Facebook App On Mobile - View Notification - "Privacy check failed - You can not see that" - facebook

We've just developed a Facebook application which has a piece of functionality that allows you to post to a friends' wall. Fairly simple piece of functionality, and it's been working so far on the main www.facebook.com website. If I receive a notification that someone has posted on my timeline, and can click the link, and see the post. This is fine.
However, move to the iPhone app, or the mobile website, and it's not the same. I see the notification, click the link, and then see the following Facebook error message:
Privacy Check Failed
You can not see that.
Interestingly, in the mobile website, if I simply change the subdomain part of the URL in the address bar from
To access the full site, it works fine, and I can see the post (I've blanked the IDs for privacy).
After some research on the web, I can't anyone who has recently seen this message. Has anyone else seen it before? My instinct is telling me it's a bug with Facebook, but I want to check I'm not missing anything.


Misconfigured: App Sorry, That Helps hasn't been approved for display in App Center

I have a simple Facebook App that I use to allow users of my website to login with Facebook. Recently I added a basic custom story via the open graph API, e.g.
Nick plays a mixtape via anexample.com
The custom story appears in my stream as expected, however when I click the anexample.com link on the story I get the following error and cannot access the actual Facebook App page:
Sorry, the details for anexample.com cannot be displayed because the app is
What is strange, is that the application redirects at
despite the fact that the app is not registered as a game.
Has anyone else faced this behaviour?
On tapping on the App link, you could navigate it in one of the two possible ways
Any FB page: Add the page in Advanced settings of your App.
A website: Add a web platform

Facebook scam error for web app

I am testing an integration of Facebook with external web app under facebook canvas.
I got down to just having a simple HTML page, but still getting the SCAM error.
This is a browser feature intended for developers. If someone told you to copy-paste something here to enable a Facebook feature or "hack" someone's account, it is a scam and will give them access to your Facebook account.
For more information, see https://www.facebook.com/selfxss." in Chrome and similar message in Firefox.
The page is not displaying. I only can see "Cannot POST/fb_source=bookmark&ref=bookmarks&count=0&fb_bmpos=3_0"
My app is hosted on heroky and currently have just "HELLO APP NEW" text, no more.
GITHUB: git#heroku.com:better-you-v0-1.git
HEROKU: https://better-you-v0-1.herokuapp.com/#
What can be a reason for that?
That's a warning shown by Facebook to its users to prevent people tricking them into performing self-XSS attacks on themselves - it's not related to whatever problem you're having with your app

App requests successful, but no notification shown

I am using the normal setup for sending invites through the requests dialogue:
method: 'apprequests',
message: "Please add me, I am doing the same, thanks!"
function(response) {
The response is successful, response.to shows multiple ids. So sending these invites works like it should. The problem is that these apprequests are not shown up as notifications like they usually do, instead the only place to find them here.
Has the API changed? Looking for answers has given me no results, though I did find this bug report from February 15th 2013.
Is Facebook just testing yet again, or has the API changed but not the documentation? I am truly grateful for any insights!
There's two simple things that might cause that problem.
One is that you application is missing the Canvas. Just add it from the your App panel in Facebook Developers.
The second one - make sure your app is NOT in SandBox Mode. If it is it won't send any notifications. I lost hours before figuring that out and changing the code in all possible ways.
Hope that helps.
Its not facebook bug its a problem in your facebook app configuration :
Follow the below configuration and its working like a charm.
You just need to go in to the Facebook developer and select your app and goes in to the setting of your app and click "Add Platform" and select "App On Facebook" and than add canvas url in it. now try to send invitation and it will show the notification.
or go to facebook developers,
Change 111 to your APP ID
This was posted yesterday in facebook bugs site.
However, it is still not working for me even though I'm utilizing the exact code that the FB comment is referencing.
I realize this is not complete answer to the question and should be put in the comments. However I am a newbie and don't have enough reputation on StackOverflow to post comments. Emil, could you please let me know if you resolve this issue.
Had same issue, I added Secure Canvas URL, etc. But problem was I haven't provided iPhone Store ID inside iOS section in Settings.
As of Graph API 2.3, Game requests are only available to games.
As mentioned in Game Requests description, you have to create Facebook Web Games in App Portal, then you will get the notification with Game Request. Not for website anymore.
I had to implement facebook ‘apprequests’ instead of the deprecated ‘appinvites’ in an existing cordova app and spent hours debugging.
‘apprequests’ are only available in Facebook Apps categorized as ‘games’.
You can send notifications only to platforms (iOS, Android, Facebook web games) that are involved with the facebook app. That means, you will never receive a notification in your browser if you miss ‘facebook web games’ as platform. My expectation was to be notified in the facebook browser app if I was invited from a Mobile app.
iOS devices don’t get notifications.
In my case, I’ve missed to fill the app store id in the Facebook app platform configuration. After that, notifications appeared instantly.
If you like notifications in the fb browser app, you have to add ‘Facebook web games’ (formerly known as ‘canvas’) as plattform.
You can save yourself a lot trouble by creating test users in the app role category of your facebook app.

Facebook app invite immediately deleted from notifications

I have a website where we use the request dialog to allow users to invite their friends to check us out. From the inviters side everything works as expected. The person being invited does get the notification, but it is immediately deleted. So they would see the red 1 over the globe for only a half a second, but it immediately dissapears and the message does not stay in their list of notifications. They do get the invite in the apps and games section. This used to work, but for some reason it has stopped. Is this possibly a config thing with the app settings within facebook? Any insight would be appreciated.
A little more detail on this. I created this as a web app in facebook apps. It looks like it also needs to have the App on Facebook setting checked with values added for the canvas url. It works as expected now. Heres a link to what pointed me in the right direction
Notification for facebook app requests not showing up

iOS and Facebook Graph API: Inconsistent authorize issues

I'm using the official FBConnect library for iOS and trying to get it working in my iPad app. Here's what's strange: when my friend logs in using the call to authorize:permissions:delegate, everything works fine: the dialog asks for his authorization to connect to Facebook, the fbDidLogin delegate method gets called, all is well.
However, when I try to login, the dialog never changes. The keyboard is dismissed, the password field is cleared and it just sits there. The issue is the same in both the simulator and on the device.
Here are the things I've checked and triple checked:
My login name and password are correct. If I do put in the wrong password, an "invalid username/password" message appears, and that isn't happening.
The application is not in sandbox mode.
The Application ID is correct (my friend can login without problems).
Some additional information:
Original application was created by my friend.
I created a second FB app and put in the new Application ID
My friend can login with the new Application ID
I can log in to neither.
This appears to suggest that there is something different about my friend's account, rather than the app itself.
We've been banging our heads together on this for a couple of days now. What could be causing this behaviour? Why isn't an error being generated?
Edit: It seems there are a lot of people affected by this, so in the interest of trying to find an answer, I've added a bounty.
There appears to be a server-side problem with Facebook logins as noted here:
People have said that if they change their password on Facebook they are subsequently able to log in using the Facebook-iOS-SDK downloaded from github. Obviously that is a poor long-term solution and would be unacceptable in an app released through the App Store. On the bright side, there seem to be reports of similar login problems logging in from apps on other platforms as well.
Update: Facebook has a bug filed on this subject that can be viewed here: