How can Websphere PUMA SPI (PumaLocator) be used with an ICEfaces Portlet? - icefaces

PumaLocator is unusable, every findXXX-method returns empty results or throws an exception because nothing was found.
The problem seems that, due to the ICEfaces specific architecture, the method GenericPortlet.doView is invoked only for the first time the Portlet is loaded, and not for the following (AJAX) page updates, e.g. in case of a called ActionListener.
If I use PumaLocator inside the doView-method, everything works fine.
I tried the following attempts yet:
Get the PumaLocator in doView, put it into Session and use it later - didn't work
Get the RenderRequest in doView, put it into Session and use it later to get a PumaLocator by passing that request - didn't work
I would be very glad to have any hints. Thank you!

PUMA checks the authorization for results by using information found in the Context. You must add JavaEE security roles in the deployment descriptor for the AJAX backend servlets the ICEFaces uses. As a thumb of rule if request.getRemoteUser() and request.getUserPrincipal() return something besides null you know PUMA will work. Otherwise it will NOT work and that is intended behaviour.
Alternatively you can attempt to disable the security checks of PUMA like this.


How to disable wss4j timestamp cache

I need to update a javaEE application (still in java 1.7) that provides a SOAP web service. And I'd like to disable the TIMESTAMP_CACHE that wss4j (v2.0.2) uses to control reply attacks. It creates too many files and the OS reaches the maximum open files allowed, repeatedly. The files start to appear, one for each request that has been made and are named in the following way:
The documentation states that the TIMESTAMP_CACHE can be changed (or so I understand):
ConfigurationConstants.ENABLE_TIMESTAMP_CACHE ("enableTimestampCache"): Whether to cache Timestamp Created Strings (these are only cached in conjunction with a message Signature). The default value is "true".
I've found many examples to change some of these ConfigurationConstants when a client application creates the Call object. See an example to change the PASSWORD_TYPE constant:
Service service = new Service();
Call call = (Call) service.createCall();
call.setProperty(UsernameToken.PASSWORD_TYPE, WSConstants.PASSWORD_TEXT);
However, my application is not on the client side but on the server side and I haven't found so far the way to change the ENABLE_TIMESTAMP_CACHE constant.
Any idea?
I couldn't find a way to disable the timestamp cache. However, the wss4j behaviour described above happened to be a bug that not only resulted in lots of open files but in lots of open threads. It has already been fixed in version 2.0.9. Upgrading to the "newer" version did the trick.
You can find here the discussion in full that drove to the bug discovery and here the fix in wss4j's jira

Disabling SPA at porlet level

I have an WAR style application that has been converted from Liferay 6.2 to 7.1. it needs to have SPA turned off and has been tested successfully when turning off SPA at the portal level but would like to turn off at the portlet level.
have tried adding the false property to the object in liferay-portlet.xml but the app doesn't load into Liferay correctly after that and complains.
this appears to be the recommended approach from there may be some "order" necessary to these properties? I can't determine exactly what that might be from this DTD
a further inspection of the error message that occurs when the portlet is loading provides help that indicates the properties order that should appear in the liferay-portlet.xml. I'm able to deploy the portlet without error now.
unfortunately, the portlet still does not act properly. its an EXTJs front end and there are consistent "The schema can only be reconfigured once" and "duplicate object" errors reported in the browser console. reloading the entire page works fine.
how might one start to debug this issue?
I disabled SPA in a WAR application by setting <single-page-application> to false in liferay-portlet.xml
If that setting is not working to you and causes errors, please copy your log traces with the problems.

