"s from Pop-up menu
Open Photos app, and click the 'sharing' icon (box with up arrow coming out of it)
Scroll the popup upwards until you see the "Use As Wallpaper" menu item (if you have a Magic Trackpad, you can scroll with a three-finger swipe-up up on the screen)
That's it. You can set the Home and Lock screen that way.
While developing an iOS iPhone app using the simulator, I copied a space scene with just stars for the background and and moved the app icons all to the home screen except left my app icon alone on a different page that way I minimized light and clutter.

How to add images to iphone simulator v4

I've always been able to get images into iphone simulator 3 by the usual methods described on this site (i.e. dragging image into iphone simulator).
However, having upgarded to the new xcode 3.2.3, although I can still save images to the simulator, I can't actually see them there when I go to the library on the simulator.
Thankfully - it works when I build for the iPad simulator.
Has anyone else go this problem or is my install of the new xcode screwy?
I've noticed that you can add them if you change the device in the Hardware menu. Switch to iPhone and do the usual. Then switch back to iPhone4 and you'll be able to see the images in the photo library.
alt text
You should also file a radar with Apple. ;-)
I was had the same problem after v4 upgrade but it seems to work if I drag the images into an album in the actual 'photos' app.
You can save images in the simulator by going to Safari on the iPhone,iPad.
Navigate to some URL eg, hot pictures of Megan Fox on google images. Click and hold on your favourite image of here, hopefully in a very hot pose. Then select save from the menu that appears.
This normally does it for me.
Sorry this does not work on 3.2.2 but has worked in the past.
Seems that you need to run the Photos app on the simulator after dragging in images in order for it to make the images available from your app.
First you simply run simulator then tap on back button after this drag image from your macbook u found small image on simulator screen hold courser on image
after a while bring a pop-up screenView on iPhone simulator screen to ask that you want to save this image or cancel
you just save and go back
open photo gallery you must be see one image in photo gallery

Setting iPhone wallpaper (locked screen background) programmatically?

I have an app which could benefit from the user being able to choose to set an image as the wallpaper (the background image on the "slide to unlock" screen).
Is there a way for non-jailbreak third-party apps to do this? A search for "wallpaper" in the iPhone documentation returns nothing.
There is no way to do this with the current SDK, if you want to do it you should file a bug.
If you're writing a jailbreak application you can write to /var/mobile/Library/LockBackground.jpg and then kill the Springboard.