Creating Universal application from existing iPhone application - iphone

I'm developing iPhone application which was created on Xcode 4.6. Now I'm running same application in Xcode 5.0 which works fine for me on iOS 7 also. Now I have to create an Universal application from existing application. I have google for it and found 2-3 solutions which talks about creating new xibs for iPad and change target to universal application. I want to know what is the easiest way to achieve this. My application was created on Xcode 4.6 with xibs for iPhone.

If you are building a universal app that supported for both iPhone and iPad then the best approach is to use Size classes. You can also customize your layout for a specific device (iPhone/iPad) by using size classes.

You can not do create new xibs for ipad and use exists xib, but then you need to hope what autoresizing work good. Anyway most often ipad have different design. So, if you want different design you need make him (using new xibs or new code).


When best time to use Stoaryboard iPhone?

I want to develop a new iPhone app and I before developed an app and has been rejected from app store because I was using StoryBoard that is not work in prior iOS 4.3, so I used XIB instead.
Now the minimum version is iOS 4.3 and I want to know is now best time to use StoaryBoard or keep using XIB in my new app?
Hope anyone got my mean.
Thanks in advance.
Storyboards are unavailable on iOS 4.3 and prior. Storyboards only work on devices running iOS 5 above. Since your deployment target(minimum supported OS) is 4.3 you have to stick on the Xib file

Iphone/Ipad app developement

Hi I have wrote an application which is suitable for iphone (haven't uploaded to appstore yet)
I want this app to be supported on iPad as well.
Do I need to open a new project and create a separate app for iPad or is there a way to create a single app for both ?
Nice tutorial to start porting of app from iphone to ipad.
no need to create a new project, if u like to release for iPad also you need to resize for the all the classes, whichever view suits for the iPad, and also check it in your ipad,then deploy target should be both for iPad and iphone

Is the use of storyboards in Xcode 4.2 production ready and recommended? (c.f. previous XIB methods)

Is the use of storyboards in Xcode 4.2 production ready and recommended?
That is, would iPhone/iPad developers that have used storyboards recommend (for native iPhone/iPad apps) to definitely use storyboards? Or are there some gotchas and issues still with the concept?
P.S. Also do storyboards assist in getting a Universal Application designed/working?
This depends, for the most part, on your target audience. The only potential deal-breaker is the fact that using storyboards requires you to set your app's deployment target to iOS 5.0 or later; a storyboarded app cannot run on any earlier version of iOS.
If you must cater to previous versions of iOS, you have to continue using individual nib files if designing your interface with Interface Builder. I'd also recommend sticking with whatever you're already using in your existing projects. (You can introduce storyboards into your existing projects in steps, but remember that they'll only work in iOS 5. There's a WWDC 2011 presentation that walks you through this process.)
For new projects, storyboards seem to be the way to go, as long as you're sure you won't need to deploy to previous iOS versions.
Also do storyboards assist in getting a Universal Application designed/working?
Not sure what you mean by "assist", but you have to create one storyboard of nibs for each device family. So one for iPhone/iPod touch, and one for iPad.
It would be interesting to know how much of the market you are missing out on by targeting only iOS 5. I have noted that there is a significant percentage of iPhone users who dont upgrade their iOS be it from iOS 3 to iOS 4 or even iOS 5 so any apps targeting iOS 5 will mean they can not download any app you create.
I started out using iOS 5 with storyboard and it's a great feature, but had to pull back and use xibs so that I get backwards compatibility. There's just too much of the market you will miss out on by only targeting iOS 5.
ARC is a great plus, and just for that feature alone I am happy with the transition to iOS 5. Not to mention the new CLGeoCoder class and JSON now included. Anyone who wants to use JSON API have a look at this great tutorial from Ray Wenderlich.

How can i make my iPhone application universal (iPhone - iPad) application?

I have my iPhone appliction, using same application i want to make it universal (iPhone / iPad). Is there any way to get success for the above mentioned task?
I want to do only using the previous MainWindow.XIB file & Custom ccode if neccessary.
I am totally unknown to this concept, this is totally new to me.
If possible then please suggest me the code / link to make the universal application.
When building new project in Xcode 4.1 and above you can chose if you want iPhone application, iPad application or iPhone/iPad application.

How to refactor an iPhone App to run natively on the iPad

I have an iPhone application and I want to run it on the iPad in normal mode (not in the mini small emulation mode)
How do I compile my program to show up in full screen mode?
Any easy tutorial?
You want to refactor you current iPhone only app in to a Universal app.
iPhone SDK 3.2 [and later] supports the
development of Universal applications.
A Universal app is optimized to run on
all iPhone OS devices—itʼs essentially
an iPhone app and an iPad app built as
a single binary.
More details can be found in the Introducing Universal Applications for iPhone OS documentation.
In order to achieve your design goals
for a Universal application, you will
need to use conditional coding to
determine the availability of features
when your app is running. Conditional
coding allows you to make sure youʼre
loading the right resources, using
functionality thatʼs supported by the
device and properly leveraging
hardware thatʼs available.
In Xcode 4 you can set the device type, be sure to create iPad specific UI for you app.
Once you select Universal xcode will try and help you out by creating some interface-bilder files.
The iPhone views are created with the size 480×320px in case of pre-iphone 4, and the iphone 4 has 960x480px. The iPad has 1024x768, so you need to change the views for that size. There's no automatic way of doing it. In Xcode 4 you have some sort of "change this view to ipad", but the position of the elements in the view, but you will have to do some tunning on the final views, because the ipad UI of an App should give a different UX than the iPhone.