How to use protractor to find the fading in content of tooltip generated by Angular-UI? - protractor

I am using Protractor, and trying to find the content of tooltips on the page. These tooltips are generated by Angular-UI, and fading in with moveMouse over them like below. Those tooltips are similar with ng-bind, but I cannot use binding to find them. Also, I tried to getAttribute of this tooltip, but it also didn't work for me, maybe cause protractor cannot detect this element name. Do you have any idea of how to read the content of those tooltips? Many thanks.
<div class="col-md-2">
<div class="form-group">
<label class="control-label" id="label_Merchant_Number" translate>merchant_NUM</label>
<input ng-model='searchCriteria.MERCHANT_NUMBER' tooltip="{{'merNumber_tooltip'|translate}}" class='form-control input-sm' type='text' id='MERCHANT_NUMBER' name='MERCHANT_NUMBER' maxlength='16' erng-validations>

we are using getAttribute('tooltip'), works how it should be ...


Bootstrap file input does not show the image name which is browsed

I'm using Admin LTE theme and I have added this input for uploading image:
<div class="form-group">
<label for="sendImage">Send Image</label>
<div class="input-group" id="dyanimc-field2">
<div class="custom-file" >
<label class="custom-file-label" for="exampleInputFile">Choose file</label>
<input type="file" class="custom-file-input" id="sendImage" name="product_image[]">
But when I browse and image, it should be showing the image name which is selected but it doesn't!
So by default it looks like this:
And when I choose an image it should be showing image name instead of Choose file, like this:
So what's going wrong here? How can I show the image name when it's selected before uploading?
I can across similar problem while designing a custom user dashboard using Admin LTE HTML template.
After few googling, I realized it was a known issue in bootstrap, this github issue comment solved the problem for me.
I was able to get it working using this third-party library and the lines of code below solved it for me.
<script src=""></script>
$(document).ready(function () {

how to center the calender in bootstrap dateTimePicker

I have added the date time picker but I can't center every thing in the calender?
the fault one
The right one
This is the html code
<div class="form-group" id="dateTimePickerContainer">
<input name="datetimepicker" type='text' class="form-control" id='datetimepicker'/>
And this is the Jquery code
I solved it, the problem that the css file was not included in the project.
So I had to download the css and included it in the bootstrap files.
Anyone can download it from here.

Change label color in form with error

I'm buzy with a validation plug-in. When someone clicks on the submitbutton and the required fields are not filled, the border-color of the concerning fields changes to red. My problem however is that I also want the color of the text next to it to change. This is my structure:
<div class="row">
<label for="name">Name*</label>
<input type="text" id="name" name="name">
.form.a input.error {border:2px solid #eb053b;}
How can I now select the label-element to change the text color? It's not possible with CSS, because you can't select a parent-element, but I don't know how to do it with jQuery.
You can trigger this event on clicking the submit button
if(jQuery('.form.a input').css('border')==2px solid #eb053b){
As I mentioned in the comments, the jquery validator adds a label after the input box by default with a class 'error'. Though I haven't found the hack for stopping the validator from doing this yet, here is something that I practice in my forms.
<div class="row">
<input type="text" id="name" placeholder="Name (required)" name="name">
.form.a input.error {border:2px solid #eb053b;}
label.error { color: #ebo53b;}
This would produce a meaningful error message in a label after the input box in red color.
The error messages can be customized using the rules option of jquery validator, the placement of label (before or after) is changed by the errorPlacement option.
I'll update my answer if and when I find the exact solution to your problem.

jQuery mobile show and hide don't seem to work on iPhone

I'm trying to use jQuery show and hide which seem to work ok in Safari, when I try it on the iPhone, it doesn't work at all. Here is my code;
<script type="text/javascript">
$("#showSearch").click(function () {
It's a button that when clicked, will show the search form. The form doesn't show on iPhone. Also when I add $('#showSearch').remove(); in there, it doesn't get removed, even if I add a function as the second parameter of show() it still doesn't hide the button.
Thanks for your help.
jQuery Docs: (Shows) (Hides) (Deletes) (Show/Hide)
Live Example:
$('#viewMeButton').click(function() {
$('#viewMe').toggle(); // used toggle instead of .show() or .hide()
$('#removeMeButton').click(function() {
<div data-role="page" id="home">
<div data-role="content">
<div id="viewMe">
Hello I'm in the div tag, can you see me?
<br />
<button id="viewMeButton">Show / Hide</button>
<br />
<div id="removeMe">
Click the button to remove me
<br />
<button id="removeMeButton">Remove Me</button>
I know this is an old question, but I recently had a similar problem. Hopefully this will help someone else if they find this question, too.
I was trying to hide a set of ui-block-* elements in a JQM grid. On the same grid cells, my media query for the iPhone was setting display: block !important. That was winning.
The !important directive was unnecessary in my case and when I removed it the calls to hide() and show() began working as expected.

A GridView inside a Wizard in wicket fails to render error feedback messages

I have a custom Wizard, defined as follows:
<form wicket:id="form" class="wizard">
<span class="wizardoverview" wicket:id="overview"/>
<div class="wizardheader" wicket:id="header"/>
<div wicket:id="view" class="wizardpage"/>
<span wicket:id="feedback"/>
<div class="buttons">
<span wicket:id="buttons"/>
The wizardpage is in this case a Panel with its own form.
This form contains a new Panel, which in turn contains a GridView.
The GridView contains a set of Panels, which each contain a FormComponentFeedbackBorder, which in turn contains input TextFields.
So we have this:
When TextField fails validation, no feedback is rendered at all.
If I add a FeedbackPanel to the GridContainingPanel the error messages are rendered, but FormComponentFeedbackBorder renders nothing.
Any pointers as to what can be wrong?
I had a similar problem with a ListView instead of GridView, but that problem was resolved when I set listView.setReuseItems(true);
Is there a similar setting for GridView, or is there a different solution to this problem?
That was it:
gridView.setItemReuseStrategy(new ReuseIfModelsEqualStrategy());
solved the problem.
Thanks, rotsch.