Disabling SPA at porlet level - liferay-7

I have an WAR style application that has been converted from Liferay 6.2 to 7.1. it needs to have SPA turned off and has been tested successfully when turning off SPA at the portal level but would like to turn off at the portlet level.
have tried adding the false property to the object in liferay-portlet.xml but the app doesn't load into Liferay correctly after that and complains.
this appears to be the recommended approach from https://portal.liferay.dev/docs/7-0/tutorials/-/knowledge_base/t/automatic-single-page-applications. there may be some "order" necessary to these properties? I can't determine exactly what that might be from this DTD https://docs.liferay.com/ce/portal/7.1-latest/definitions/liferay-portlet-app_7_1_0.dtd.html#single-page-application.
a further inspection of the error message that occurs when the portlet is loading provides help that indicates the properties order that should appear in the liferay-portlet.xml. I'm able to deploy the portlet without error now.
unfortunately, the portlet still does not act properly. its an EXTJs front end and there are consistent "The schema can only be reconfigured once" and "duplicate object" errors reported in the browser console. reloading the entire page works fine.
how might one start to debug this issue?

I disabled SPA in a WAR application by setting <single-page-application> to false in liferay-portlet.xml
See: https://github.com/jorgediaz-lr/index-checker/blob/master/docroot/WEB-INF/liferay-portlet.xml#L18
If that setting is not working to you and causes errors, please copy your log traces with the problems.


Error: 404 The page you're looking for could not be found (gitlab). How to resolve it?

Let's say I have some website with the name website.eu. When I deploy it and try to get access to a page online like this website.eu/about I catch the error:
"404 The page you're looking for could not be found. The resource that you are attempting to access does not exist or you don't have the necessary permissions to view it"
When I click on the link that brings me a website.eu/about it works well, but trying to type that URL in the input field it fails.
Everything works fine locally.
The project is developed using Vue3.
The project is no GitLab.
If someone helps I would appreciate it.
Hard to tell without seeing the code, but my guess is your router setup uses the web history mode, which relies on the server to have certain settings applied.
I believe switching to hash mode (while adding # to the routes) will work.
Alternatively, you can update your server to support redirects to have the html mode work.
example server configurations

Error while opening extended Fiori app

I have extended Manage journal Entries app in Web Ide. Haven't added any extra code. Just saved it and run to check whether the app is opening as expected or not. But I am facing error " Could not open app, Please try again later".
Come across few threads regarding similar issue but my issue is not while launching, It is when extending manage journal entries app.
Fiori : Could not open App
Pre Requisite which I have checked:
SICF Service is Active.
component UIS4HOP1 200 SP 0000 is installed in my FrontEnd Server.
From the error message in the commments section it seems like you have problems with the namespace of the component. Did you check that the path and the namespace for your extension project matches the deployed app? This can very easily mess up the component loading mechanism in FLP and lead to the described result...

Netbeans project integration with different frameworks

We work as a third party with MVC traditional framework with oracle 11g (no hibernate) with login.jsp page to enter the systems
The main company took the
struts2 and spring and hibernate frameworks approach also with oracle 11g and they have thier login.jsp
When we integrated our work together the login.jsp approved the is the last one due to privileges issues (from the main company) although they are too similar but its programmed with hibernate,struts,spring.
There is one problem occurred that their login.jsp page gives an error (below)
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unknown entity: com.uts.entities.appsecurity.Users
The details is too long so i stored it in jsfiddle just for viewing...
The error
Now i should mention when integration i added some extra files .xml from the main company to work with theire framework in addition to their actual work:
Now if i enter the login.jsp i used to use in development it works but not the main company login.jsp we are looking for a solution for this !
the deploy does not give an error and when pressing login apachetomcat output does not give an error , it just redirect to error page on http://localhost:8084/HumanResources_2/presentation/securityAction.action
The main company login
Our(my) login
Another thing the login page of the main company the text appearing as undefined all of them.
i don`t know what causing this it works before integration , note that the main company using Eclipse am ready for any thing i can provide
the problem was a BUG in netbeans
look at the photo there is line i must remove to make it work the selected one
the check when true the above line added automatically am not sure why but it solved it

