Iphone/Ipad app developement - iphone

Hi I have wrote an application which is suitable for iphone (haven't uploaded to appstore yet)
I want this app to be supported on iPad as well.
Do I need to open a new project and create a separate app for iPad or is there a way to create a single app for both ?

Nice tutorial to start porting of app from iphone to ipad.

no need to create a new project, if u like to release for iPad also you need to resize for the all the classes, whichever view suits for the iPad, and also check it in your ipad,then deploy target should be both for iPad and iphone


Creating Universal application from existing iPhone application

I'm developing iPhone application which was created on Xcode 4.6. Now I'm running same application in Xcode 5.0 which works fine for me on iOS 7 also. Now I have to create an Universal application from existing application. I have google for it and found 2-3 solutions which talks about creating new xibs for iPad and change target to universal application. I want to know what is the easiest way to achieve this. My application was created on Xcode 4.6 with xibs for iPhone.
If you are building a universal app that supported for both iPhone and iPad then the best approach is to use Size classes. You can also customize your layout for a specific device (iPhone/iPad) by using size classes.
You can not do create new xibs for ipad and use exists xib, but then you need to hope what autoresizing work good. Anyway most often ipad have different design. So, if you want different design you need make him (using new xibs or new code).

How to make iPhone app searchable when search from an iPad

I created an iPhone app and published to the iTunes. Now my client complainig when he search it from the iPad it doesn't display under iPad apps. He asked me to make it search under iPad also. Then how I can do this plz help me.
You can find it if you tap the iPhone tab on your iPad. If you want it to show up under iPad apps, it has to be an iPad app (or a Universal app, meaning it is designed for both iPhone and iPad). If you are looking to optimize your app for iPad and make it a Universal app, here are some resources to get you started:
Apple's Advanced App Tricks Guide
Creating a Universal iOS App Tutorial
Creating a Universal iOS Application
If you go to Xcode and start a new project, and click "Universal", Apple will have most of the work done for you. You will also find that it is a lot more straightforward than it sounds; basically you use the same code with different nib files. If you need more advanced control, you can always detect which device you are running on to do stuff programatically.

Upgrade Current Target to IPhone Not IPad

I currently have an ipad app and would now like to turn it into a universal app for both iPad and iPhone. The problem is I cant seem to find the feature to upgrade my iPad app to universal. There is an option to go from iPhone to iPad but not the other way around.
Any ideas?
You can just add a new target and chose what kind of devices you want to deploy on:
iPhone, iPad or Universal
See the screenshot below:

How can i make my iPhone application universal (iPhone - iPad) application?

I have my iPhone appliction, using same application i want to make it universal (iPhone / iPad). Is there any way to get success for the above mentioned task?
I want to do only using the previous MainWindow.XIB file & Custom ccode if neccessary.
I am totally unknown to this concept, this is totally new to me.
If possible then please suggest me the code / link to make the universal application.
When building new project in Xcode 4.1 and above you can chose if you want iPhone application, iPad application or iPhone/iPad application.

Adding an iPhone app binary to my current ipad app

I gave an app in the app store got ipad. I also made a app for the iPhone now.
What you guys suggest should I create a new app for the iPhone or is there way to add my iPhone binary to my current ipad app?
Thanks for your help.
There is no way to include the iPad and iPhone binary together. If you want to put them together, you'll need to create a universal application. You will have checks at run time that will determine whether or not your app is running on an iPad or iPhone, this will determine which set of ViewControllers your app will display.
There is a lot of information out there on creating universal apps.