Link posting on Facebook wall without permission - facebook

So if I click this link you see the "google captha" its basically fake and set so that if you press 3 it will share the link automatically to FB. How the can they share it without asking me first if I want to share it. Normally it would open a Status Update box.
I am just curios if you know how the trick works.
Thanks in advance!


How to get all users who comment and set like using facebook api

Tell me how you can get all the users who left a comment or like on my photo using
If I understand the documentation correctly, it is already impossible to do this at the moment.
Is it so?
Open your facebook home page. Right click on it and select inspect. Press ctrl+f to find tra. After you alick tra it will redirect you the list of people who have commented on your profile and photos.

Error with facebook feed dialog

I tried to create a button to share, using direct URL, as shown here.
But I got an error. The code:
href=" app_id=364547240322699& link= picture= name=Ranking+Metro+Hockey+-+Anunciante+-+Flick+Bag& caption=Ranking+Metro+Hockey& description=Nueva+funda+porta+palo%2C+canilleras%2C+protector+bucal+y+objetos+personales.& redirect_uri="
How to debug this problem? They need to give any permission to the application? You can also just use a link to share?
I do not use Open Graph meta-tags since, on the same page there is another main button to share that uses OG.
Add &show_error=true to the end of the link so Facebook will show you the error and you can see what's going on.

Number in front of Facebook share button

I have a blog at where I post my photos.
It has a share utility which I have enable from administrative interface. In this sharing utility there is an option to share using Facebook.
Not sure why it shows a number in front of "Facebook" text inside button, attached is a screen grab of a post Facebook share button.
Please let me know if anyone knows the right answer.
Thanks :)

Link from Wall to Application Tab that do not open a new window

I know this is meant for programming questions, but I just can't seem to find any information on this anywhere, so here goes nothing:
I have a Facebook page to which I added a custom Application tab. Now I'd like to be able to post a link to that Application tab that doesn't open in a new window/browser tab.
Using an url shortener I was able to post the link, but when clicking the link the url is opened in a new window, which in my opinion is not necessary. I'd like to know if there is a way to not open a new window.
Thanks a lot in advance!
You cannot change the default behavior of the facebook wall. If is there where you want to post the link, you have nohing to do with it. Sorry.

On a quest for the super ultimate facebook share link

Facebook offers two simple methods for pre-poulating someones status for posting.
1) For sharing a LINK:
2) For sharing a message: rocks!
My question: is it possible to combine these. So if someone clicks your pre-populated link, they get both an attached LINK and a personalized message to go with it?
Facebook moved to Open Graph and realized it by introducing the Like Plugin. They removed the share documentation for a reason!
For you to use the Like plugin.