Implement HTTP POST method in iphone app - iphone

I want to retrieve data from server using HTTP POST method for my iphone app.I don't have any idea about implementing it.
Please help me.
Thanks in advance

The simplest way to achieve this is to use the framework ASIHTTPRequest. Take a look in the tutorial:

start with NSURLRequest and related sample code.


Implementation of Cookies in Play 2.0 Framework

Hope you are doing well,
I have a problem in implement cookies in play 2.0 framework. In my application, i gave search
functionality. Now i am want to store recent search data in cookies but till now i unable to implement .
Please if any body implement cookies in play 2.0 then suggest me.
Look at
You can use session to store your data with "withSession" instruction.

Is there way to video chat (two way) using sip in iOS?

Any one please help me in video calling service (like Skype). I am basically using SIP for implementation.
So if there any link to related then please suggest me.
Thanks in advance.
You can find the project you are looking for on

Json Parser Example for iOS5

I have created one app in iOS5.
I want to store and retrive data on web server.
For that I want to use JSON parser.
I have used demo given by ray wenderlich for ios4. I heard that for ios 5.Some ready made frameworks are there.So can anybody having any idea regarding this?
I am using sqlite for data storage.
Please Help.
You may want to refer to SBJSON Framework which is frequently used for objective-C, I have used this framework in may of my iOS Apps.
You may get a reference about it from these links:
Example Code: Also here is an example on, How to parse JSON with SBJSON Parser:
How to parse JSON into Objective C - SBJSON
Here is how you need to configure SBJSON into your app:
Hope this helps you.
Since you are a RayWenderlich Fan, They have a pretty amazing tutorial out there on the new iOS5 JSON Parser
I suggest you to used Twitter Framework for json, it's really easy to learn json, and you just have to used api of twitter, here is the all api available for twitter,

Framework/Component for iOS

I would like create a plug and play component.(i.e)I like to create a small component/Framework which can be used in many iPhone apps.For example GPS location tracking ,Chat functionalities like that.Each and everyone should be separate component which can be integrated with any apps.
Can anyone guide me with things to be done for achieve this.Any tutorials or links.
check out below link
help guide to create lib
question help
Shyam Parmar
This can also maybe help:

How to retrieve data from a website into an iphone app

I am making an iphone application.
I am a newb.
I want to fetch the data from my website. What should i do to implement this?
What needs to be done?
Help me please
Any tutorials would be of great help.
If your problem is getting data from website to iphone then you can just use JSON Parsing to get data.
Just you have to pass all the data as JSON string in iPhone from your website. And then parse the data once received into your iPhone.
Here you can refer to this link
Hope this helps you
You will be using the NSURLConnection, NSURLRequest and NSURL classes here is an example from Apple;
Expose your data from your site as WebService, XML, JSON etc. Consume that using iPhone app.
Which language is being used your site?depending on that some sample could be provided.
Chapter 10 of James Kennard, Mastering Joomla! 1.5 : APIs and Webservices contains 8 pages about XML-RPC.
For real-live examples, search the Joomla! Extension Directory.
Here is another one to kick-start
For the server side, I suggest using a web service to send the data to your client.
The September issue of Linux Journal has an excellent article on writing mobile apps that work for Android AND iPhone/iPad using free tools and frameworks. Here is a link to the article online:
Developing Portable Mobile Web Applications
Previous answers suggest using NSURLConnection, but I find it to be a bit cumbersome to use on its own. I suggest using something that wraps NSURLConnection (or CFNetwork). Some examples: ASIHTTPRequest (CFNetwork-based), httpriot and Seriously (NSURLConnection/block-based).