SmartGWT DataSource adding QueryString to REST call

So, I have a Spring-MVC RESTful backend, that is cross-domain enabled. It is unit-tested, I can call my web-services and get back the correct JSON.
I have a SmartGWT 5.1p and GWT 2.7.0 front-end application that works great in SuperDev mode or Classic Dev Mode, either works great. When I do this, I am using the old Firefox 24 browser with the GWT plugin, and I can see my app work just great. My datasources are tied to RESTful web-services, and I can create, retrieve, update, and delete records via my DataSources.
I can compile the whole app via Maven, and get a WAR created just fine. I tried moving this WAR over to a tomcat server, and it deploys correctly. I can see the app running in tomcat with no errors in the logs.
Then when I go to the first page, the app comes up s normal with no errors. The first thing I do is add a username and password into a form, and then it is supposed to call a LoginDataSource which is tied into a LoginCOntroller, or login web-service.
What I can see from firebug is that when I make my call, rather than just calling:
I get:
http://mydomain:8080/admin/login/user/myusername/pwd/mypassword?0{and a whole lotta stuff after this) ... the query string I presume.
When I hit the Submit button, I get a SERVER TRANSPORT error, and that's it, I don't get any more information that that. There is nothing else to report from firebug except that the OPTIONS and GET add a whole lot of query string nonsense after the password.
I can look in the tomcat logs, and I don't see any errors in there at all. I don't even see the URL call to the web-service.
Any help on this would be much appreciated. I've been dealing with SmartGWT for years, and switched to back-end development for a while, and not I am trying to make my SmartGWT front-end work as well. But, I am a little rusty as to what is happening now.
The problem is not the querystring, it's the old base url I have in the datasource. There is a method in each datasource called: getServiceRoot
In getServiceRoot, I was using a hardcoded "localhost:8080", which in client code that doesn't work. That means whoever is running the app in their browser, "localhost" means their machine. So, I had to change the getServiceRoot to do the following:
protected String getServiceRoot()
String baseUrl = "http://" + Window.Location.getHostName();
return baseUrl + UrlConstants.SOME_URL_REST_ENDPOINT;
Since I have two WAR's on the same machine;
one WAR is a Spring MVC back-end RESTful web-services
the other WAR is the front-end, SmartGWT client application
This is a problem I run into ... I think just because both are on the same machine, that to the front-end, just call the code on the localhost, because it is there. But to the browser, that could be any other machine.
I suppose I could have just hard-coded the public IP address of the machine running tomcat, and then the client-side SmartGWT would then certainly find the RESTful web-services. Or, I could have used a Spring Env Profile to make that happen as well. But the code change I made should work, provided both WARS are on the same machine.
I just got to remember that client-side code in a browser is relevant to the machine the browser is running on.
So, this is fixed. If anyone needs any clarification, please let me know.

Apigee can't add TradeTracker Soap API

I'm very new to Apigee.
I'm adding an existing WSDL service as a API proxy.
When fetching the SOAP functions, all looks good. Every single one is imported and are setup correctly.
When i then hit the save button the proxy is created, but are never submitting the revision to the server.
When looking into the problem I see that i get a 502 error back from a file named[NAME]/tradetracker-api/?validate=true
Also a TypeError: 'undefined' is not an object (evaluating 'b.then') are thrown from a file named 24efdbdd.proxy-editor.js
As i'm using Apigee's own website to add the proxy, so there's not much i can do about it.
This is happening in both Chrome 32, Safari 7 and Firefox 25 and the error has been there for at least a week.
I can't be the only one using Apigee's which keep's getting this error!?
There appears to be an issue with the WSDL file format -- not entirely sure what it is as one WSDL validator I used said it was okay, and another one choked on it saying it wasn't able to parse the file.
I've opened an issue with the Apigee product team to see if A) we can identify the issue with this WSDL and B) improve the product to throw a proper error rather than timing out.
This is fixed in the next release that is scheduled for release on 2/5/2014.

symfony/zend integration - blank screen

I need to use ZendAMF on a symfony project and I'm currently working on integrating the two.
I have a frontend app with two modules, one of which is 'gateway' - the AMF gateway. In my frontend app config, I have the following in the configure function:
// load symfony autoloading first
// Integrate Zend Framework
require_once('[MY PATH TO ZEND]\Loader.php');
spl_autoload_register(array('Zend_Loader', 'autoload'));
The executeIndex function my the gateway actions.class.php looks like this
// No Layout
// Set MIME Type
$this->getResponse()->setContentType('application/x-amf; charset='.sfConfig::get('sf_charset'));
// Disable cause this is a non-html page
sfConfig::set('sf_web_debug', false);
// Create AMF Server
$server = new Zend_Amf_Server();
echo $server->handle();
return sfView::NONE;
Now when I try to visit the url for the gateway module, or even the other module which was working perfectly fine until this attempt, I only see a blank screen, with not even the symfony dev bar loaded. Oddly enough, my symfony logs are not being updated as well, which suggests that Synfony is not even being 'reached'.
So presumably the error has something to do with Zend, but I have no idea how to figure out what the error could be. One thing I do know for sure is that this is not a file path error, because if I change the path in the following line (a part of frontendConfiguration as shown above), I get a Zend_Amf_Server not found error. So the path must be correct. Also if I comment out this very same line, the second module resumes to normality, and my gateway broadcasts a blank x-amf stream.
spl_autoload_register(array('Zend_Loader', 'autoload'));
Does anyone have any tips on how I could attach this problem?
P.S. I'm currently running an older version of Zend, which is why I am using Zend_Loader instead of Zend_autoLoader (I think). But I've tried switching to the new lib, but the error still remains. So it's not a version problem as well.
got it...
I was not using
while loading Zend. It's still odd that it would give such a cryptic error, but this was the missing piece indeed.