Test Application on iPhone 3G without SIM card - iphone

I am working on one application that has APNS in the same. And for the same purpose,i have installed an SSL certificate in the application. For the purpose of getting the device token,i am attaching the device with MAC and the organizer window starts connecting to the iPhone device and starts copying the files but it sticks at a point saying copying file 2 of 2 and takes hours but in vain.The symbol next to device remains orange in Organizer. I am using Xcode version 3.2.6 and have iPhone 3G for testing.
Is this possible due to No SIM in the iPhone device or some other reason? Kindly help. I really have lost so much time on the same issue.
Thanks in advance.

I don't know if it the same reason or not but after testing my application on iPhone 3GS, i was able to run my app successfully.


Iphone App Crash on Running

I made a simple application on XCode 4.2 and Sqllite.
It runs on Simulator smoothly. I made its build and run on Iphone 4S with iOS 5.
it Runs and crash without any error.
Guide me to detect the problem.
Try debugging on the device in your app delegate or if need be in your main.m file.
Also check the Console app on your Mac.
It contains device logs you might use to learn more.
make sure about ur version. and did you have the provisioning profile and certificate installed to push the kit in the device?
if you dont have any provisioning profile associated with the iphone it wont let you push or run the kit on your device..
Has the app ever worked on the iPhone?
If so, you may have changed the datamodel, which would cause the app to stop working.
You'll have to delete the app from the phone, then re run it.
Connect your device to Mac, Open Xcode, Open Organizer inside xcode. Than see Devices Section, you may get your device name.. Than see Device Logs. Now you run your app in device only not from xcode to device.. you will get same Console output see in Organizer Device Log

iPhone App to transfer message over bluetooth but device is not getting connected

I am working on this iPhone app with which you can send message to other connected device. I have gone through following tutorial
Everything seems to be fine. No memory leaks or anything like that. Now I installed this application on iPad and iTouch. iPad is running 4.3.5 and iTouch is running 4.2.1. I am using X Code 4.0 with iOS 4.3 as base sdk. I set my targets to 4.0 in X Code for above project (like Target->Messenger->summary->deployment target->4.0) similarly for project.
Now when I run application and try to connect it with other device, it shows only looking for nearby iOS devices and nothing happens further. But when I set deployment target to 4.3 and install same app on iPad, that iPad can detect iTouch but not able to connect it.
Can anyone tell me why is this happening and how to deal with it ?
Did u try using Xcode Simulator to connect your iPod Touch by Blue Tooth?
Then it can make more sure that your programming run correctly.

How to install universal application in 2G iPhone

i have created an universal application using xcode 3.2.4. in my build setting i have set "target device" as 3.1.2. This application is working fine with iPhone 3G, iPhone 4 and iPod touch 3G. But i am facing "Unsigned" error if i try to install my universal application into my 2G iPhone which have iOS 3.1.3 I have included 2G iPhone UID into provisioning file. But still getting same error.
please guide me as how to over come this issue and make my universal app to work in 2G devices also.
thanks in advance.
Unsigned seems to imply you still have an issue with your provisioning profile. Open the Organizer in XCode, click on the device on the left, and look at the provisioning profiles that are associated with it to verify that the one to which you assigned that device's UID is actually on the device.

Iphone4 debugger

Is there any application debugger available in iphone sdk 4.0 ? I am build an ipod application . Its work well in ipod (Both simulator and device). But my friend having mobile iphone4 , so i build the application and gave him as a app file.
He installed in his iphone4 via itunes it crashes many times . But the same application installed in my 1 st generation ipod its work well... How could i detect what mistakes i did in my application ?...
Can anyone help me ?
Thanks in advance... I tried lot but nothing got an good explanation.
(Note : Is there any debugger for detecting app crashes in iphone4 ? (only with app(release-iphoneos file))).
Your friend can send you the crash reports, which you can use to track down the problem.
Debugging is possible but needs the device connected to your computer.

getting Xcode to build my iPhone app on the iPhone Simulator after setting up my physical iPod to test with?

I am new to developing apps for the iPhone. I just went through the entire process the other day of properly setting up my developer account to allow me to test my programs on my physical iPod. Once I set it up though, I was not able to figure out how to get the iPhone Simulator working again. I would like to test my programs quickly with the simulator and then test major revisions periodically on the physical device. How can I adjust the target of the compiled program to test? Any insight would be appreciated. Thank you for your time.
Change the active SDK to "Simulator"
Project -> Active SDK -> iPhone Simulator 3.1.2