XCode 4.2 Installation error - iphone

I downloaded XCode 4.2 from apple developer website. after I download it and try to install, error message pops out saying "The Following Disk Image Couldn't be Opened , xcode_4.2_and_ios_5_ not recognized " has anyone here experienced this kind of error?
Mac Os X 10.6.8
Thank you guys!

Sounds like a corrupted disk image... may just have been a bad download. Restart your computer, and if you still have the same problem, re-download. (And obviously make sure you're downloading the Snow Leopard version of Xcode since you're running it on 10.6.8... but I'm sure you were, and that wouldn't in any case lead to the error you described.)


The simulated application quit

I'm using MAC OS X mountain lion (10.8.4) and xcode 4.6. My IOS simulator gives error that "The simulated application quit, switch sdk"..........
Firstly I tried to reset ios simulator, but its not working.
Secondly, I tried to delete folder "6.1" under ~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator
But i'm unable to find iPhone Simulator folder under Application support.
Thirdly, I uninstalled the xcode 4.6 by draging it to trash. And then installed it again, but the same error appears whenever i try to run any application.
I think, i'm not uninstalling the xcode properly. To uninsatll completely when I type following command
/Applications/uninstall-devtools --mode=all In resoponse I get "Command not found" tried with different commands. Nothing worked. I have wasted my last 12hours to get this work but couldn't.
The problem was in Mountain Lion the Library folder that is situated in the user's account folder is hidden by default. I just unhide it then deleted the iPhone Simulator folder situated in the Library/Application Support and then restarted the xCode everything is OK.
So, stupid problem if you know just 10sec are enough to solve this. Thank God I found myself.
May be someone can find help from this.

Can't install an application on device via iPhone Configuration Utility

Something's changed recently with iPhone Configuration Utility, and I can't install an application on the device. It used to work well, but everything's changed (I suppose) after I updated iTunes to 11.0.2 and iPhone to 6.1.2.
The symptoms are:
Every time I start iTunes I got "Unknown error (-42110)" message.
iPhone Configuration Utility often lags and freezes.
iPhone Configuration Utility shows error "Could not transfer application to device. Error: kAMDUndefinedEror."
Any ideas how to solve it?
PS: Mac mini, Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit
UPD: Fixed iTunes "Unknown error (-42110)" issue by removing C:\ProgramData\Apple Computer\iTunes\SC Info folder. But iPhone Configuration Utility still can't install an application.
Ohh.. you have updated your device to 6.1.2 so i think you need a Mountain Lion OS for MAC. since it is not able to work with lion 10.7.5 also. Update your system to mountain lion. it will be fine again.

Failed to install: xcode_4.2_and_ios_5_sdk_for_snow_leopard on OSX 10.6.8

I need to compile some apps with the iOS 5 SDK so I discovered I need to upgrade from xcode 3 to xcode 4.
My mac is on OSX 10.6.8, and I downloaded xcode_4.2_and_ios_5_sdk_for_snow_leopard.dmg from my iOS developer account. The image opens fine, does a check to confirm it can be installed, etc. but when I try the install, I get
"the installation failed. an unknown installation error occurred"
How can I fix this problem? Is there a log file to check?
Although this sounds ridiculous, set your computer clock to 1/1/2012 and it will install.
I had exactly the same issue. There is some date / time issue with Xcode's installer.
Found a proper solution at https://superuser.com/questions/410573/cant-install-xcode-on-os-x-snow-leopard :
Install this: Apple Software Installer Update 1.0.
About Apple Software Installer Update 1.0: "This update addresses an issue that may prevent certain Apple software from installing. This update is recommended for all users running Mac OS X 10.6.8."
I'm not sure that you can instal xcode 4 on OSX 10.6 :/
i have face this before and they said you have to upgrade to OSX 10.7 to install xcode 4

xcode cannot be opened because of a problem

When i want to opened Xcode then i m getting error message. Like "Xcode cannot be opened because of a problem Check with the developer to make sure Xcode works with this version of Mac OS X. You may need to re-install the application. Be sure to install any available updates for application and Mac OS X... Click report to see more detailed information and send a report to Apple".
and when i m searching .dmg file in mac i m not getting any file related to xcode so please help me out of this problem.
Thanks & Regards,
Do you have Lion or Snow Leopard? Which version of Xcode do you have?
If you just installed Lion, try downloading Xcode 4.
Or else just try to reinstall your Xcode: https://developer.apple.com/xcode/index.php
try to reinstall XCode use this command to remove XCode completely
sudo /Developer/Library/uninstall-devtools –mode=all

xcode clean failed

Both my iPhone projects are sometimes giving a "build failed" error with no explanation of what the error is, and then a "clean failed" when I try to do a clean. I tty emptying the xcode cache but that doesn't seen to help. What normally clears it is re-starting my Mac. However, that has just failed to work.
Has anybody else experienced this? I'm using the latest version of the SDK on Snow leopard.
(My Mac has also completely frozen twice today to the extent that only turning it off at the mains seemed to revive it so not a good day).
Make sure you have enough disk space on your mac.
Then go and delete your build directory in the project. Close xcode, open it back up. Try to build.
Hope that works, its just a guess.
Your Mac froze? Twice? On the Same Day? Seems your Mac is in serious disorder, I would look for this first. Maybe the build problems are just another symptom of a bigger issue.
Also, apart from checking out Xcode's logs in Console.app and posting anything interesting, did you install Xcode 3.2 from the Snow Leopard DVD before installing the iPhone 3.1.2 SDK for Snow Leopard?
If you upgrade to Snow Leopard (w/ Xcode 3.1 installed), and then immediately install the latest iPhone SDK (before installing Xcode 3.2 from the Snow Leopard disc), you may experience grave problems like this one. I know I did.
It sounds like you have disk/file problems. Check the permissions on the files and directories in the projects build folder. If you've lost permission for one of the files, the clean will fail.