How to check if parallel portlet rendering is working or not - portlet

I have enabled parallel portlet rendering in Webspere portal server 6.1.5. by following the below steps
legacy.useParallelRendering.html = true
std.useParallelRendering.html = true
And at individual portlet level as well.
Could somebody please suggest how can I check if this is working at runtime or not.
Snehan Solomon

You can verify this by checking the logs. You will see text like WorkManager in the log file.

Create a portlet that prints out a log at its start and at its end. Do a Thred.sleep in between. Add it several times to your portlet page and open that page. Check if the logs overlap or not.


Disabling SPA at porlet level

I have an WAR style application that has been converted from Liferay 6.2 to 7.1. it needs to have SPA turned off and has been tested successfully when turning off SPA at the portal level but would like to turn off at the portlet level.
have tried adding the false property to the object in liferay-portlet.xml but the app doesn't load into Liferay correctly after that and complains.
this appears to be the recommended approach from there may be some "order" necessary to these properties? I can't determine exactly what that might be from this DTD
a further inspection of the error message that occurs when the portlet is loading provides help that indicates the properties order that should appear in the liferay-portlet.xml. I'm able to deploy the portlet without error now.
unfortunately, the portlet still does not act properly. its an EXTJs front end and there are consistent "The schema can only be reconfigured once" and "duplicate object" errors reported in the browser console. reloading the entire page works fine.
how might one start to debug this issue?
I disabled SPA in a WAR application by setting <single-page-application> to false in liferay-portlet.xml
If that setting is not working to you and causes errors, please copy your log traces with the problems.

Error while opening extended Fiori app

I have extended Manage journal Entries app in Web Ide. Haven't added any extra code. Just saved it and run to check whether the app is opening as expected or not. But I am facing error " Could not open app, Please try again later".
Come across few threads regarding similar issue but my issue is not while launching, It is when extending manage journal entries app.
Fiori : Could not open App
Pre Requisite which I have checked:
SICF Service is Active.
component UIS4HOP1 200 SP 0000 is installed in my FrontEnd Server.
From the error message in the commments section it seems like you have problems with the namespace of the component. Did you check that the path and the namespace for your extension project matches the deployed app? This can very easily mess up the component loading mechanism in FLP and lead to the described result...

how to integrate custom services into apache knox 0.9.1

I got a need to integrate various service webUIs into knox gateway.For now ,i use CAS as authentication and got hdfs,hbaseUI,sparkHistoryUI worked fine.I searched google and baidu and found no detailed materials or docs for knox rewrite.xml,so i got problems in integrating new services such as kibana,hue etc.The root cause is that rewrite.xml contains many tags and attr that i just know nothing about.
As a try,i integrate tomcat7.0 ROOT is the correspond service.xml and rewrite.xml:
when i connect the tomcat home page ,everything is ok.but when i clicked the hyper-link "configuration" in the navigation bar. i got infinite number of redirect and finally "ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS" in the browser.
My question is :1)how to write the rewrite.xml to make this demo work fine.
2)is there any materials or documents about the detail of rewrite tags to share
I will appreciate if any one would help.thanks!
Start with this article:
For additional information, you can also see the documentation for service definition files:
Hope this is helpful.

adding service to addthis

I want to add my custom sharing service to an addthis widget.
According to the AddThis documentation the service must meet the specification of the oexchange format.
I've created everything and hosted it on my server. When trying to test it from the oexchange harness test, it fails.
There are two files generated from oexchnage
Target XRD File
I don't know about these two files. I generated them according the oexchange, but I'm still unable to test it with oexchange.
If anyone has been able to implement this, then please could you steer me in the right direction?
Well i found the the one solution for the .xrd file and i has been test it successfully with the oexchange test harness but still not able to test the .wellknown/ host-meta .

How can Websphere PUMA SPI (PumaLocator) be used with an ICEfaces Portlet?

PumaLocator is unusable, every findXXX-method returns empty results or throws an exception because nothing was found.
The problem seems that, due to the ICEfaces specific architecture, the method GenericPortlet.doView is invoked only for the first time the Portlet is loaded, and not for the following (AJAX) page updates, e.g. in case of a called ActionListener.
If I use PumaLocator inside the doView-method, everything works fine.
I tried the following attempts yet:
Get the PumaLocator in doView, put it into Session and use it later - didn't work
Get the RenderRequest in doView, put it into Session and use it later to get a PumaLocator by passing that request - didn't work
I would be very glad to have any hints. Thank you!
PUMA checks the authorization for results by using information found in the Context. You must add JavaEE security roles in the deployment descriptor for the AJAX backend servlets the ICEFaces uses. As a thumb of rule if request.getRemoteUser() and request.getUserPrincipal() return something besides null you know PUMA will work. Otherwise it will NOT work and that is intended behaviour.
Alternatively you can attempt to disable the security checks of PUMA like this.