GWT - spring security - caching issue

I have a GWT application which is secured by Spring Security. I have a Main.html which serves the application and Login.html for login. For most part everything works fine everytime. But sometimes after restarting my application I can still access Main.html - although most of the widgets on the page are unusable. I can see the Login.html's HTML in the console being printed as exception. On refreshing, it takes me to login page. Has anyone ran into similar issue? Is this some kind of caching issue? How can this be avoided?
It seems that in your case your bootstrap file is beining cached and thus a wrong version of your app is being loaded.
You have to make sure that your bootstrap file (the one which is named nocache) is never cached. See here for more details.
You can check if your bootstrap file is cached by using Firebug and looking at the HTTP requests for your scripts. You can check two things:
If the correct <md5>.cache.html are loaded (compare it to the ones in your gwt output folder).
The response type of your .nocache. file is not 304 or so.
Adding meta tag on top of my Main.html - helped me resolve my issue for now.
Read this for more details : HTML http-equiv Attribute

Deploying MVC2 application to IIS7.5 - Ninject asked to provide controllers for content files

I have an application that started life as an MVC (1.0) app in Visual Studio 2008 Sp1 with a bunch of Silverlight 3 projects as part of the site. Nothing fancy at all. Using Ninject for dependency injection (first version 2 beta, now the released version 2 with the MVC extensions).
With the release of .Net 4.0, VS2010, MVC2 etc., we decided to move the application to the newest platform. The conversion wizard in VS2010 apparently took care of everything, with one exception - it didn't change references to mvc1 to now point to mvc2, so I had to do that manually. Of course, this makes me think about other MVC2 things that could be missing from my app, that would be there if I did File -> New Project... But that is not the focus of this question.
When I deploy this application to the IIS 7.5 server (running on Win2008 R2 x64), the application as such works. However, images, scripts and other static content doesn't seem to exist. Of course they are there on disk on the server, but they don't show up in the client web browser.
I am fairly new to IIS, so the only trick I knew is to try to open the web page in a browser on the server, as that could give me more information. And here, finally, we meet our enemy. If I try to go directly to the URL of one of the images (http://server/Content/someimage.jpg for instance), I get the following error in the browser:
The IControllerFactory 'Ninject.Web.Mvc.NinjectControllerFactory' did not return a controller for a controller named 'Content'.
Aha. The web server tries to feed this request to MVC, who with its' default routing setup assumes Content to be a controller, and fails.
How can I get it to treat Content/ and Scripts/ (among others) as non-controllers and just pass through the static content? This of course works with Cassini on my developer machine, but as soon as I deploy, this problem hits.
I am using the last version of Ninject MVC 2 where the IoC tool should pass missing controllers to the base controller factory, but this has apparently not helped. I have also tried to add ignore routes for Content etc., but this apparently has no effect either. I am not even sure I am addressing the problem on the right level.
Does anyone know where to look to get this app going? I have full control of the web server so I can more or less do whatever I want to it, as long as it starts working.
I had a similar problem with StructureMap and favorite.ico what I ended up doing was to add a route to ignore that path.
Keep in mind that I have absolutely no idea really but another thing that changed is the need for Default.aspx, also if you have any custom pages those would need to mapped. That's the only two problems I had with routing.
routes.RouteExistingFiles = false;
EDIT: I meant that the RouteExistingFiles should be false otherwise I get that exception in MVC2 :)
Turns out this was caused by some account settings - I was unaware of the IIS AppPool\sitename account automatically being created by IIS in Win2008 R2 server. After trying "everything", I came across this information, gave the proper rights, and stuff magically started working.
Pretty hard thing to debug, especially for someone (me) with very limited IIS experience.