I can't see metada of my Facebook canvas application - facebook

First of all I can't post any specific info about project because it has to be secret till going live.
I'm struggling with my Facebook canvas application. I set up everything correctly, and added App Namespace, lets say 'some_namespace'.
So my app would be accessible under this URL: http://apps.facebook.com/some_namespace/
When I check this URL in debugger (http://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug) it works perfectly! I see all the metadata (image, title, description and others)
But see attached images - I can't see anything there:/
Can anyone help?

I think you need to lint the url of your app page, not the facebook url. Do you get any different results from that?

First one started to work when I generated second using activity, so probably fb cache issue, or lack of data several hours ago
Second one started to work after I specified App info details (with 180px image) on app profile page.


Facebook Not Scraping URL Properly (Blocked URL) On Fresh URL's

I have started to experience a really strange problem with Facebook link scraping/caching which seems random in nature.
On brand new posts when I go to check: https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/ with my new URL I get a message saying 'Cannot scrape: URL blocked'
We have literally been sharing URL's to Facebook for YEARS with no problem whatsoever. All open graph tags are present and working fine.
What is really weird is if I just manually press the 'scrape again' button it grabs all the bits properly and says everything is fine. It's always just the first attempt.
I have also tried manually calling the scrap API instead of letting Facebook do it when someone shares the URL for the first time and still sometimes (not always) it returns empty (just 'id' and 'url' returned) indicating the URL was blocked.
What's going on here it's driving me mad? We are nowhere near our API limits if maybe that was the issue...
Why would it say blocked first go on the debug page then literally 2 seconds later you press 'scrape again' and it works fine.
Just to note sometimes when it says blocked it still shows maybe the image in the link preview but no title or description. It's like it's grabbed some tags but then given up. Very strange...
I have checked our access logs and I can see 'Facebot' accessing our site fine.
Hope someone can help, I am really hoping this is some weird Facebook bug as I can't see any change in our code base that would effect this.
Facebook does not return anything helpful when this happens even with the API. I have no way in contacting Facebook direct either. If we are somehow getting blocked I would love to know why and fix that issue. But it's impossible to debug at the moment.
Just to note I have 3 sites all running the same code base (WordPress environment). They are all experiencing this issue. All been running fine for many years.
This was to do with rate limiting that was not visible in the Facebook APP dashboard. Helpful...
Full details here: https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/232343637174087/
Solution for your problem: You can use Facebook image button after adding link on Facebook news feed, like shown in iamge
second thing upload image on othe site and give the image path to your website and then put it on your news feed, you can get definitely positive result using this two methods.
also refer this image
thanks hope this two will work for your problem

&makeprofile=1 parameter no longer works

I made several apps that invited the user to create pictures, uploaded them to facebook and then sent them to a link on facebook that allowed them to set them as their profile picture:
In the last few days, facebook is just ignoring the makeprofile parameter. I just love developing for facebook, it's such a roller coaster ride.
Can anyone help? Is there an alternative?
You can redirect to the mobile URL like:
and then it magically works.
The undocumented makeprofile=1 does still work, but the user needs to have permission to view the photo in the first place. I tested this on the following public image:
Update (14 Dec 2014):
Clicking on the above link using a Desktop browser shows me the below popup on Facebook. The feature does still work (at least for me).

Share image including some attributes (e.g. description) on Facebook over web without app validation hassle

I want to share an image from a website on Facebook and pass some attributes (e.g. a description) to the status update, all done by clicking on a link.
A few months ago this worked fine using the sharer.php but by now this script just accepts a URL as parameter and scrapes the target site for Open Graph meta tags. This new approach isn't very helpfull if you just want to share elements on a page instead of the whole page.
Yeah, I could create an app and use the feed dialog to achieve my goal. But I honestly don't want to walk through the tedious app validation process just to share an image with some additional info!
So, does anyone know of a way to avoid this app hassle? Perhaps some undocumented parameters for the new implementation of the sharer.php?
There's no need for app validation - as #CBroe correctly stated! So the feed dialog IS an adequate solution!
Background: I assumed an app needs validation to go live. But I just didn't set up my app properly to make it available to every Facebook user.
See the comments to gloat over my stupidity. ;)

og:image and facebook linter are showing 2 different images

I changed the og:image being used for this post a week ago and the old one still shows up when you check the url in linter. The url is the same in the meta tag but the pic IS different. Could it be a FB Cache issue? For a week? If so, Is there a way to clear fb cache?
Image that should appear
But you'll see linter shows the old image still (which was too small). I was under the impression that linter will refresh the cache. I did read to put a totally different image url in there and then switch it back but it didn't work. When I changed the url, that did get updated but then when I put the url back to the other file name. The old image STILL displays even though the image in that url is different
Yes, running the lint checker/debugger on a URL used to cause Facebook to update the og:image. I just wrestled with this and solved the problem by appending "?1" to the URL I provide for the image. I ran it through the lint checker again and Facebook updated to the new image.
Apache ignores the query parameters on static files. I don't know about other web servers. If dummy query parameters are a problem, you might try changing the image's filename.
I suspect that Facebook has changed something about their caching. Thanks for sparing me the pain of waiting for cache expiration by having done that experiment yourself.
Facebook has a tool called Debugger (formerly known as URL Linter).(...) We can use this tool for any url and it fetches the latest title,
description, excerpt and other stuff that will be shown while sharing
the link. If you use an already shared URL with this tool then
Facebook fetches the latest content, and also updates it cache with
the latest content.
More info here. I also found that you can try with using fbrefresh parameter in this debugger - Facebook Open Graph not clearing cache

Facebook url randomly unreachable

I'm sure anyone who has worked with Facebook has encountered the url unreachable problem with the comments plugin and alike.
I managed to get around this initially by making urls go to the facebook app page rather the hosted page, figuring facebook would be able to find itself, and ammended the url with a query string which could internally redirect them to right content. For example "app.facebook.com/myApp/?myAppP=videos&myAppId=0001" would first of all load the facebook app page then redirect the iframe to show the videos page and play video 0001.
This worked great at first but seems to have become a little unpredictable. I have a list of different videos, all of which use the same url except that the "myAppId" is different so the correct video is loaded. However whilst the "comments" and "like" plugins work fine for about a 1/3 of them, the other 2/3 show the "url unreachable". I can see no correlation between the urls that work and those that don't. It seems completely random, but it is always the same one that do and don't work.
This has got me completely stumped. Any ideas?
try to disable sandbox on app settings