&makeprofile=1 parameter no longer works - facebook

I made several apps that invited the user to create pictures, uploaded them to facebook and then sent them to a link on facebook that allowed them to set them as their profile picture:
In the last few days, facebook is just ignoring the makeprofile parameter. I just love developing for facebook, it's such a roller coaster ride.
Can anyone help? Is there an alternative?

You can redirect to the mobile URL like:
and then it magically works.

The undocumented makeprofile=1 does still work, but the user needs to have permission to view the photo in the first place. I tested this on the following public image:
Update (14 Dec 2014):
Clicking on the above link using a Desktop browser shows me the below popup on Facebook. The feature does still work (at least for me).


Posting text and image to my Facebook 'wall' from Codenameone app

What I am trying to do from my Codenameone app, in Eclipse, is to send a piece of Text and an Image to my Facebook wall. Simple (or is it). Can anyone explain to me how to achieve this in Java (in a CN1 app) please?
I am not wanting the user to login to facebook in my app. Instead, to achieve this in the same way that many mainstream apps do this (eg. BBC News app) where they use the Facebook app, that is already installed on the device, in the list of destinations to Share to, which resolves the FaceBook connection issue. If the user doesn't have FB app installed then I will not make this available to them.
I have read articles online but they are a number of years old (post out of date) or make use of tokens (for which I have little knowledge how to implement).
Assuming the above is possible then any information on formatting the destination post would be a real plus.
Many thanks in advance.
Answered by #WizKid, #Diamond, #Shai Almog.
I have put a ShareButton component on my screen allowing the user share with FB, Twitter etc.
ShareButton sb = new ShareButton();
String imageFile = FileSystemStorage.getInstance().getAppHomePath() + getMyFileName();
sb.setImageToShare(imageFile, "image/png");
sb.setTextToShare("My Text to share");
This works nicely, although its doesn't put the text from my setTextToShare() into FB but does Twitter and Email. Strange. Photo goes up and it does allow me to type my own text in.

Force Facebook to preview image from original link, not server side redirect

I hope someone can help - please bear with the explanation! I have 5 years of gallery photos, published here: https://www.girlsfly2.ca/past_events.html (redirects to https://www.girlsfly2.ca/past_events_2016.html).
Two main plugins are implemented - Packery bin-packs the photos into a gallery arrangement, LightGallery allows for individual slide-show and Facebook (and other social media) share.
The desired behavior is that a visitor is able to share a photo they like on their FB timeline - a preview of that specific photo, along with whatever comments they choose to make. Then, if one of their friends is interested by the photo, they can click on the photo - which is actually a link - and visit the source.
The initial problem I had was that FB would preview the source page, and not the individual photo. This is because the LG plugin uses a hash plugin to generate a "page" for sharing. The developer suggested a workaround was to pass an html link for each photo through the plugin, which worked and the photo previewed correctly.
This created a new problem in that when one clicked on the return link from FB one landed on the individual photo, with no way to navigate back to the main gallery since nothing else was loaded. This creates a frustration for the user, if they wanted to find out what the photo, and our initiative is all about.
The developer told me what I wanted was only possible if I created a complete HTML page for each photo (approximately 400 of them!). I had the bright idea to use server-side redirects in the interim - so that when one clicked on the image link it would redirect to the main gallery page of that particular year.
When I coded 2016 I tested functionality several times before implementing the redirects, and even though I didn't share each and every photo, FB seems to have cached the original links, not the redirects for all the photos.
I tackled 2013 and 2012 next but in this case the redirects were implemented in advance of publishing the respective pages and I discovered that FB is now previewing a default photo for all shares from each respective gallery. This is not ideal! I instantly had this problem when I created a batch folder redirect in 2016 which went away when I did individual redirects for all 207 photos, perhaps because some individual links were already cached.
Last night I played around with the FB scrape tool and disabled the 2013 redirects while I tested this. I'm wondering if I encourage FB to cache the individual photo links and then re-implement the server-side redirects if that will work?
Also, this is a very time consuming and cumbersome fix - and I'm guessing it won't be permanent either. Surely there is a better way through coding?
The bottom line question: Is there a way to force FB to preview the original html link, instead of it pinging the server, detecting the redirect and displaying a default image from the redirect gallery page?
Note that 2015 photos have not been redirected! The undesired preview behavior can be seen on the 2012 page, and at the time of writing the desired preview behavior is happening on the 2016 photos even the the coding style for both pages is the same. Also 2014 is not yet published so for the moment will yield a 404.
Sorry for the long explanation - I didn't see a way to shorten it. I really hope someone can help with this!

Facebook App Creation related questions

Good afternoon and happy new year!
I have a web site, whose URL is http://www.høly.com
The user will type something in the "type here & share" textbox and, when he clicks the Facebook logo, something will be shared to their Facebook timeline via an app.
1) I'm using Mozilla Firefox on Windows 8.1 and some users reported that Facebook sharing doesn't work on Mac OS X. It works for me though. The app is not sandboxed. I would like to know what is going on and how I can fix this.
2) Whenever someone shares my URL on Facebook (via copy-paste, not the app), I want it to have a specific image and a description. Can you please tell me how to do that?
For question 1: facebook plugins works on all browser, so there must be a javascript error in you code that prevents the execution of facebook script. 2. You can use og meta tags as described here

"view app profile page" button missing

I've just duplicated and re-skinned an app I've used many times before. It's a simple Like gate with a name/email form to fill in.
I've copied the details for the app config within the developer app just as I do every other time. Last time I installed an identical app was about 3 weeks ago.
I am missing the "view app profile page" on any app I've tried to create today which means I can't add it as a custom tab to my pages to test it out, or get to it at all.
Anyone know why this may be the case please?
Try the following link
before use, replace:
[APP-ID] with your app id
[http://www.yourdomain] with the Facebook canvas or tab URL (on your domain; not the facebook.com one)
As you can see from this facebook developers blog post, facebook has started removing the "application profile page". This change will be completed 1st of February 2012. There are details in the blog post on how to handle these changes.

Facebook Like Button Keeps Resetting

I'm trying to add a facebook "like" button to my page, and it is appearing just fine. My problem is that once it is clicked by a user, it says "Like NUMBER" then resets as if the request was canceled or something.
The weird thing is that if I try to like a page using my facebook account it works, but I tried letting a friend like some content and this behavior appeared.
I created a facebook app, specified the site url with a trailing slash, and site domain. I used the app ID with FB.init, and with the open graph tags. I can't figure what I'm doing wrong here. Any help would be appreciated.
Sample page can be found at: http://wiseolive.com/en/doctors/3881-khalid-jamal-salaymeh
First, for the count to work correctly, Facebook needs to have access to the page (in other words a public page). Check your URL in the linter tool (https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug) to ensure it can been seen by Facebook.
Secondly, ensure your og: tags are correctly setup. Once again, you can use the linter tool to do that.
Facebook like buttons will show this behavior until they have been scraped by Facebook. That scraping (facebook like docs) will occur every 24 hours, when an admin clicks the like button or the url is put in the url debugger/linter. From what I can tell doing that will solve the problem for that specific link, but not any others you may have on your site.
I don't know of a generic solution for dynamically generated pages unfortunately.