Iphone4 debugger - iphone

Is there any application debugger available in iphone sdk 4.0 ? I am build an ipod application . Its work well in ipod (Both simulator and device). But my friend having mobile iphone4 , so i build the application and gave him as a app file.
He installed in his iphone4 via itunes it crashes many times . But the same application installed in my 1 st generation ipod its work well... How could i detect what mistakes i did in my application ?...
Can anyone help me ?
Thanks in advance... I tried lot but nothing got an good explanation.
(Note : Is there any debugger for detecting app crashes in iphone4 ? (only with app(release-iphoneos file))).

Your friend can send you the crash reports, which you can use to track down the problem.
Debugging is possible but needs the device connected to your computer.


Xcode 4.2.1: universal app runs on iPad but not on iPhone

I am working on a universal application where I am stuck at one point. I was able to successfully launch my application both on iPhone and iPad but since 2-3 days, I am not able to launch my application on neither iPhone nor iPhone simulator but it runs smoothly on iPad/iPad simulator.
Also when I run my app choosing iPhone device it shows message like Running the App on iPhone simulator but I am not able to see any effect on my simulator. I am using Xcode 4.2.1 and I guess the issue is pertains to the same.
I don't know whether it is a solution or not but got a way out by reinstalling the iOS Simulator.
I have faced same problem. This probably happens when you replace the application with the newScheme/EditScheme by mistake.
Just carefully check when you run your application is there your application name appear. This will be immediate left at where you choose iPhone simulator or iPad simulator version.

How to test an app without its sourcecode and not using iPhone or iPad devices?

I want to do testing on an app which is provided free through iTunes. I do not have the source code of the app, i only have the .ipa file downloaded through iTunes and i do not have an iPhone or an iPad to install it and start my testing on the app . I want to test the app see how it works, write down scenarios and etc without using an iPhone or an iPad. I tried searching for iPhone simulators but i came to know that i cant install any apps on it, installed Xcode but i cannot simulate it until i have the source code which i do not have.
So can anyone suggest me where i can simulate an app which is provided through iTunes without having the source code ? I just want to see the app, what it provides etc without using an iPhone or iPad device
Many Thanks for your suggestions
The app will not run on your Mac. It’s been compiled for the processors in iOS devices, which makes it incompatible with the Intel processor in your Mac. I’d suggest finding a cheap iPhone 3GS or iPod Touch on eBay.

iPhone App to transfer message over bluetooth but device is not getting connected

I am working on this iPhone app with which you can send message to other connected device. I have gone through following tutorial
Everything seems to be fine. No memory leaks or anything like that. Now I installed this application on iPad and iTouch. iPad is running 4.3.5 and iTouch is running 4.2.1. I am using X Code 4.0 with iOS 4.3 as base sdk. I set my targets to 4.0 in X Code for above project (like Target->Messenger->summary->deployment target->4.0) similarly for project.
Now when I run application and try to connect it with other device, it shows only looking for nearby iOS devices and nothing happens further. But when I set deployment target to 4.3 and install same app on iPad, that iPad can detect iTouch but not able to connect it.
Can anyone tell me why is this happening and how to deal with it ?
Did u try using Xcode Simulator to connect your iPod Touch by Blue Tooth?
Then it can make more sure that your programming run correctly.

Debugging ok on iPhone4 but EXC_BAD_ACCESS on iPod Touch and iPhone 3G

I'm developing an app on my Macbook debugging it on my iPhone4. The app make use of camera, internet connections, and normal stuffs.
Today I'm trying to debug it on an iPod Touch 2G and on an iPhone 3G......but it always install the app on the device, it says "running" but before the app il really launched I get a "EXC_BAD_ACCESS".....non message...even NSZombieEnabled didn't work!!
Any help?
Check the stacktrace when it crashes then look up the last called function.
It might be a new API function and in that case you must first check for it's existence in the installed iOS version.

getting Xcode to build my iPhone app on the iPhone Simulator after setting up my physical iPod to test with?

I am new to developing apps for the iPhone. I just went through the entire process the other day of properly setting up my developer account to allow me to test my programs on my physical iPod. Once I set it up though, I was not able to figure out how to get the iPhone Simulator working again. I would like to test my programs quickly with the simulator and then test major revisions periodically on the physical device. How can I adjust the target of the compiled program to test? Any insight would be appreciated. Thank you for your time.
Change the active SDK to "Simulator"
Project -> Active SDK -> iPhone Simulator 3.1.2